Harkin--Tom (Member of Congress)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 88 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Welcoming immigrants as citizens
Northern Iowan 110:52, p.1
UNI hosted its fourth naturalization ceremony, welcoming immigrants as citizens of the United States. The naturalization process takes 9-12 months. Participants in the ceremony were eager to become citizens; photo.
2 UNI community gives feedback on higher education reforms
Northern Iowan 110:24, p.1
UNI was selected as one of four schools in the nation to hold a public hearing with the U.S. Department of Education about college affordability. Administration is looking to tie federal financial aid to a rating system based on educational value; photo.
3 Shutdown ends; faculty research up in the air
Northern Iowan 110:15, p.1
The government shutdown has affected faculty research at UNI. Funding was unavailable during the government shutdown as were as all of the federally-managed websites and services. Faculty hope that things will return to the pre-shutdown state quickly.
4 Katie Berge
Northern Iowa Today 95:3, p.31
Employed as a staff assistant in the office of Senator Tom Harkin.
5 Don't raise the minimum wage: an economic perspective
Northern Iowan 109:44, p.6
Senator Tom Harkin recently suggested the minimum wage should be raised to $10.10 per hour. This guest columnist says that this would severely hurt the United States economy.
6 First lady encourages voting during grassroots event at UNI
Northern Iowan 109:11, p.1
Michelle Obama spoke to UNI students, emphasizing voting and volunteering in campaigns. Highlights President Obama's first term in office. Senator Harkin and Representative Braley also spoke to students; photo.
7 Romney remains top presidential candidate
Northern Iowan 108:28, p.1
Mitt Romney won the Iowa caucuses and the New Hampshire primary. According to recent polls, he is leading by nearly a fifteen point margin in South Carolina; photo.
8 U. S. Senator Tom Harkin visits UNI to address funding for higher education
Northern Iowan 107:34, p.1
Ben Allen, Bill Dotzler, Jerry Nelson, Kim Young-Kent, Jerry Durham and Jonathon Keniston made up a panel presenting information from different perspectives on education to Senator Harkin; photo.
9 Internship opportunity
Northern Iowan 107:9, p.3
The intern coordinator for Senator Tom Harkin will be visiting with students interested in an internship in Maucker Union.
10 Internship opportunity; Senator Harkin hiring interns
Northern Iowan 107:8, p.2
Caitlin Staebell will be available to meet with students interested in becoming interns to Senator Harkin. Ms. Staebell is the intern coordinator for the Senator.
11 UNI to help sponsor North End Arts & Music Fest in Waterloo Saturday & Sunday
Public Relations News Release 2009:76, p.1
The festival celebrates the community's pride in its rich musical and cultural heritage, and recognizes the contributions of the North End Community to the entire city of Waterloo.
12 U.S. Secretary of Education comes to UNI
Northern Iowan 105:53, p.1
Arne Duncan spoke to high school and college students, community leaders, faculty, and staff at the Gallagher-Bluedorn Performing Arts Center. He spoke on his plans and the future of education under President Obama; photo.
13 UNI physics student to present research on Capitol Hill
Public Relations News Release 2008:484, p.1
Shanon Davis, a junior from West Des Moines whose research is in the area of nanoscience and alternative energy, will take part in 2009 Posters on the Hill, an event sponsored by the Council on Undergraduate Research, at the Rayburn House Office Bldg.
14 President Barack Obama inaugurated into office
Northern Iowan 105:29, p.1
Reactions to the President's address from Senators Tom Harkin and Charles Grassley; photo.
15 Election affects Iowans
Northern Iowan 105:23, p.1
Panel discusses meaning of recent elections; Ronald Walters also speaks on campus.
16 Remember that voting is local, too
Northern Iowan 105:12, p.5
Believes that elections for the U. S. Senator, Congressman, State Senator, and State Representative have real influence in keeping educational quality up and tuition and student loan costs down.
17 Proposed budget may slash college funding
Northern Iowan 104:35, p.1
Federal budget proposal will increase Pell grant maxima, but cut certain student aid programs. Nearly one third of the cuts directly relate to higher education funding.; photo.
18 UNI receives grant for violent crime prevention
Northern Iowan 104:9, p.1
Department of Justice awards $1 million grant to create a task force to prevent violent crimes against women.
19 Harkin's steak fry unites Democrats
Northern Iowan 104:8, p.1
Democratic presidential candidates gather in Indianola.
20 $1 million grant to UNI to combat gender violence at Regent universities
Public Relations News Release 2007:154, p.1
The U.S. Department of Justice has awarded a $1 million grant to provide for a model of campus violence prevention.
21 UNI plans presidential candidate forums
Northern Iowan 104:1, p.1
Presidential candidates will be hosted at UNI; August 20 through September 5, 2007.
22 University of Northern Iowa plans presidential-candidate forums
Public Relations News Release 2007:35, p.1
A series of presidential candidate forums will be held August 20 - September 5.
23 Ethanol solution posing more problems for consumers
Northern Iowan 103:52, p.1
Increased production of ethanol causes concerns for the livestock industry and food costs; photo.
