Hanson--Howland (Religious Education Faculty)
Displaying 1 - 50 of 247 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Services extending beyond the campus: Extension Service; Continuing Education; the church; the UNI Foundation A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.359 |
Extension services designed to meet needs of growing enrollment; efforts in radio and television; a brief history of the last years of the CHIC; early efforts of the UNI Foundation; photo. | |
2 | Dr. Howland Hanson, former head of religious activities at Teachers College, dies in Des Moines Alumnus 21:1, p.12 |
Obituary for Professor Hanson, who headed program from 1927 through 1934. | |
3 | Dr. Hanson, past religious director, dies; pictures self once more in the college chapel at death College Eye 28:9, p.1 |
Died October 30, 1936; obituary; photo. | |
4 | Untitled College Eye 27:17, p.3 |
Howland Hanson spoke on the radio. | |
5 | Untitled College Eye 27:16, p.5 |
Howland Hanson will make radio presentation. | |
6 | Dr. Howland Hanson to preach at chapel College Eye 27:48, p.1 |
7 | Faculty instructors to deliver addresses to Iowa graduates College Eye 26:42, p.1 |
Many faculty will participate in high school graduation ceremonies. | |
8 | Campus this Week College Eye 26:38, p.3 |
News from around the campus. | |
9 | Campus This Week College Eye 26:37, p.3 |
News from around campus. | |
10 | Hanson has operation at Rochester clinic College Eye 26:17, p.1 |
Condition still serious. | |
11 | Changes in faculty personnel Alumnus 18:4, p.12 |
Short biographical sketches of new faculty. | |
12 | Six teachers join faculty College Eye 26:12, p.1 |
Brief profiles of new faculty. | |
13 | Six new staff members begin their duties at the Iowa State Teachers College Public Relations News Release 1934:592, p.1 |
14 | Dr. Howland Hanson will conduct a new series of radio Bible classes Public Relations News Release 1934:590, p.1 |
"Good Citizenship" will broadcast over station WHO every Wednesday, and six classes will also be offered. | |
15 | Hanson seriously ill; church is postponed College Eye 26:11, p.1 |
Howland Hanson has been in hospital. | |
16 | Grads to hear Commencement talk by Lynch; open-air exercises will be held evening of August 23 College Eye 26:10, p.1 |
Schedule of Commencement activities; profile of Professor Lynch. | |
17 | Two hundred and twelve students will graduate on August 23 Public Relations News Release 1934:580, p.1 |
Schedule of Commencement activities throughout the week. | |
18 | S. A. Lynch has been chosen to address the summer term graduates Public Relations News Release 1934:574, p.1 |
Profile of Professor Lynch, and program for Commencement activities. | |
19 | Bosley states views to "Eye"; discloses part of plans for fall term in his visit here College Eye 26:9, p.1 |
Harold Bosley will take on CHIC and campus religious leadership duties in fall 1934. | |
20 | Sage will sing at services for July 15 College Eye 26:6, p.1 |
At CHIC. | |
21 | New Deal, Bible to be compared at symposium College Eye 26:5, p.1 |
At CHIC. | |
22 | Extensive departmental reorganization effected Alumnus 18:3, p.1 |
Three academic departments eliminated; M. J. Nelson is Dean of Faculty; Alumni Relations and Bureau of Research established; responsibilities of new offices; several faculty retire; photo. |
23 | Hanson will preach at church services College Eye 26:4, p.1 |
Will speak on "Sure Foundations in a Shaking World". | |
24 | "Technical Knockout" to be sermon topic College Eye 26:3, p.1 |
Will parody boxing match. | |
25 | Series of religious talk to be given for students soon College Eye 26:2, p.4 |
Schedule of speakers and topics. | |
26 | First church service will be held June 10 College Eye 26:1, p.3 |
27 | Religious Education Old Gold 0:0, p.46 |
Aims and explanation of Bible study; photos. | |
28 | Commencement week activities begin with a reception for graduates, alumni, and faculty Public Relations News Release 1934:506, p.3 |
Programs for various events happening throughout the week. | |
29 | Reception for graduates ushers in Commencement; extensive program ready; band concert, ball game, play, dinner, dance are on schedule College Eye 25:44, p.1 |
Lengthy description of the ceremonies. | |
30 | Lynch reveals staff changes; H. Darkes Albright will succeed Holden here in the fall College Eye 25:44, p.1 |
Harold Bosley will assume duties as director of religious activities. | |
31 | Hanson to give four graduation sermons College Eye 25:44, p.3 |
At area high schools. | |
32 | Dr. Hawley to lead at church service College Eye 25:43, p.1 |
Charles A. Hawley will speak at CHIC. | |
33 | Helen Stover weds Dorsey Skinner on Saturday, April 14 College Eye 25:39, p.3 |
34 | Jacob's, Insull's homecoming is sermon theme College Eye 25:39, p.1 |
At CHIC. | |
35 | Dr. Crowder to preach Sunday; Hanson absent College Eye 25:37, p.1 |
W. G. Crowder will speak at CHIC. | |
36 | College to give Easter tableau, "In Memoriam" College Eye 25:36, p.1 |
Description of the services. | |
37 | Holy Week to replace social activities here; daily sessions will feature talks by Dr. Hansen and Dr. Boddy College Eye 25:35, p.1 |
Schedule of speakers and topics for Holy Week. | |
38 | Dr. M. J. Nelson to become Dean of Faculty Public Relations News Release 1932:396, p.1 |
The Board of Education approved an extensive reorganization of the administrative and instructional setup of the college this week. This change will do away with three departments of instruction. | |
39 | "Conscience" to be subject of address at Sunday service College Eye 25:32, p.1 |
At CHIC. | |
40 | Dr. A. W. Palmer to preach Sunday at church service College Eye 25:31, p.1 |
41 | "Love bond at par" will be subject of sermon on Sunday College Eye 25:28, p.1 |
At CHIC. | |
42 | Meaning of "Twelfth Night" to be subject of Hanson's sermon College Eye 25:27, p.1 |
43 | Howland Hanson to preach Sunday at services College Eye 25:26, p.1 |
Of CHIC. | |
44 | Religion Alumnus 18:1, p.8 |
Profile of department and its head, Howland Hanson; photo. | |
45 | Themes announced for Sunday services College Eye 25:17, p.1 |
At CHIC. | |
46 | Campus church College Eye 25:15, p.1 |
Howland Hanson will preach. | |
47 | Reverend Hanson to deliver sermon on 'Strength of Unity' College Eye 25:13, p.4 |
48 | Hanson to discuss world problems at church services College Eye 25:6, p.1 |
At CHIC. | |
49 | Howland Hanson to preach on broken friendship Sunday College Eye 25:3, p.1 |
At CHIC. | |
50 | Religion Old Gold 0:0, p.36 |
History and three attitudes toward the Bible; photos. |