Hansen--Jon Edward (Classes of 1961 and 1965; Music Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 43 of 43 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Profile: the retirement class of 92-93
Campus News Network 3:17, p.7
Retirees talk about their work at UNI; photo.
2 Senior recitals: the final frontier for music majors
Northern Iowan 88:55, p.9
Professors talk about the purposes of the senior recital.
3 University of Northern Iowa Commencement to be 11 A M. Saturday (December 21)
Public Relations News Release 1991:281, p.1
Fall Commencement will add 650 names to the alumni rolls.
4 UNI to host band festival next weekend
Northern Iowan 87:34, p.9
Northern Iowa Festival of Bands will be held February 7-9. Northern Brass Quintet, including many UNI faculty performers, will open with a concert Friday.
5 University of Northern Iowa commencement to be 1 P. M. Saturday (Dec. 16).
Public Relations News Release 1989:299, p.1
550 new alumni will be officially added to the roster of graduates. Two doctor of education recipients: Randall Clegg and Kathleen Sullivan Mulholland. Connie Koenen Uhl, will deliver the student address.
6 University of Northern Iowa commencement to be at 1 P.M. Saturday, Dec. 17.
Public Relations News Release 1988:203, p.1
President Constantine Curris will confer degrees on the students, who will include four doctor of education recipients.
7 29th Annual Recognition Breakfast May 9 to honor 33 long-term UNI employees
Public Relations News Release 1987:361, p.1

President Constantine Curris speaks at the Recognition Breakfast, honor thirty-three recently retired university employees. Entertainment was provided by the Northern Brass Quintet. Honorees are listed by department.

8 UNI fall commencement to be December 14 in the UNI-Dome
Public Relations News Release 1985:170, p.1
Koester will deliver the student address; other participants are listed; nearly six hundred students are expected to graduate.
9 Quintet to celebrate anniversary concert
Northern Iowan 80:23, p.11
Brass Quintet will celebrate 15th anniversary with a concert.
10 School of Music boasts top-rated musical groups
Old Gold 0:0, p.31
The School of Music boasts many top-rated musical organizations; photo.
11 Wind and brass concert coming up Monday night
Northern Iowan 78:38, p.12
Program and performers for Woodwind Quintet and Brass Quintet.
12 Kaenzig , Barry open UNI School of Music Series
Public Relations News Release 1981:74, p.1
A free concert will open the Schooll of Music Series. Featured will be Fritz Kaenzig and Tom Barry. Marleta Matheson will be the accompanist.
13 School of Music
Old Gold 0:0, p.33
The School of Music offers a complete and varied music education, including a balanced curriculum in teacher training. Facilities include recital hall, a music library 50 practice rooms; photo.
14 Music, mime and dance to be featured in faculty recital Tues
Northern Iowan 73:35, p.1
Detailed description of Faculty Chamber Music recital.
15 Brass Quintet
Northern Iowan 72:28, p.1
Group formed in 1968; program for performance.
16 Brass Quintet performs at Concert Series
Northern Iowan 69:12, p.9
Performance preview; photo.
17 Senior Recital at UNI
Public Relations News Release 1972:104, p.1
K. William Biskup and Dan L. Merchant will both present senior recital Nov. 1 in Music Hall.
18 UNI Faculty Members to Participate in ISEA Convention
Public Relations News Release 1972:86, p.1
12 UNI faculty members and a UNI grad student will participate in the 117th annual Iowa State Education Association (ISEA) convention Oct. 21-22 in Des Moines.
19 UNI Symphonic Band to Present Concert
Public Relations News Release 1971:595, p.1
Concert will be held in Music Hall on May 9 under the direction of Dr. Holvik.
20 Student Ensemble Concert to be Presented at UNI
Public Relations News Release 1971:594, p.1
List of students participating in the May 4th concert being held in Music Hall.
21 Women's Chorus and Brass Quintet to Present Program at UNI
Public Relations News Release 1970:234, p.1
The program consists of five parts, including classical pieces and Christmas carols and will be performed in the Music Hall on Dec. 15.
22 UNI Brass Quintet to Give Nov. 22 Concert
Public Relations News Release 1970:191, p.1
The Quintet will give its concert in the Nazareth Lutheran Church in Cedar Falls.
23 Brass Quintet to present faculty concert
Northern Iowan 67:13, p.9
Concert program.
24 UNI Brass Quintet to Present Concert
Public Relations News Release 1970:125, p.1
Concert will be presented in Music Hall and is open to the public at no cost.
25 Faculty members present recital
Northern Iowan 66:62, p.7
Concert program.
26 Faculty Recital to be Present at UNI
Public Relations News Release 1969:680, p.1

