Harger--Floyd H. (Class of 1932)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 63 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Floyd H. Harger
Alumnus 34:3, p.25
Died in an automobile accident near Grand River, Iowa, on April 27, 1950.
2 Floyd H. Harger
Alumnus 30:4, p.14
Is director of athletics and coach at the Ankeny, Iowa, High School. He served in the Navy for four years as a lieutenant in the Gene Tunney athletic program; coached for eight years previously at Sanborn, Iowa; attended Drake University last summer.
3 Alpha Delta Alpha
Old Gold 0:0, p.244
Names of officers and members; photo.
4 Basketball
Old Gold 0:0, p.142
Photos and names of members of the basketball team.
5 Basketball
Old Gold 0:0, p.141
Description of the 1931-32 basketball season; photo of coach and team members.
6 Basketball squad wins ten games, loses six
Alumnus 16:2, p.17
1931-1932 season wrap-up; record was 10-6; team photo.
7 Prospects for a powerful Iowa State Teachers College track team
Public Relations News Release 1931:287, p.1
Rainy weather forces track team indoors; other problems for the team include tracksters who graduated last year.
8 The fourteen members
Public Relations News Release 1931:260, p.1
Basketball team closes the season with ten wins and six losses.
9 Coach Art Dickinson
Public Relations News Release 1931:250, p.1
Last game of the season for the basketball team.
10 Paul Lambert, Buckingham
Public Relations News Release 1931:181, p.1
Basketball team plays Luther College in two days.
11 The Iowa State Teachers College Panthers
Public Relations News Release 1931:182, p.1
Panthers play Luther College in basketball on January 27; tentative line up given.
12 Panthers beat Methodists in conference go; Harger and Lambert lead mates for scoring honors
College Eye 23:27, p.4
ISTC defeated Simpson College, 43-24; individual scoring posted.
13 The Iowa State Teachers College cagers take the road
Public Relations News Release 1931:159, p.1
Panthers at Carleton and Hamline Colleges this weekend.
14 With a 29 to 27 victory in an overtime period
Public Relations News Release 1931:148, p.1
Basketball team's next game is against Coe.
15 Coach A. D. Dickinson's Iowa State Teachers College cage team
Public Relations News Release 1931:138, p.1
Basketball season opens with match against Oklahoma A & M.
16 Forward
College Eye 23:23, p.3
Senior forward Floyd Harger is pictured; photo.
17 Opening with the strong Oklahoma A&M five
Public Relations News Release 1931:110, p.1
Panthers basketball season opens December 11; tentative team roster discussed.
18 The complete list
Public Relations News Release 1931:62, p.1
Social fraternities elect officers.
19 Fourteen men reported to Coach A. D. Dickinson
Public Relations News Release 1931:48, p.1
Basketball team begins practice for this season.
20 Basketball
Old Gold 0:0, p.142
Season highlights and schedule; photos.
21 Basketball lettermen
Old Gold 0:0, p.145
Award winners; photos.
22 Alpha Delta Alpha
Old Gold 0:0, p.268
Officers, actives, and pledges; photo.
23 Cagers win nine of twelve games
Alumnus 15:2, p.18
1930-1931 basketball season wrap-up; freshmen won both games in which they played; photo.
24 Sophomores predominate on '31 nine
Alumnus 15:2, p.17
1931 baseball season preview; 1931 schedule of games; photo.
25 Cagers awarded letters
Alumnus 15:2, p.15
Nine men win letters in basketball.
26 Twenty-seven Tutor ballplayers
Public Relations News Release 1930:274, p.1

Baseball team begins outdoor practice; roster of players.

27 Nine tutor cagers at the Iowa State Teachers College
Public Relations News Release 1930:295, p.1
Letter winners announced in basketball.
28 Here are the members of this year's Iowa State Teachers College cage squad
Public Relations News Release 1930:243, p.1
Basketball team closes the season with as match against Coe.
29 Fifty-two Tutor varsity track men
Public Relations News Release 1930:229, p.1
Track team prepares for upcoming season.
30 The Iowa State Teachers basketball team goes to Decorah
Public Relations News Release 1931:223, p.1
Team prepares for games against Luther, Parsons, and Penn Colleges.
31 Plays for points
College Eye 22:15, p.3
Floyd Harger, tutor basketball player; photo.
32 After a disastrous week-end
Public Relations News Release 1931:165, p.1
Basketball team prepares for game at Columbia College in Dubuque after losses to Carleton and Hamline Colleges.
33 Cagers open season with decisive victory
Alumnus 15:1, p.21
Season preview.
34 Harriers win conference meets
Alumnus 15:1, p.23
ISTC cross country team defeats Penn and Simpson.
35 Iowa Teachers, runners-up in the Iowa conference cage race
Public Relations News Release 1930:125, p.1
Basketball team kicks off season in a match at Coe.
36 Iowa Teachers cagers settle down
Public Relations News Release 1930:110, p.1
Basketball team prepares for upcoming game with Coe College.
37 Six lettermen
Public Relations News Release 1930:107, p.1
Prospects for the 1930-1931 basketball team.
38 Tutor harriers will meet Cornell
Public Relations News Release 1930:82, p.1
Cross country team meets Cornell.
39 Iowa State Teachers College cagers
Public Relations News Release 1930:37, p.1
Basketball team begins first drills of the season; prospects for this year's team.
40 Iowa State Teachers cross country schedule
Public Relations News Release 1930:25, p.1
Cross country team announces schedule for the season.
41 Basketball
Old Gold 0:0, p.158
1929-1930 season summary and player profiles; photos.
42 Cagers win second in conference honors
Alumnus 14:2, p.22
Basketball season wrap-up; team finishes with 11-1 record; photo.
43 Letters and numeral awarded
Alumnus 14:2, p.23
Roster of those who won letters and numerals for winter sports.
44 State Teachers cagers this season
Public Relations News Release 1929:370, p.1
Cagers win second in conference; player roster.
45 Floyd Harger, of this city
Public Relations News Release 1929:359, p.1
Harger lettered in basketball.
46 Floyd Harger, of Grand River, "Tutor hot shot"
Public Relations News Release 1929:282, p.1
Harger returns to ISTC to play basketball next year.
47 Iowa State Teacher College cagers trek eastward
Public Relations News Release 1929:239, p.1
The basketball team played Columbia and Dubuque University this weekend.
48 Iowa State Teachers will attempt
Public Relations News Release 1929:225, p.1
Preview of the basketball team's upcoming game against Upper Iowa
49 Above is Floyd Harger, Grand River
Public Relations News Release 1929:187, p.1
Floyd Harger and the rest of the basketball team play Penn.
50 A sprained back sustained in Tuesday evening's workout
Public Relations News Release 1929:167, p.1
Reuben Sandven was injured and may miss several basketball games.