Grant--Martin Lawrence (Biology Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 183 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 People to know: Dorothy Grant: Making tracks all over the world
Northern Iowan 95:17, p.14
Profile of former UNI Museum employee Dorothy Grant; photo.
2 Faculty affairs
A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.317
A look at salary schedules, fringe benefits, faculty loads, faculty governance, and faculty organizations in the 1950s and 1960s; photo.
3 Plants pressed in file folders; UNI herbarium
Northern Iowan 86:22, p.17
Student Scott Zager talks about the collection of plants in the Department of Biology; photo.
4 Herbarium at University of Northern Iowa houses 30,000 plant specimens.
Public Relations News Release 1989:220, p.1
Dead plants, pressed flat and mounted on paper are kept in pink file folders at the herbarium. They come from as far away as the Middle East, as close as your back yard and there are more than 30,000 of them.
5 Speed up the change process, says ASCD director Cawelti
Alumnus 62:1, p.19
Discusses problems in education; photo.
6 UNI Museum to Open Sunday
Public Relations News Release 1972:48, p.1
Museum will resume its Sunday afternoon openings.
7 Northern Iowa museum to reopen tomorrow
Northern Iowan 65:24, p.5
Has been closed since July 1964; will re-open in Physical Plant Shops building; description of collections including recent Martin Grant material.
8 New building delights science faculty
Alumnus 53:4, p.3
Description of features of new building; photo.
9 Deaths of long-time faculty sadden university staff
Alumnus 53:3, p.4
Professor Hartwell died December 7, 1967; Professor Hunter died May 19, 1968; Professor Goetch died June 3, 1968; Professor Grant died June 28, 1968.
10 Dr. Martin Grant dies June 28 at Sartori
Northern Iowan 64:61, p.1
Brief obituary; died June 28, 1968
11 Symposium to discuss scientific advances
Northern Iowan 64:17, p.1
Over one thousand high school teachers and students will attend; speakers include Willard F. Libby.
12 Eighteen faculty members to study India in seminars
College Eye 64:5, p.3
List of those who will take part in Faculty Development Seminar.
13 Summer research grants to faculty
Alumnus 51:4, p.10
Three professors receive grants.
14 International student dinner is Thursday
College Eye 63:17, p.12
Speaking on the problems of foreign students will be Dr. Martin Grant.
15 Faculty plans to travel, research for the summer
College Eye 60:60, p.3
Survey of faculty plans for the summer.
16 Three profs receive grants for research
College Eye 60:58, p.3
Professors Sage, Goss, and Grant receive grants from the SCI Foundation for summer work.
17 Grants return from Iran
Alumnus 50:4, p.12
Return after two years of work on Fulbright program.
18 Grant teaches, collects in Iran
Alumnus 50:1, p.5
Profile of Professor Grant and his collections; photo.
19 Keefe new Faculty Senate chairman
College Eye 59:3, p.3
Fred Lott is vice chairman.
20 Science in the early sixties at SCI
Alumnus 49:3, p.2
Curriculum, programs, personnel, and opportunities in Department of Science; photo.
21 SCI Foundation to purchase tract of land for biological project
College Eye 57:16, p.3
Will purchase 75 acre tract along Snag Creek north of Cedar Falls for $6500; will use Matala memorial funds.
22 Old and new faces, places enrich 1961-62 school year
College Eye 56:33, p.1
A look at the year's activities and events.
23 College foundation purchases land
College Eye 53:15, p.6

SCI Foundation purchases two-acre prairie near Butler Center Cemetery.

24 SCI Foundation purchases tract of Iowa prairie
Alumnus 46:4, p.10
Two acres north of Parkersburg near Butler Center Cemetery will be named after Joseph Clay; photo.
25 Great-grandma outdone by Grant
College Eye 53:3, p.5

A look at Professor Grant's collection of magazines; photo.

26 Bells are ringing . . . a new Africa
College Eye 52:39, p.3
Criticizes a recently published letter about African lifestyles.
27 Are we lost in the Congo jungle?
College Eye 52:38, p.2
Believes student misunderstood recent movie.
28 Red & green birds visit campus
College Eye 52:28, p.4
Red crossbills sighted on campus.
29 Science Department Offers Closed Circuit TV Courses
Old Gold 0:0, p.111
Closed circuit TV classes were offered for the second year; the Academic Year Institute was attempting to upgrade the quality of science and math courses; photo.
30 Untitled
College Eye 50:13, p.2
Declares that the overemphasis on athletics on campus is largely the fault of the paper.
31 Science Tries Closed Circuit TV
Old Gold 0:0, p.111
Description of the department and the various activities and events that the department took part in; photos.
32 Department of Science
Old Gold 0:0, p.53
The Department of Science participated with Iowa State College and the State University of Iowa in the Lakeside Laboratory on Lake Okoboji; the National Science Foundation awarded a grant to Martin Lawrence Grant; photo.
33 Gila monster bite not fatal
College Eye 48:29, p.5
Professor Grant talks about having been bitten by a Gila monster; photo.
34 History tour students meet many graduates
Alumnus 40:1, p.7
Fourteen students make natural history tour of six thousand miles.
35 Dr. Grant will attend council of professors
College Eye 47:11, p.1
For AAUP chapter.
36 Schedule nature exhibit in vocational building
College Eye 46:39, p.3
Will display collections of natural history field trip.
37 Field history class tours U.S., collects leaves and flowers
College Eye 46:36, p.2
Professor Grant leads trip to American West; description of activities.
38 Science Sponsors Conservation Camp
Old Gold 0:0, p.91
Description of the department and the accomplishments over the year. Also, a list of the fields that are a part of the department and a photo of the faculty; photos.
39 Dr. Martin L. Grant and Dr. James Kercheval
Alumnus 39:2, p.11
Presented papers at Iowa Academy of Science.
40 Invite forty to religious conference
College Eye 46:27, p.5
Group will discuss religion in the public schools.
41 Two faculty read papers on science
College Eye 46:26, p.8
Professors Kercheval and Grant attend IAS meeting.
42 Announce travel course to Northwest this year
Alumnus 39:1, p.1
Field Natural History course will be led by Professor Grant and Mrs. Grant.
43 Teachers College adopts new eight week summer session
College Eye 46:17, p.7
A look at the various programs offered during the summer session.
44 Science department announces plan for Northwest U.S. study courses
College Eye 46:12, p.5
Martin Grant may lead trip; a look at the itinerary.
45 Religious News
College Eye 46:8, p.7
News from campus religious centers.
46 International Relations Club hears lecture
College Eye 46:5, p.6
Martin Grant shows slides from trip to Colombia.
47 Dr. Grant shows slides on Colombia Thursday
College Eye 46:4, p.6
Will show slides at International Relations Club meeting; has spent a year in Colombia.
48 Science
Old Gold 0:0, p.244
Brief description of the department; photo.
49 Science teachers travel to Ames
College Eye 45:28, p.6
For IAS meeting.
50 Teachers College participates in five year religious study
College Eye 45:22, p.6
One of 15 colleges to take part in AACTE study.