Displaying 1 - 50 of 175 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Campus crime briefs Northern Iowan 116:26, p.2 |
Campus safety reported two incidents of a man exposing himself on November 14. On December 1, Cedar Falls and UNI police responded to an armed robbery. | |
2 | "Heathers" remake misses the mark Northern Iowan 115:23, p.3 |
Leitner gives the television show remake of "Heathers" an unfavorable review; photo. | |
3 | Students walk out for gun control Northern Iowan 114:39, p.1 |
A large number of students participated in a walkout for gun control organized by UNI student Emily Paul. The gathering was in reaction to the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School; photos. | |
4 | CFPD searching for possible Hill shooting witness Northern Iowan 114:26, p.2 |
The Cedar Falls Police Department are looking for a woman who may be a witness to the shooting that occurred on College Hill on Saturday, November 11, 2017; photo. | |
5 | Why is everything politicized? Northern Iowan 114:23, p.3 |
Columnist Schrad argues that the public makes decisions on issues based on political ideologies rather than facts and has the tendency to over politicize controversial issues; photo. | |
6 | Shots fired on Hill: One dead, one injured Northern Iowan 114:23, p.1 |
There was a report of shots fired on College Hill November 11th. The shooting occurred between two Waterloo natives. Campus security and the Cedar Falls Police Department responded to the call; photo. | |
7 | Gun violence, gun control, and the NRA Northern Iowan 114:18, p.3 |
Columnist Wolfe discusses the increase in gun violence in the United States since 2012. She addresses the lobbying influence of the NRA on issues related to gun control; photo. | |
8 | Gunshot heard on campus Northern Iowan 114:14, p.2 |
The Office of University Relations has reported there was a gunshot heard on campus. The investigation is ongoing. | |
9 | Taking a closer look mass murder Northern Iowan 114:12, p.3 |
Columnist Cobb discuses mass shootings. Cobb says to stop blaming mental health disorders on these shootings. Cobb says we need to look deeper then gun control and mental health awareness; photo. | |
10 | The lesson and warning of the Ferguson uprising Northern Iowan 111:6, p.3 |
Student Christopher Daniel shares his opinion on the Ferguson riots and what he thinks police should do in the future to prevent protests from becoming violent. | |
11 | Trigger warning: America needs gun control Northern Iowan 111:2, p.3 |
Student Cory Cooling shares his opinion on gun control in the United Sates. | |
12 | Student voices: Given the recent shooting at Fort Hood, what is your stance on gun control? Northern Iowan 110:48, p.4 |
Several students responded to the question, "Given the recent shooting at Fort Hood, what is your stance on gun control?"; photo. | |
13 | CF man arrested after gun complaint Northern Iowan 110:46, p.2 |
Zachary Palmer was arrested after a shooting incident at Hidden Valley Apartments. Palmer fired a handgun into the air while standing on his apartment balcony, and then displayed the weapon in a threatening manner to bystanders. | |
14 | Shot UNI professor will return Monday Northern Iowan 110:28, p.1 |
Professor Julie Husband was shot in the jaw over Thanksgiving break. She and her family were in Ohio visiting family when the incident occurred. Husband will be returning to campus on Monday, December 16. | |
15 | Mental health education is a must Northern Iowan 110:18, p.3 |
The topic for discussion was the school shooting in Sparks, Nevada. Children are not taught how to cope with emotions. Instead, children act out, sometimes in terrible ways. Mental health care is a taboo tobic in modern society. | |
16 | Gun control is a futile deterrent Northern Iowan 109:28, p.4 |
Author discusses argument on whether to allow citizens to lawfully own rifles including assault weapons that can fire ten or more bullets quickly before reloading. We should not limit ourselves so we fall prey to the people who do not adhere to the law | |
17 | A diagnosis Northern Iowan 107:29, p.7 |
The shooting of Representative Gifford in Arizona has brought up the seemingly unending debate on gun control. | |
18 | Is hateful rhetoric to blame for political violence? Northern Iowan 107:28, p.9 |
Believes that many things contribute to violence. There is seldom one cause for these events. | |
19 | Internal investigations, internal biases Northern Iowan 107:7, p.9 |
When police departments hold internal investigations, the perception is that the loyalties and friendships within the department will be taken into account. Many question the fairness and objectivity of these investigations. | |
20 | Gun incident causes students to question need for armed campus police Northern Iowan 106:35, p.1 |
Accidental firing of weapon in the University of Iowa's departmental headquarters raises the question of the need for armed officers on campus. Dave Zarifis defends the program; students of mixed opinions. | |
21 | Living the dream Northern Iowan 2008:28, p.12 |