Three faculty members will appear in concert at 8:15 p.m. Wednesday, July 15 in Music Hall.

27 Music recital planned for two UNI students
Public Relations News Release 1969:590, p.1

Pianist Sharon Shuster and trombonist Stephen Charles will share their skills during a recital to held in the UNI Music Hall. Marleta Blitch will provide piano accompaniment.

28 UNI student to present music recital
Public Relations News Release 1969:520, p.1

Trombonist Robert Rannells will present a student recital. The recital is presented in partial fulfillment of the B. A. degree requirement.

29 UNI students to present music recital
Public Relations News Release 1969:480, p.1

Carl Hermanson and John Ryal will present a student recital in Music Hall. The recital is for partial fulfillment of the B. A. degree requirement in music.

30 UNI Brass Quintet to present evening concert
Public Relations News Release 1969:475, p.1
Concert performance in Music Hall by the UNI Brass Quintet.
31 Two students to give senior recital
Public Relations News Release 1969:414, p.1

David Alt and Rick Stendel will be giving recitals in partial fulfillment of the B. A. degree requirement.

32 UNI music students to present senior music recital
Public Relations News Release 1969:340, p.1
Students present the recital as part of their B. A. degree requirements at UNI.
33 Iowa City Couple to Present Concert at UNI
Public Relations News Release 1969:299, p.1
Robert and Amy Lou Levy will present a guest concert at UNI.
34 Collegium Musicum to be Presented at UNI Monday
Public Relations News Release 1969:209, p.1
"Music from Seventeenth Century German".
35 Miss Birkhead to Present First Program in Faculty Concert Series
Public Relations News Release 1969:27, p.1
The first in a series of faculty concerts.
36 Orchestra Helps Promote Campus Culture
Old Gold 0:0, p.141
The Teachers College Symphony Orchestra hosts a fall, winter, and spring concert; the spring concert is given by student members, who are featured as soloists; the production of the operetta Kiss Me Kate was one of this year's highlights; photo.
37 Marching Band Performs at Augustana
Old Gold 0:0, p.142
The Marching Band had been through long hours of practice, halftime shows at football games, Homecoming activities, and parades; one highlight was the presentation of the halftime show at Augustana; photo.
38 Concert Band Tours Iowa and Minnesota
Old Gold 0:0, p.143
The Iowa State Teachers College Concert Band played for concerts, the ISEA convention in Des Moines, and for home basketball games; they also performed at convocations and commencement; photo.
39 Music Fraternities Present Composer's Concert
Old Gold 0:0, p.178
Sigma Alpha Iota held a Homecoming breakfast, a Mother's Day tea, the annual picnic with the music faculty, and monthly "musical evenings;" serving as stagehands at recitals and raising the flag at football games were some Phi Mu Sinfonia events; photo.
40 Concert Band
Old Gold 0:0, p.143
Description of the Concert Band and photo of the band; photo.
41 Marching Band Hampered By Flu
Old Gold 0:0, p.141
A combination of bad weather and the flu led to the eight-eight piece band only presenting one half-time drill this season; photo.
42 Concert Band
Old Gold 0:0, p.137
Dr. Karl Holvik is the director; the 86 members in the band performed for three concerts on January 20, March 2, and May 23; the band also went on tour in March and performed in various cities in Iowa; photo.
43 Marching Band
Old Gold 0:0, p.135
Dr. Karl Holvik was the director of the 92 piece Marching Band; the band was led by DeLoy Davidsen, and the twirlers were: Janice Brown, Judith Hawthorne, Nancy Waite, and Ann Hoium; photo.