Gullickson--Olive Luella (Class of 1931)

Displaying 1 - 8 of 8 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Olive Gullickson Sime
Northern Iowa Today 89:2, p.30
Died on April 17, 2005.
2 Olive Gullickson
Alumnus 20:4, p.27
Married Orlando Sime in July, 1936.
3 Informal initiation ceremonies for sixteen students
Public Relations News Release 1930:487, p.1

Initiated into Kappa Delta Pi.

4 Olive Gullickson will give recital April 13
College Eye 22:26, p.5
5 Photos of graduates
Old Gold 0:0, p.67
1926 graduates; photo.
6 Olive Luella Gullickson
College Eye 17:42, p.5
Teaching in Ridgeway.
7 Irving Literary Society
Old Gold 0:0, p.274
Officer roster; members; society colors, motto, mascot and flower; photos; candids
8 Student recital held Tuesday afternoon
College Eye 16:21, p.8
Program for recital.