Griffin--Emily (Student--2004)

Displaying 1 - 8 of 8 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 UNI's Department of English Language & Literature announces winners of the Selina Terry Poetry Award
Public Relations News Release 2008:456, p.1
The first-place winner, Diane Temple, is guaranteed publication in the student-run literary magazine, "Inner Weather." The award celebrates Selina Terry, former professor of English, and was established in 1999 by Eugen Bovee. Students listed.
2 UNI Interpreters Theatre to present "Until Someone Wakes Up"
Public Relations News Release 2008:249, p.1
"Until Someone Wakes Up" confronts audiences with alarmingly true experiences of women who were victims of sexual assault and rape, as well as the role that society plays in fostering this kind of violence. Students listed.
3 Reading of "Fefu and Her Friends" to be presented for Women's History Month
Public Relations News Release 2007:519, p.1
The Department of Theatre and Women's and Gender Studies will present a reading of "Fefu and Her Friends" March 31; description of play.
4 "Dead White Males" looks at issues facing modern-day teachers
Northern Iowan 104:38, p.4
Play is a dark comedy that explores the social and political issues facing teachers today.
5 UNI Repertory Dance Theatre presents 20th century dance styles
Public Relations News Release 2006:0, p.1

A free presentation will be given Sunday, December 3.

6 UNI YPDT to host annual fall dance festival
Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1
Young Peoples Dance Theatre before-and-after school program will host Fall Dance Festival.
7 UNI delegates attend national residence hall conference
Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1
Student conference held at Syracuse University explored ideas on how to create an even better residence hall atmosphere.
8 Untitled
Northern Iowan 101:18, p.9
Nico Vicari performs the title role in UNI production of "Dracula"; photo.