Hahn--Philip Lee (Music Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 69 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Concert features harpsichord duo
Northern Iowan 69:33, p.3
Professor Philip Hahn and Gary Miller will perform; concert program.
2 Hahn to present concert Sunday
Northern Iowan 69:9, p.4
Profile of Professor Hahn; concert program.
3 UNI Hosts First Statewide Trumpet Festival
Public Relations News Release 1972:178, p.1
A Trumpet Festival is being held Dec. 4 in Music Hall.
4 Dr. Hahn to Present Organ Recital at UNI
Public Relations News Release 1972:97, p.1
Dr. Hahn will present an organ recital Oct. 26 in Music Hall.
5 UNI Music Instructor to Present Faculty Concert
Public Relations News Release 1972:66, p.1
Bruce Chidester will present a faculty concert on Oct. 17 in Music Hall.
6 Two UNI Music Students Scheduled to Present Recital
Public Relations News Release 1971:634, p.1
Linda McVay and Dale Lukan will each perform a student recital in Music Hall on May 20.
7 Symphonic Band to feature faculty works
Northern Iowan 67:51, p.11
Will play new work by UNI faculty.
8 UNI Symphonic Band to Present Concert
Public Relations News Release 1971:595, p.1
Concert will be held in Music Hall on May 9 under the direction of Dr. Holvik.
9 UNI Symphony and Chorale to Give Concert
Public Relations News Release 1970:145, p.1
Concert will be Nov. 8 in Music Hall.
10 UNI Students to Present Recital
Public Relations News Release 1970:139, p.1
Steve Harbaugh and Donna Silver will each present a student recital on Nov. 5 in Music Hall.
11 Bach highlights Hahn's recital
Northern Iowan 67:10, p.1
Program for Professor Hahn's concert.
12 Philip Hahn to Present UNI Faculty Recital
Public Relations News Release 1970:95, p.1
Hahn will perform Oct. 20 in the Music Hall. The recital is open to the public and is free of charge.
13 Solo Ensemble Concert at UNI
Public Relations News Release 1969:715, p.1

The UNI Music Department will present a solo ensemble recital at 7:30 p.m. July 28th.

14 UNI Prof Receives Doctor of Musical Arts Degree
Public Relations News Release 1969:706, p.1
Philip Hahn received the Doctor of Musical Arts degree July 14th, from the American Conservatory of Music in Chicago; biography
15 15 Cedar Falls-Waterloo area youths to give recital
Public Relations News Release 1969:618, p.1
Students and members of the UNI Music Department will present selections in the Music Hall.
16 UNI students scheduled to present music recital Feb. 26
Public Relations News Release 1969:357, p.1

Linda Frey and Linda Meehlhause to present recital in partial fulfillment of the B. A. degree requirement for music majors.

17 UNI Schedules Third Church Music Workshop
Public Relations News Release 1969:313, p.1
Bob De Yarman, choirmaster of the United Church of Christ in Iowa City will share leadershop of the workshop with Philip Hahn.
18 UNI Holds Seventh Annual Mid-Year Commencement
Public Relations News Release 1969:287, p.1
McCollum to address "A Winter of Discontent" in the Men's Gym for the seventh annual Mid-Year Commencement; list of graduates and degrees
19 UNI to Hold Seventh Annual Mid-Year Commencement Jan. 21
Public Relations News Release 1969:285, p.1
McCollum to address "A Winter of Discontent" in the Men's Gym for the seventh annual Mid-Year Commencement; biography
20 Behind the scenes
UNI Quarterly 1:2, p.4
Campus news wrap-up consisting of short articles about many people and events; photo.
21 Collegium Musicum to be Presented at UNI Monday
Public Relations News Release 1969:209, p.1
"Music from Seventeenth Century German".
22 Hearst-Latham Cantata to be Performed on Sunday
Public Relations News Release 1969:151, p.1
Performance of James Heart's "Blind with Rainbows."
23 Music prof performs in faculty concert
Northern Iowan 66:9, p.9
24 UNI Organist to Present Faculty Concert
Public Relations News Release 1969:45, p.1
Hahn will present the second concert in the UNI 1969-70 faculty concern in Music Hall.
25 Hahn will give recital
College Eye 63:41, p.8
Performance program.
26 Gives faculty leaves for Doctoral work
College Eye 63:32, p.5
List of those who received PDLs.
27 Phillip Hahn begins fall concert tour
College Eye 63:20, p.4
Will play in major US cities.
28 Mr. Hahn will present recital Sunday
College Eye 63:5, p.8
Performance program.
29 Faculty recital 8:30 p. m. Tuesday in Music Hall
College Eye 60:64, p.1

Performance program.

30 Solos, ensembles in faculty recitals
College Eye 60:59, p.1
Performance program.
31 Tones of contemporary period will echo tonight
College Eye 60:47, p.5
Concert program.
32 French organ music concert to be Sunday
College Eye 60:38, p.4
Philip Hahn will present concert.
33 Untitled
College Eye 60:23, p.1
Philip Hahn sits at the organ he played as a tribute to Albert Schweitzer.
34 SCI humanities to present Schweitzer memorial tribute
College Eye 60:22, p.1
Description of program in honor of Albert Schweitzer.
35 Philip Hahn will present organ recital Sunday
College Eye 60:10, p.3
Performance program; description of Professor Hahn's recent activities.
36 Faculty and students to give recital
College Eye 60:10, p.3
Will present medieval and Renaissance music.
37 Faculty publish, win national offices
Alumnus 50:3, p.18
List of recent faculty achievements and announcements of recent resignations.
38 Hahn places fourth in competition
College Eye 59:48, p.1
In a group of 316 in England.
39 Leaves today for England
College Eye 59:46, p.3
Philip Hahn will perform in Europe.
40 Philip Hahn tours Europe this summer
College Eye 59:44, p.3
41 Faculty students to give 'Music of Today' program
College Eye 59:33, p.3
Performance program.
42 Hahn to give Bach recital
College Eye 59:26, p.7
43 Phillip Hahn will begin three-week concert tour
College Eye 59:10, p.4
Will play in a number of Midwest and Eastern cities.
44 Hoover memorial service Sunday in Men's Gym
College Eye 59:7, p.1
Professors Quirk, Howard, and Hahn will take part in service.
45 Philip Hahn concert set for Monday
College Eye 59:4, p.4
Concert program.
46 Hahn opens faculty recital series Oct. 5
College Eye 59:2, p.3
Will present organ recital.
47 Unorthodox sound in Monday recital
College Eye 58:25, p.1
Performance program.
48 Doodling contest: art, crafts highlight 'Primavera Aura'
College Eye 58:23, p.8
Will include style show and music.
49 Baroque music recital Monday
College Eye 58:12, p.1
Performance program.
50 Organ recital Sunday night in Music Hall
College Eye 58:10, p.1
Program for Professor Hahn's performance.