Hahn--William (Student--2006)

Displaying 1 - 9 of 9 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 UNISTA hosts third annual Stand-Up Comedy night
Northern Iowan 106:17, p.14
Seven comics perform at the third annual Stand-Up Comedy night. Many laughs throughout the evening; photo.
2 "What I Did Last Summer" captures plight of adolescence and conflict
Northern Iowan 106:11, p.9
The A. R. Gurney play is being performed at the Strayer-Wood Theatre. A well-crafted set created a neat atmosphere of the house and the rugged outdoorsy feel of Anna's residence.
3 "What I Did Last Summer" set to appear at Strayer-Wood Theatre
Northern Iowan 106:9, p.10
Bertha Martin Theatre to host A. R. Gurney's comic drama, "What I Did Last Summer".
4 Strayer-Wood Theatre to open season with 'What I Did Last Summer'
Public Relations News Release 2009:66, p.1
Set on the shores of Lake Erie near Buffalo, N. Y., in 1945, the play is a coming of age story about a 14-year-old boy, Charlie, who is trying to find his own identity separate from that of his middle-class parents. Cast members are listed.
5 Play festival pushes limits
Northern Iowan 105:50, p.5
Student Theatre Association hold the third annual Ten Minute Play Festival. Pregnancy, toilet mediations, and everything in between will be fair game for the performers; photo.
6 The Peanuts gang with real issues
Northern Iowan 105:46, p.4
Parody of the Peanuts comic strip presented by Student Theatre Association; photo.
7 Theatre UNI presents Steve Martin comedy, 'The Underpants'
Public Relations News Release 2007:696, p.1
"The Underpants" was written by Carl Sternheim in 1910 and adapted for modern audiences by comedian Steve Martin. The play exposes the results when a young wife's underwear accidentally falls to her ankles on the street during a parade for the king.
8 UNI students to participate in UNISTA 10-minute play festival
Public Relations News Release 2007:485, p.1
The 10-minute play festival will be held March 7-9; list of participating students.
9 Theatre UNI presents "The Wrestling Season"
Public Relations News Release 2006:0, p.1
"The Wrestling Season" will be opening February 22.