Harden--Lewis B. (Health Service Physician)
Displaying 1 - 32 of 32 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | UNI retirees recognized at special breakfast Public Relations News Release 2007:16, p.1 |
Thirty-one retiring employees were recognized at the special breakfast. |
2 | Flurry of flu cases hits UNI Northern Iowan 99:43, p.1 |
Student Health Center has treated fifteen to twenty students per day this semester with symptoms of Influenza B. | |
3 | Sleep deprivation serious dilemma Northern Iowan 99:5, p.13 |
Sleep deprivation is a problem among college students, but most do not realize how important it is to get a good night's sleep. | |
4 | National Headache Awareness Week Public Relations News Release 2000:439, p.1 |
Dr. Lewis Harden talks about possible causes and treatments for headaches. | |
5 | UNI names several to administrative positions Public Relations News Release 1999:456, p.1 |
Sue Courts is named the new director of the Health Center and three interim appointments are also noted. | |
6 | Gulick named University Health Services director Public Relations News Release 1999:281, p.1 |
Kathy Gulick has been promoted to University Health Services director, effective March 1. | |
7 | Meningitis causes concern among college students Northern Iowan 96:8, p.5 |
Overview of symptoms and occurrences on college campuses; absence of fatal cases at UNI. | |
8 | UNI Health Clinic first in state to receive accreditation Northern Iowan 95:28, p.1 |
UNI's Student Health Clinic is the first in the state to receive a three-year accreditation; photo. | |
9 | Regents Staff Excellence Awards Campus News Network 9:7, p.1 |
Kathy Gulick, Winston Burt, and George Pavelonis awarded Regents Staff Excellence Awards; photo. | |
10 | Staying healthy in the summer heat Public Relations News Release 1997:384, p.1 |
Director of University Health Services at UNI, Lewis Harden, warns against the combination of summer heat and alcohol. | |
11 | Profile: Harden Campus News Network 8:19, p.3 |
Profile of Director of University of Heath Services Lewis "Chico" Harden; photo. | |
12 | Bookstore, proctologist analogy "tasteless" Northern Iowan 94:6, p.10 |
Dr. Harden dislikes use of metaphor. | |
13 | Rumors untrue; Health Center does not fund abortions Northern Iowan 93:21, p.1 |
Health Center provides some services to pregnant women, but not abortions. | |
14 | Health Beat stays in good shape Northern Iowan 92:60, p.8 |
Students have enjoyed first semester of service; photo. | |
15 | Something rash Public Relations News Release 1995:340, p.1 |
The spread of poison ivy can be controlled by your washing clothes and yourself. | |
16 | Measles vaccinations placing halt on summer, fall registration Northern Iowan 92:42, p.2 |
About eight hundred students still have not filed their health certificate. | |
17 | STD's pose threat to college students Northern Iowan 92:38, p.4 |
Health Center can test for many sexually transmitted diseases; photo. | |
18 | Measles vaccination proofs pouring into Health Center Northern Iowan 92:30, p.1 |
As deadline approaches, about one thousand students still need to submit proof. | |
19 | No measles vaccination? Health Center says no classes Northern Iowan 92:28, p.1 |
Students must furnish proof of vaccination or they will not be allowed to register for class; about 1500 students have not yet provided documentation; photo | |
20 | ISA president denies poisoning Northern Iowan 92:24, p.1 |
Says food was fresh and stored safely. | |
21 | Students poisoned at International Food Fair; two students hospitalized Northern Iowan 92:23, p.1 |
Food poisoning apparently linked to Food Fair. | |
22 | Health watch: migraines common for college students Northern Iowan 92:16, p.11 |
Tips on dealing with migraines. | |
23 | Health Center provides over-the-counter drugs Northern Iowan 92:6, p.4 |
Health Center offers new service by selling OTC medications. | |
24 | The heat is on; hey, Mother Nature, back off Northern Iowan 92:3, p.4 |
Students seek relief from high temperatures. | |
25 | Allergy season is here Public Relations News Release 1994:477, p.1 |
Prescription drugs may not be the answer to seasonal allergies. | |
26 | Health Center making changes to better serve students Northern Iowan 91:49, p.1 |
Health Center starts appointment system, health advice line, and student advisory committee; photo. | |
27 | New academic and administrative heads take over Northern Iowan 91:7, p.3 |
Profiles of Sandra Alper, new head of Department of Special Education; Barbara Hetrick, new head of Department of Biology; and Lewis Harden, new head of Student Health Center. | |
28 | Health Center welcomes new director and changes Northern Edition 2:19, p.3 |
New director Lewis Harden outlines plans for changes in Health Center. | |
29 | Health Center taking new directions; new director expanding both service and staff Northern Iowan 91:5, p.2 |
New director Lewis Harden outlines plans for improvements in service; photo. | |
30 | New school year brings new faces to campus Northern Iowa Today 22:2, p.3 |
Brief biographical sketches of new directors and department heads; photo. | |
31 | UNI begins fall semester with six new administrative and departmental faces Northern Edition 2:17, p.6 |
Four department heads and two administrative heads named: Sandra Alper is head of Special Education; Barbara Hetrick is head of Biology; Michael Waggoner is head of Educational Administration and Counseling; John Butler is acting head of Comm. Studies. | |
32 | New academic, administrative heads as University of Northern Iowa begins fall semester. Public Relations News Release 1994:9, p.1 |
New department heads named at UNI. |