Gute--Gary G. (Family Services Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 31 of 31 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Unique exhibits on display in the Union: Students and faculty show off creativity
Northern Iowan 110:27, p.3
The Creative UNIversity Conference showcased creative works of many UNI students. Steven Tepper from Vanderbilt University spoke at the event. Art for El Salvador was featured at the event, they are raising money to open a school in El Salvador; photo.
2 Conference to showcase creative work produced at UNI
Public Relations News Release 2013:126, p.1
UNI's Creative Life Research Center will host an inaugural Creative UNIversity Conference. Steven J. Tepper, founder of the Creative Campus Initiative, will be the keynote speaker at this event.
3 New research center brings creativity to UNI: the center strives to improve student learning and problem solving
Northern Iowan 110:13, p.3
The Creative Life Research Center has opened its door here at UNI. It is located in Sabin Hall. The goal of the center is to help make UNI a nerve center for creative research both statewide and nationwide; photo.
4 UNI Creative Life Research Center aims to engage and inspire
Public Relations News Release 2013:48, p.1
The Creative Life Research Center is opening its doors for the 2013-14 academic year. They aim to help students to access their creative side. It will allow students to collaborate with other students and faculty.
5 UNI professors explore the casual sex habits of Midwestern college students
Northern Iowan 107:48, p.1
Gary Gute and Susan Hill presented information about casual sex and moderated a discussion following the presentation; photo.
6 UNI to host presentation on cross-cultural sexuality
Public Relations News Release 2009:48, p.1
Sexual attitudes, practices and behaviors and how they vary by culture, will be the focus of a lecture presented by Janell Carroll, a prominent national speaker, sexologist and author. The lecture is called "Sex Around the World."
7 University Book & Supply recognizes excellence in non-tenured faculty
Public Relations News Release 2008:473, p.1
Five non-tenured faculty members will be honored this spring with the UBS Outstanding Teaching Award. The award, recognizes outstanding teaching skills and contributions to their profession by faculty who have not yet been tenured. Faculty members listed.
8 More than just porn in the morn
Northern Iowan 105:5, p.9
Profile of Gary Gute and his many interests.
9 Your Health and Sexuality questions answered
Northern Iowan 104:33, p.9
Question of the week.
10 Introducing a new "Health and Sexuality" column
Northern Iowan 104:31, p.7
Author of new column introduces herself; explains the intent and procedures of the new column.
11 Myth vs. reality: college sex
Northern Iowan 101:4, p.9
Spotlight on sexual activity in college and its consequences; photo.
12 Valentine's Day can make and break hearts
Northern Iowan 100:36, p.9
History and reasons for the popularity of Valentine's Day.
13 Let's talk about sex
Northern Iowan 98:43, p.11
Reports show that teenagers are waiting longer to have sex, possibly because of negative repercussions.
14 University of Northern Iowa Association of Educational Office Professionals to host 35th annual workshop Monday, March 16
Public Relations News Release 1997:242, p.1
Educational Office Professionals workshop March 16 to feature speakers Gary Gute, Arthur Cox, Dorothy Juhl, and Rick Seeley.
15 This is National Procrastination Week or was it last week
Public Relations News Release 1996:293, p.1
Professor Gute talks about the cause and solutions to procrastination.
16 "Fantasticks" on campus
Northern Iowan 93:25, p.9
Cedar Falls Community Theatre will present "The Fantasticks" this weekend.
17 More than 1,000 UNI graduates awarded degrees
Public Relations News Release 1986:459, p.1
Sue Fleming delivered the student address and received a Purple and Old Gold award.
18 UNI Library named for Director Donald Rod
Northern Iowan 82:54, p.1

Regents approve naming Library in honor of Donald Rod, who will retire in June after 33 years as Library Director; profile of Mr. Rod; photo.

19 Fox's mission: wake students up: Friends colleagues reminisce
Northern Iowan 82:29, p.5
Quick excerpts from speeches made at the dedication of the Fox seminar room.
20 Goodbye to Moore
Northern Iowan 78:62, p.2
Fond tribute to Michael Moore.
21 Josef Fox collection superbly controversial
Northern Iowan 78:60, p.6
Review of the Fox collection of essays.
22 Springtime comes to UNI
Old Gold 0:0, p.92
The bright sunshine and warm weather permits students to study outdoors; photo.
23 New student coalition running in UNISA election, urges students to vote
Northern Iowan 78:13, p.2
The concerned student coalition is upset with UNISA and announces its candidacy for UNISA.
24 Fox Library supporters have dedication . . .
Northern Iowan 77:56, p.6

Students hold informal dedication ceremony; photo.

25 No ROTC!
Northern Iowan 77:55, p.2
Feels that ROTC is not an academic program; therefore, prohibiting it on campus is not a violation of academic freedom.
26 'Senate violated obligation'
Northern Iowan 77:52, p.3
Believes that the Faculty Senate violated its obligation to the students by voting in favor of ROTC.
27 Josef Fox library--to be or not to be?
Northern Iowan 77:51, p.1
Campus officials offer opinions on the subject.
28 UNISA officers and senators assume offices
Public Relations News Release 1980:521, p.1
The University of Northern Iowa Student Association will take their offices and serve the student body.
29 'Rare devotion to duty'
Northern Iowan 77:45, p.3
Gary Gute believes the library should be named after Josef W. Fox.
30 Object to UNISA action
Northern Iowan 77:40, p.2
UNISA senators question speaker's decision not to fill appointed positions.
31 Backs library proposal
Northern Iowan 77:23, p.2
Supports naming the library after Josef Fox.