Hamzehee--Joshua R. (Communication Studies--Instructor)

Displaying 1 - 9 of 9 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Interpreters Theatre hosts social change display
Northern Iowan 117:54, p.4
The Interpreters Theatre hosted an event in Lang Hall on April 27 to showcase four student installations, including performances dealing with sexual assault, climate change, gun-related suicide, and human trafficking; photos.
2 Preview: Burnt City at Interpreters Theatre
Northern Iowan 116:41, p.5
Professor Josh Hamzehee will present "Burnt City: A One-Persian Show about U.S.-Iran Relations" March 5-7 at the Interpreters Theatre. Hamzehee discusses his background, the development of the performance, and the U.S.-Iran international relations; photo.
3 Speech night of showcase
Northern Iowan 112:22, p.1

The Speech Team held a fall showcase on November 5 at the Hearst Center for the Arts; photo.

4 Ready, set, speech
Northern Iowan 111:44, p.1
The UNI speech team has qualified for the national tournament.
5 Emotion to flow at Interpreters Theatre
Northern Iowan 110:16, p.4
Eight performers will take the stage of the slam poetry exhibition, "Slammin' at the Interp!". Several students and faculty will be featured.
6 In 'Convict,' jailbirds sing song of prison reform from behind bars
Northern Iowan 109:33, p.6
"Convict" calls to the audience's attention a system that needs to be fixed by keeping what works and changing what does not work; photo.
7 UNI Interpreters Theatre to showcase "CONVICT"
Public Relations News Release 2012:180, p.1
The Interpreters Theatre will be presenting "CONVICT", a play written and directed by Joshua Hamzehee. "CONVICT" is about the American prison system and highlights the humanity of the prisoners asking if it is time for a change.
8 Octopus hosts INK! Performance Slam
Northern Iowan 109:28, p.7

The Octopus hosted the third annual INK! Performance Slam. The event is held the first Monday of every month at Octopus on The Hill. The events gives members of the Cedar Valley a chance to perform.

9 UNI Forensics Team takes 10th in nation
Northern Iowan 108:51, p.1
Several students qualified for the national contest in several events. Harrison Postler made it to the final competition in three of six events. The tenth place finish nationally is one of the best results in recent history; photo.