Haines--Peter G. (Business Education Faculty)
Displaying 1 - 42 of 42 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Peter Haines Alumnus 68:2, p.30 |
Died March 14, 1983. | |
2 | Business Old Gold 0:0, p.93 |
Brief description of the department; photo. | |
3 | Two faculty members resign Alumnus 40:1, p.2 |
Rose Lena Ruegnitz retires; Peter Haines resigns; photo. |
4 | Business teachers will hold dinner College Eye 47:12, p.3 |
For local business education teachers. | |
5 | Haines, Harland at annual state vocational clinic College Eye 47:9, p.6 |
6 | Nelson announces appointing of five to college faculty College Eye 46:37, p.1 |
Brief profiles of new faculty. | |
7 | Two instructors gain doctorates College Eye 46:34, p.4 |
Professors Lebeda and Haines receive degrees. | |
8 | Workshop sessions supplement learning College Eye 46:34, p.1 |
Description of summer session workshops; photo. | |
9 | Business Education Has Varied Training Old Gold 0:0, p.81 |
Description of the Business Education department and a photo of the faculty; photos. | |
10 | Haines authors business article College Eye 46:31, p.6 |
11 | Business profs receive doctors College Eye 46:31, p.5 |
Professors Lebeda and Haines complete doctorates at University of Minnesota. | |
12 | Five faculty members appear at business education meet College Eye 46:21, p.3 |
At national meeting. | |
13 | Business department offers course on retail display as civic service College Eye 46:14, p.5 |
Peter Haines will teach evening class. | |
14 | Business profs attend holiday NBTA meeting College Eye 46:13, p.6 |
15 | Haines attends textile clinic College Eye 46:11, p.10 |
16 | Thirteen staff members take part in centennial convention College Eye 46:8, p.1 |
Of ISEA. | |
17 | business education Old Gold 0:0, p.233 |
Brief description of the department; photo. | |
18 | Alpha Chi Epsilon Old Gold 0:0, p.216 |
Brief description of the group; photo. | |
19 | Students and faculty confer throughout USA College Eye 45:19, p.1 |
Many faculty and students are travelling to other cities for conferences. | |
20 | Distributive education leader visits campus College Eye 45:14, p.3 |
Ed Nelson will confer with Peter Haines. | |
21 | Haines attends vocation meeting College Eye 45:11, p.6 |
22 | Haines to attend national meeting College Eye 45:10, p.3 |
23 | Faculty members attend meeting of ISEA today College Eye 45:9, p.1 |
Many will participate in the meeting program. | |
24 | Haines returns to campus from leave of absence College Eye 44:34, p.3 |
Has been teaching and studying at University of Minnesota. | |
25 | Cooperative part-time work is topic of business ed. confab College Eye 43:39, p.1 |
Will consider high school co-op education programs. | |
26 | Bishop and Haines attend workshop College Eye 43:39, p.2 |
Attend NCA meeting on teacher education. | |
27 | Business educ. conference to be here August 2 College Eye 43:37, p.1 |
ISTC faculty will participate. | |
28 | Staff changes in thirteen depts. College Eye 43:34, p.1 |
Survey of resignations, leaves of absence, and appointments. | |
29 | Business Education Old Gold 0:0, p.134 |
Description of the Business Education Department and photo of the faculty; photo. | |
30 | Alpha Chi Epsilon Old Gold 0:0, p.223 |
Description of the fraternity and some of the activities that they held during the year; photo. | |
31 | "TC" on TV," weekly television program, will be shown at a new time on WOI-TV, Ames, starting Tuesday, February 19 Public Relations News Release 1952:445, p.1 |
Every fourth program in the series will be a "live" show from Ames, the other three programs being films produced under the direction of Herbert V. Hake, radio program director. | |
32 | Business Education Old Gold 0:0, p.44 |
Brief description of the department; photo. | |
33 | Alpha Chi Epsilon Old Gold 0:0, p.213 |
Brief description of the group; photo. | |
34 | Haines, Keefe attend convention this week College Eye 42:30, p.6 |
Attend distributive education meeting. | |
35 | Unusual vacations - 15 Dec. to Dec. 1 - for ISTC aculty Public Relations News Release 1950:160, p.1 |
Instructors Dorothy Price and William Walsh of the teaching department are honeymooning after their marriage Dec. 16 in Cedar Falls. Three faculty families barely beat the Internal Revenue Service out of extra exemptions. Other vacations noted. | |
36 | Business Ed teachers to receive quarterly College Eye 42:7, p.6 |
Published by Business Education Department. | |
37 | Klepfer, Birchard earn $25 bond in contest College Eye 41:32, p.3 |
Business students win prize from razor company. | |
38 | Faculty Old Gold 0:0, p.204 |
List of faculty; photo. | |
39 | Keefe, Haines honored by part-time students College Eye 41:29, p.5 |
In Mason City. | |
40 | Survey of Cedar Falls reveals need for more ladies' stores College Eye 41:9, p.6 |
Salesmanship and marketing classes assisted with extensive survey of Cedar Falls business community. | |
41 | Classes analyze market demands College Eye 41:3, p.7 |
Will be analyzing the Cedar Falls market. | |
42 | New appointments revealed by Skar College Eye 40:40, p.3 |
Brief profiles of Professors Keefe, Haines, and Marietta. |