Habbinga--Mary (Class of 1986)

Displaying 1 - 3 of 3 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 67 UNI students initiated into Kappa Delta Pi Education Honor Society; Scholarship winner announced
Public Relations News Release 1986:370, p.1

Membership in the group is limited to junior and senior education majors; Keenan won a $300 education scholarship.

2 UNI student teachers completing their service in Iowa communities
Public Relations News Release 1986:254, p.1
Student teachers are usually UNI seniors and they observe and teach for nine weeks, receiving eight credit hours for their work.
3 42 UNI students initiated into Kappa Delta Pi education honor society
Public Relations News Release 1985:144, p.1
Membership in the group is limited to juniors and seniors with outstanding achievement; one incoming member, Woeste, received the Education Scholarship that is given every semester to an inductee; committee members are and inductees are listed.