Lauris [Hake]--Priscilla A. [Class of 1961]
Displaying 1 - 37 of 37 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | SCI has 2 Elizas Alumnus 50:2, p.13 |
Barbara Priest Olsen and Priscilla Hake Lauris appear in same role; photo. |
2 | SCI grads in summer show business Public Relations News Release 1960:556, p.1 |
Miss Priscilla Hake and Mr. Philip Rash perform in two nationally known summer theatres. Priscilla Hake is a former student of Stanley G. Wood, and Philip Rash is a former student of Miss Jane Birkhead. | |
3 | SCItes score in summer show biz College Eye 52:40, p.3 |
Priscilla Hake performs in Black Hill Playhouse; Philip Rash performs in St. Louis Municipal Opera. | |
4 | ISTC Commencement honors and prizes Public Relations News Release 1960:450, p.1 |
President J. W. Maucker awards thirty students, faculty, and alumni with honors and scholarships during Commencement Exercises in the men's gymnasium. Among those honored are Professors Minard Stout and Guy Wagner. | |
5 | An opening scene College Eye 52:31, p.1 |
Students present "John Brown's Body" in the Auditorium; photo. | |
6 | 'John Brown's Body' tickets to go on sale College Eye 52:30, p.1 |
Preview of the play; photo. | |
7 | All-College benefit Saturday highlight College Eye 52:22, p.1 |
List of prizes and a look at the activities. | |
8 | Deanna Azeltine crowned '61 OLD GOLD beauty queen College Eye 52:19, p.1 |
Winners of popularity contest also announced; photo. | |
9 | Bevy of beauties Alumnus 46:1, p.14 |
Old Gold Beauties; photo. | |
10 | ISTC Children's Theater to offer "Alice in Wonderland" Public Relations News Release 1960:125, p.1 |
Nineteen students are cast for the Children's Theater production of "Alice and Wonderland". The performance is directed by Stanley Wood, associate professor of speech. | |
11 | Chapel Choir Gives Pleasure and Stimulation Old Gold 0:0, p.152 |
The Chapel Service at the College Interdenominational Church Service is where the weekly performances from the Chapel Choir can be viewed outside of Baccalaureate. Miss Jan Mauck is the choir director and Miss Shirley Usher is the Organist. Dr. David Bluhm of the philosophy department officiates Sunday church services. | |
12 | Antigone Northern Iowan 0:0, p.37 |
For International Theater Week, the play was Antigone. A play set in Ancient Thebes and tells the tragic story of Antigone. Antigone was played by Pris Hake and King Creon by Jim Dunlavy. | |
13 | 'Merchant' features many costumes designed, made by volunteer students College Eye 51:30, p.1 |
A look at the costuming of "The Merchant of Venice"; photo. | |
14 | Chapel Choir Provides Special Music Old Gold 0:0, p.138 |
Exemplifying different periods of music, giving pleasure, and giving the audience the challenge to be interested in music are the purposes of the Chapel Choir; they provide music for Baccalaureate and sing at the College Interdenominational Church; photo. | |
15 | College Players Offers Dramatic Opportunities Old Gold 0:0, p.190 |
The College Players' fall and spring activities included, holding an open house for new members, decorating a float for the Homecoming parade, working on the sets for two fall shows, and a speaker on the "Broadway Scene," and other activities; photo. | |
16 | Queen's Attendants Old Gold 0:0, p.75 |
Photographs of this year's OLD GOLD attendants; photo. | |
17 | OLD GOLD Finals Old Gold 0:0, p.70 |
Carolyn Bruce was chosen as Old Gold Queen, and her court consisted of: Priscilla Hake, Jan Magel, and Jo Meyer; the finalists were considered based on their beauty, poise, and personality; photo. | |
18 | Tau Sigma Delta Co-Sponsors Winning Homecoming Float Old Gold 0:0, p.212 |
Tau Sigma Delta had a Dinner Dance held with alumni and sponsors, a Homecoming Tea, a Homecoming Float, and the annual Graduate Dinner in the Spring; events such as the Mother's Day Luncheon, and a Thanksgiving Down-the-Line Dinner also took place; photo. | |
19 | Greek Column College Eye 50:30, p.5 |
Greek news and events; photo. | |
20 | Antigone College Eye 50:24, p.1 |
A scene from the upcoming production; photo. | |
21 | Work behind the scenes reaches final flurry College Eye 50:23, p.6 |
A look at costume preparation for the production of "Antigone"; photo. | |
22 | Cast chosen for Greek play College Eye 50:21, p.1 |
List of cast members for "Antigone". | |
23 | Campus choices emerge; popularity, beauty, rule OG formal College Eye 50:19, p.1 |
A lengthy look at the program for the Old Gold Beauty Dance; four beauty finalists; photo. | |
24 | Old Gold chooses annual queen Alumnus 44:1, p.7 |
Selection will be made at February 14 dance. | |
25 | Four coeds chosen for OG dance College Eye 50:13, p.1 |
Brief profiles of the four Old Gold Beauties; photo. | |
26 | Greensleeves to attract children of every age College Eye 50:12, p.1 |
Preview of "Greensleeves Magic"; list of cast members; photo. | |
27 | 'The Miser' goes all out for witty evening College Eye 50:8, p.1 |
Reviews the recent ISTC production; photo. | |
28 | Choir Provides Music For Services Old Gold 0:0, p.139 |
Description of the purpose of the Chapel Choir; photo. | |
29 | Class of 1961 Old Gold 0:0, p.292 |
Freshmen class of 1958; photo. | |
30 | Rumpelstiltskin Old Gold 0:0, p.51 |
The Brothers Grimm tale was performed by the drama department as part of their first children's theatre production; photos. | |
31 | 'Matchmaker'. . .madcap merriment! College Eye 49:32, p.1 |
Review of the play; photo. | |
32 | Boisterous comedy in 'Matchmaker' College Eye 49:31, p.5 |
Play preview; photo. | |
33 | Dobbin and dancing highlight party; activities presented in barn setting College Eye 47:34, p.1 |
Will feature country setting; photo. | |
34 | Special to: The Record "There's gaiety in education," Isabel tells a group of children in this scene from "The Enchanted" Public Relations News Release 1951:116, p.1 |
The children, all from Cedar Falls are: Patricia Hanawalt, Priscilla Hake, Bobette Blaker, Karyl Strain, Rita Joy, Karen Strain, Phyllis Owens, Barbara Fossum. | |
35 | The curtain will go up at 8:15 tonight (Thursday, Nov. 8) on the college production of "The Enchanted" Public Relations News Release 1951:112, p.1 |
"The Enchanted" is the biography of a moment in the life of a young girl, the moment when she turns from girlhood to womanhood. In this moment, the girl's belief in the life of the spirit is so strong that it is sufficient to evoke a real phantom. | |
36 | "The Enchanted," a comedy by Jean Giraudoux, will be presented by the Department of English and Speech on Nov. 8, 9, 10 Public Relations News Release 1951:91, p.1 |
Hazel Strayer, professor of speech, will direct the play. It is the biography of a moment in the life of a young girl when she turns from girlhood to womanhood. Richard Arnold and Elaine McDavitt will design the production and costumes. Students listed. | |
37 | Mothers of the sixth grade students at the Iowa State Teachers college campus school will be guests at a May breakfast Tuesday, May 22 Public Relations News Release 1950:372, p.1 |
The students will prepare and serve the breakfast in their home room at the campus school. The teacher in charge is Irvin Ramsey. Committee chairman for the breakfast are Priscilla Hake, Frederick Volker, Tamara Galloway, and Nancy VanEngen. |