Haahr--La Vina C. (Class of 1935)
Displaying 1 - 42 of 42 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Lt. and Mrs. Wm. D. Wesselink, (LaVina C. Haahr) Alumnus 29:4, p.31 |
Announce the birth of a son, Fred Thorlund. They have another son, David De Wayne. LaVina is living with the children in Cedar Falls. | |
2 | Mrs. William D. Wesselink Alumnus 27:3, p.27 |
The former LaVina Haahr and her family live in Independence, Kansas. | |
3 | La Vina C. Haahr Alumnus 25:1, p.25 |
Married William D. Wesselink, June 27, 1940.They reside in Webster City, where William is dean of the junior college. Before her marriage, she had been teaching commercial subjects in the Webster City High School. | |
4 | LaVinna Haahr Alumnus 21:4, p.27 |
Visited the Teachers College; noted former students and graduates who teach in Marathon, Iowa, where she teaches. | |
5 | LaVina Haahr Alumnus 20:4, p.24 |
Commercial teacher in Marathon, Iowa. | |
6 | Drama Old Gold 0:0, p.196 |
Brief description of the year's productions; photos. | |
7 | LaVina Haahr Alumnus 20:1, p. |
Commercial instructor in Rutland, Iowa. | |
8 | Bride, brides-elect honored by V. O. V.'s College Eye 27:53, p.3 |
Entertain Marjorie Gibson and LaVina Haahr. | |
9 | V. O. V. Sigma Phi Old Gold 0:0, p.229 |
Founded in 1896; advisors, honorary member, officers, and members; photos. | |
10 | Theta Alpha Phi Old Gold 0:0, p.178 |
Organized in 1924; purpose, advisor, officers, and members; photos. | |
11 | Playcraft Club Old Gold 0:0, p.149 |
Aims, advisor, officers, and members; photo. | |
12 | Old Gold Old Gold 0:0, p.128 |
Letter from the staff, officers, and staff members; first Old Gold to be put together in new Gilchrist Hall offices; photos. | |
13 | Who's Who Old Gold 0:0, p.102 |
Photos. | |
14 | Class of 1935 Old Gold 0:0, p.58 |
Graduate photos. | |
15 | Women's League Old Gold 0:0, p.47 |
Activities, committees, and officers; photos. | |
16 | Drama students will present the first amateur production of "The Distaff Side" on May 29 Public Relations News Release 1934:1086, p.2 |
Description of the play and cast and crew members. | |
17 | Everything is in the readiness for students to entertain their mothers on Mother's Day Public Relations News Release 1934:1061, p.1 |
Program for the all college dinner. | |
18 | Plans for entertaining and welcoming mothers were nearing completion this weekend Public Relations News Release 1934:1052, p.2 |
Schedule of events for the annual Mother's Day celebration. |
19 | Telleen coronated Mardi Gras queen at colorful ball College Eye 26:37, p.1 |
Review of costume award winners. | |
20 | Students frisk at Mardi Gras festival tonight; Bob Schneider and his orchestra to provide music College Eye 26:36, p.1 |
Will feature exhibition tango. | |
21 | Marc Ihm is concluding a busy but popular four year at the Teachers College Public Relations News Release 1934:961, p.1 |
Highlights of Mr. Ihm's college career. | |
22 | Mothers will be entertained at dinner by their sons and daughters at the annual Mother's Day celebration Public Relations News Release 1934:907, p.1 |
The May festival will be discontinued this year. | |
23 | Mothers of Teachers College students will be entertained at dinner Public Relations News Release 1934:856, p.1 |
Committee members for the annual Mother's day celebration. | |
24 | Dramatic students attend state meet College Eye 26:24, p.4 |
Professors Lynch and Strayer, as well as eight students, participate in meeting in Elkader. | |
25 | The play, "Criminal at Large," will be presented as part of the Homecoming festivities Public Relations News Release 1934:654, p.1 |
Cast and crew of the play. | |
26 | Playcraft Club Old Gold 0:0, p.156 |
The Playcraft Club was organized in 1925; description and officers; photo. | |
27 | Nu Omicron Nu Old Gold 0:0, p.235 |
Organized in 1896; officers, aims, and members; photos. | |
28 | Inter-Sorority Council Old Gold 0:0, p.224 |
Began in 1922; aims, officers, faculty members, and members; photos. | |
29 | Pep Club Old Gold 0:0, p.154 |
Rho Epsilon Rho was organized in the fall of 1933; purpose and officers; photo. | |
30 | The drama division will present A. A. Milne's play, "The Perfect Alibi" Public Relations News Release 1934:505, p.1 |
Cast and crew of the play. | |
31 | Brauer, Cowie, Pingel, Northey win elections; balloting is light in last all-school election of year College Eye 25:36, p.1 |
Results of recent elections. | |
32 | Students to vote Monday for new council members College Eye 25:35, p.1 |
Roster of candidates for Student Council positions. | |
33 | Sucher to play for V.O.V. dinner dance College Eye 25:31, p.3 |
34 | Tutor Ticklers fifth annual all-student vaudeville show Public Relations News Release 1933:372, p.1 |
An oriental theme to be carried through out the production. |
35 | Nu Omicron Nu Old Gold 0:0, p.246 |
Officers, history, aims, members, and pledges; organized as Nu Omicron Nu in 1896; combined with Sigma Phi in 1918; photos. | |
36 | Commercial Club Old Gold 0:0, p.190 |
Officers, aims, and members; organized in 1924 to promote interests of commercial teacher training students; photos. | |
37 | Orchestral music department plans St. Patrick's heyday for this week-end College Eye 24:22, p.3 |
Campus social calendar. | |
38 | 75 students will perform in the 1933 edition of the Tutor Ticklers Public Relations News Release 1932:229, p.1 |
The theme of this years Tutor Ticklers performance is "Driving Old Man Depression Out" of the country. Seventy-five students will sing, dance, and act in the fourth annual all-student revue. | |
39 | Tutor Tickler acts Public Relations News Release 1932:224, p.1 |
Photo captions. February 2-3. | |
40 | Gag men and hoofers College Eye 24:17, p.1 |
Three Lambda Gamma Nu comics which will be presented for Tutor Ticklers; photo. | |
41 | V. O. V. Sigma Phi Old Gold 0:0, p.261 |
Names of members; photos. | |
42 | Cedar Falls girls Public Relations News Release 1931:38, p.1 |
Area women pledge sororities. |