24 Democrats have a chance for change
Northern Iowan 103:26, p.5
Following the mid term elections, the Democratic Party holds the majority in both the U. S. House and Senate.
25 ONE noble gesture supporting the troops
Northern Iowan 103:15, p.1
Operation Noble E-mail is a volunteer organization collecting donated computers to give to families of soldiers serving overseas, who cannot afford computers; photo.
26 Tom Harkin works to combat obesity
Northern Iowan 103:10, p.3
HeLP program introduced at the national level aimed at combating childhood obesity and raising health awareness.
27 New stem-cell technology may ease tensions in pro-life debate
Northern Iowan 103:5, p.4
Dr. Robert Lanza reports that for the first time human embryonic stem cells can be generated without interfering with the embryo's potential for life.
28 Harkin in a hurry to prove how much he cares
Northern Iowan 102:58, p.7
Increase in number of press releases from Senator Harkin noted.
29 Blind students utilize senses to get around campus
Northern Iowan 102:35, p.11
Students with visual impairments use other senses to get around and lobby to get books in Braille and audio form; photo.
30 Harkin: energy assistance for poor Iowans top priority
Northern Iowan 102:17, p.6
Senator Harkin has proposed a $4.1 billion increase in funding to help people pay their heating bills; photo.
31 Defense programs could see 4 mil
Northern Iowan 102:13, p.3
Money would fund projects that UNI helps carry out for the Department of Defense; photo.
32 Harkin announces money for UNI
Northern Iowan 102:6, p.6
US Senator Tom Harkin has helped secure $1.3 million that will be used to build a multi-functional parking ramp at UNI.
33 Harkin-endorsed stem cell research bill moves to Senate
Northern Iowan 101:61, p.3
While stem cell research could result in medical advancements that might cure millions of people, the ethics of using embryo stem cells causes controversy.
34 2+2 expands teacher education
Northern Iowan 100:59, p.1
UNI program receives $569,000 to educate place-bound students in Iowa through local community colleges.
35 Six-figure grant will help UNI expand successful teacher education program
Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.1
Grant to assist infrastructure for off-campus instruction.
36 Clinton-sighting piques feelings of optimism
Northern Iowan 100:6, p.7
Enjoyed Democratic rally at which former President Clinton spoke.
37 Native Roadside Vegetation Center at UNI to be dedicated Friday, Aug. 29
Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.1
The funding for the center was provided by a federal appropriation and the University matched the appropriation with 35 acres of land.
38 Dems holding up nation's courts
Northern Iowan 99:48, p.9
Chad Thompson explains issue of Miguel Estrada's consideration for U. S. Supreme Court judge and claims President Bush's nominee is not being given a fair trial.
39 Election levels political field; election 2002 results
Northern Iowan 99:20, p.1
Democrats Tom Vilsack and Tom Harkin won the election Tuesday, while Republicans gained seats in Congress; photo.
40 Know the vote! Brief candidate overview for today's election
Northern Iowan 99:19, p.1
Information is provided on candidates for Iowa Governor, U.S. Senator, and Iowa Representative in the 1st District.
41 UNI didn't fly with 'West Wing' actors
Northern Iowan 99:17, p.1
Governor Tom Vilsack, Senator Tom Harkin, congressional candidate Ann Hutchison, and actors Dule Hill and Bradley Whitford did not appear on campus, due to scheduling difficulties.
42 TV's 'West Wing' stars join Iowan 'left wings'; actors want students to vote on Nov. 5
Northern Iowan 99:16, p.1
Dule Hill and Bradley Whitford, television actors on the show "West Wing", Tom Vilsack, Tom Harkin, and Ann Hutchison will be in the Great Reading Room in Seerley Hall on October 26 to encourage students to vote in the upcoming election.
43 Harkin talks education at roundtable discussion
Northern Iowan 97:26, p.1
Senator Tom Harkin held a discussion roundtable with approximately twenty-five students and staff members in attendance.
44 Gore loves Iowa
Northern Iowan 97:21, p.1
Four hundred supporters show up for a Gore rally; photo.
45 UNI Global Health Corps promotes health education in Ghana
Public Relations News Release 1999:117, p.1
Three students and two professors from UNI traveled to Ghana to present health promotion seminars in villages.
46 Special education department receives government grant
Northern Iowan 96:4, p.1
Grant totalling $500,000 over three years will be used to place technology in students' homes.
47 ABIL Program makes strides with soybean-based grease and hydraulic fluid
Campus News Network 9:14, p.2
Change in market license to West Central Cooperative, Iowa bill on state agencies purchasing soybean-based oil, and President Clinton's Executive Order 13101 are three promising developments for the ABIL program.
48 Tully, Harkin visit campus to encourage voter participation
Northern Iowan 95:18, p.2
Democratic candidates Tom Harkin and Rob Tully visited campus Wednesday; photo.
49 Iowa gubernatorial race heats up; Democrats, Republicans prepare to select nominees
Northern Iowan 94:54, p.1
Gubernatorial candidates met for the Democratic Convention and Republican debate last weekend; photo.
50 Harkin instrumental in obtaining funds for UNI
Northern Iowan 94:22, p.1
Senator Harkin assisted in obtaining about $1 million for playground safety and using technology for disabled students.