Fantasy basketball tips. Discussion of the problems of guns in the locker room; photo. | |
22 | Recently armed UNI Police put to the test Northern Iowan 104:43, p. |
Department of Public Safety responds well to Alert on campus; photo. | |
23 | UNI reacts to possible gunman; suspect in custody Public Relations News Release 2007:494, p.1 |
UNI Police were notified of a possible gunman threatening a student. Students and faculty were notified via the UNI Alert system and all nine residence halls were locked down. | |
24 | Students, staff packing pistols to protect themselves Northern Iowan 104:41, p.1 |
Public safety officers now carry guns at the Regents institutions. In Utah, students and staff are allowed to carry concealed weapons; photo. | |
25 | Culture Corner: Murdergames Northern Iowan 104:37, p.7 |
The popularity of violent video games is questioned as being somewhat responsible for an increasingly violent society. | |
26 | NIU in our hearts Northern Iowan 104:37, p.7 |
Tragic events at Northern Illinois University, Virginia Tech, and Columbine remembered. Student, faculty, and staff urged to be polite and kind to those around them. | |
27 | Guns on campus Northern Iowan 104:36, p.1 |
Ten most recent campus shootings, including number of killed and wounded. | |
28 | UNI to implement campus alert system Northern Iowan 104:36, p.1 |
UNI Alert System has been tested on small groups; then will be tested campus wide on February 27. Students, faculty, and staff are urged to update their personal information. | |
29 | Best of 2007 Northern Iowan 104:28, p.1 |
Quick look at most important events of 2007; photo. | |
30 | Campus police now armed Northern Iowan 104:28, p.2 |
On December 23, 2007, campus police began to carry firearms; Dave Zarifis talks about the matter; photo. | |
31 | UNI Police to be armed; timeline of UNI Police gaining the right to be armed Northern Iowan 104:20, p.1 |
Board of Regents votes, 6-2, to require Regents peace officers to carry firearms. | |
32 | Wisconsin murders affect arming debate Northern Iowan 104:19, p.1 |
Arming of public safety officers at UNI causes students to have mixed reactions. | |
33 | Trap and Skeet Club promotes educational sport Northern Iowan 104:17, p.3 |
Sport shooting club grows to twenty members. | |
34 | Riding along with the UNI Police Northern Iowan 104:11, p.1 |
Reporter rides along with campus police officer; logs what happened on a Friday night; police officers talk about their work; photo. | |
35 | Trigger happy UNI Northern Iowan 104:10, p.8 |
Revisits the issue of arming public safety officers;' considers use of golf carts for patrols on campus; photo. | |
36 | Gun issue delayed until October Northern Iowan 104:9, p.4 |
Board of Regents has postponed action on the arming of public safety officers at Regent institutions; photo. | |
37 | Iowa Board of Regents delays vote to arm campus police Northern Iowan 104:8, p.1 |
Regents ask board office to draft a comprehensive plan for campus security that would include the arming of officers. | |
38 | Arming campus police unnecessary Northern Iowan 104:8, p.8 |
Reasons for opposing the arming of campus police. | |
39 | Saving our reputation Northern Iowan 104:7, p.10 |
Safety on campus needs to be preserved; cites attack on a woman student within the past week. Members of the UNI community urged to stick together. | |
40 | Allen wants to arm campus police Northern Iowan 104:7, p.1 |
President Ben Allen recommended to the Board of Regents that UNI public safety officers be allowed to carry guns; photo. | |
41 | To arm or not to arm, that is the issue Northern Iowan 104:6, p.1 |
Permission for public safety officers at Regents institutions to carry firearms is a hot topic; photo. | |
42 | Better safe than sorry Northern Iowan 104:5, p.7 |
Arming campus police is discussed. | |
43 | Campus safety discussed Northern Iowan 104:3, p.4 |
Arming campus police and smoking on campus from a student perspective noted; photo. | |
44 | Forum discusses possibility of arming campus police Northern Iowan 104:3, p.1 |
Discussion of campus police carrying firearms was well attended; photo. | |
45 | The men hold the guns Northern Iowan 103:55, p.7 |
Virginia Tech shootings revisited. | |
46 | Defeated gun control amendment stirs up debate Northern Iowan 103:55, p.1 |
Amendment to arm campus public safety officers defeated; photo. | |
47 | Gun control: an oxy-moron at work Northern Iowan 103:54, p.7 |
Opposing viewpoints on gun control presented; photo. | |
48 | Public Safety lobbies to bring guns to campus Northern Iowan 102:13, p.1 |
Public Safety officers are allowed to carry only tasers and mace, but Lt. Gary McCormack and Director of Public Safety Dave Zarifis would like to see them carrying guns, too; photo. | |
49 | Student Voices Northern Iowan 102:11, p.9 |
Students respond to the question, "Do you think campus police should carry guns, why or why not?" |
50 | First grade student caught with gun at school in Waterloo Northern Iowan 100:28, p.1 |
Seven-year-old found loaded pistol outside his house and brought it to school; police believe there was no intent to harm. |