Haley--Wilhelmine L. (Class of 1931)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 89 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Wilhelmine L. Haley
Alumnus 28:3, p.23
Serving overseas with the American Red Cross.
2 Wilhelmine L. Haley
Alumnus 27:3, p.23
Works at the Marjorie Webster schools in Washington, D. C.
3 Wilhelmine Haley
Alumnus 18:2, p.28
Teaches physical education and zoology in the Marjorie Webster School in Washington, D. C.
4 Student Council
Old Gold 0:0, p.46
Description and members; photos.
5 Graduates
Old Gold 0:0, p.57
Graduate photos.
6 "Believe it or Not"; read and learn about the graduates
Old Gold 0:0, p.94
Humorous look at the graduates' personalities.
7 Kappa Theta Psi
Old Gold 0:0, p.253
Honorary members, sorores on faculty, sorores in college, and pledges; photo.
8 Kappa Delta Pi
Old Gold 0:0, p.245
Officers, honorary members, and members; photos.
9 Physical Education Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.171
Description and officers of club for physical education majors and minors; photo.
10 Shield Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.170
Description of the women's physical education honor society and officers; photo.
11 Life Saving Corps
Old Gold 0:0, p.168

Officers and roll; photos.

12 Women's Athletic Association
Old Gold 0:0, p.164
A look at the purposes of the WAA; photos of the executive council.
13 Campus Leaders
Old Gold 0:0, p.116
Photos of campus leaders.
14 "Campus Leaders" at the Iowa State Teachers College
Public Relations News Release 1930:426, p.1
Twenty students chosen.
15 Wilhelmine Haley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Haley
Public Relations News Release 1930:420, p.1
Chosen as on of the "campus leaders."
16 Twenty "campus" leaders
Public Relations News Release 1930:416, p.1
Old Gold will publish roster of campus leaders.
17 Women physical training students from the three Iowa state schools
Public Relations News Release 1930:325, p.1
Department of Physical Education for Women sponsors intercollegiate play day.
18 Students at the Iowa State Teachers College will go to the polls today
Public Relations News Release 1930:286, p.1
Students vote in first ever general election to choose members of Student Council and Board of Control of Student Publications.
19 Athletic honors were conferred upon nine women students
Public Relations News Release 1930:214, p.1

Nine women initiated into Shield Club.

20 Original acts, sets, and lighting delight Tutor Tickler audience; from Noah's ark to television is range of action
College Eye 22:19, p.1
Lengthy description of the show; photo.
21 Students at the Iowa State Teachers College go to the polls
Public Relations News Release 1930:168, p.1
Students vote for campus leaders; top vote getters will have photo in Old Gold.
22 Members of the Iowa State Teachers College
Public Relations News Release 1930:51, p.1
Freshman class to be entertained by a dance put on by Student Council.
23 Homecoming Committee plots for Campanile's downfall, rumor says; professors appointed to promote cooperation of merchants
College Eye 22:3, p.1
President Latham also appoints faculty committee to coordinate college and merchant activities.
24 Five special committees appointed by Council
College Eye 22:3, p.1
Roster of committee members.
25 Fraternities and campus organizations
Public Relations News Release 1930:13, p.1
Fraternities and social organizations elect officers for new school year.
26 Students dance tonight at first hop of season; Student Councils newly appointed dance committee is in charge
College Eye 22:2, p.1
Plans for three more dances this term.
27 W. A. A. Executive Council
Old Gold 0:0, p.180
Officers and sport managers; photos.
28 Junior B. A.
Old Gold 0:0, p.100
Class roll for Class of 1931; photo.
29 Student Council
Old Gold 0:0, p.46
Description and officers; photos.
30 Staff
Old Gold 0:0, p.8
Old Gold staff members.
31 Kappa Theta Psi
Old Gold 0:0, p.279
Honorary members, sisters on faculty, sisters in college, and pledges; photos.
32 Kappa Delta Pi
Old Gold 0:0, p.270
Officers, honorary members, and members; photos.
33 Life Saving Corps
Old Gold 0:0, p.184

Officers, members, and brief history of the corps, which was organized in 1921 by Doris White; photos.

34 Shield Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.186

Criteria for membership in the Shield Club; photo.

35 The Old Gold
Old Gold 0:0, p.264
Advisory board, staff, and salesmen; photos.
36 In the final editions for the spring term
Public Relations News Release 1929:527, p.1
Student council officers, Purple Pen staff, and Lutheran Student Association elected; Pi Tau Phi initiated three and pledged six.
37 Student Council elects officers for next year
College Eye 21:33, p.1
Roster of officers.
38 Freshman handbook planned for next year
College Eye 21:32, p.1
Committee will work with George Holmes.
39 Women Students at the Iowa State Teachers college
Public Relations News Release 1929:502, p.1
Women Students receive high marks for last winter's term.
40 W. A. A.
College Eye 21:31, p.3
Roster of officers.
41 Formal spring initiation for twelve students
Public Relations News Release 1929:474, p.1
Kappa Delta Pi initiates twelve pledges; Phi Omega Phi pledges six students.
42 Kappa Delta Pi initiates
College Eye 21:30, p.5
Roster of initiates.
43 Annual election for May Queen will be April 17; entire student body eligible to vote for senior women
College Eye 21:27, p.1
Will be selected from among senior women.
44 Modern jazz music will reign
Public Relations News Release 1929:242, p.1
Washington Ball is February 21; committee listed
45 Shield Club admits three new members to its honor roll
College Eye 21:18, p.1
Three join women's physical education honorary society.
46 Membership in the Shield Club
Public Relations News Release 1929:190, p.1
The Shield Club added three new members.
47 Greatest Homecoming is colorful event
Alumnus 14:1, p.7
Celebration includes floats and parade; music; football win over Simpson, 7-0; dance in West Gymnasium.
48 Miss Campbell gives tea for new women
College Eye 21:13, p.8
For those not enrolled in fall term.
49 Roll call reveals campus celebrities present at banquet
College Eye 21:8, p.1
Roster of student organization leaders.
50 Before one of the largest crowds
Public Relations News Release 1929:16, p.1
Football crowd enjoyed the Marching Band and the freshmen women in their turbans.