Harris--Benedict O. (EOP Staff)

Displaying 1 - 27 of 27 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Capital and other physical improvements
A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.453
Brief review of construction during the early 1970s including the Education Center, UNI-CUE, and the ITC; photo.
2 Minority group relations at SCI/UNI
A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.255

Detailed account of attempts by the UNI administration to recruit and relate to African-American students; photo.

3 Exchange program open to sophs
Northern Iowan 68:44, p.5
May attend school at South Carolina State College.
4 Play about Black Author Lorraine Hansberry to be Presented in Waterloo
Public Relations News Release 1972:85, p.1
"To Be Young, Gifted and Black," will be presented Oct. 24 in the West High School Auditorium in Waterloo.
5 "Preview UNI" Acquaints New Students, Parents with Life at UNI
Public Relations News Release 1971:699, p.1

Around 1600 student and 950 of their parents are scheduled to visit the campus during the summer for "Preview UNI". The program conisists of 9 two-day programs, beginning June 24 and lasting until July 30.

6 UNI Award Honoring Former President Maucker to be Presented in September
Public Relations News Release 1971:541, p.1
The total award amount of $1947 was contributed by staff, faculty and students to honor the former president and $100 each fall will be granted to a student who has been culturally deprived and is seeking a degree.
7 Harris on racism--workshop style
Northern Iowan 67:43, p.3
Mr. Harris recounts his experiences with a campus clerical workshop.
8 Three UNI students to study at S. Carolina
Northern Iowan 67:43, p.8

Description of program in which UNI students will study at predominantly black college.

9 Three UNI Students to Study at South Carolina College
Public Relations News Release 1971:509, p.1
This is part of the first exchange program between UNI and a predominantly black college in South Carolina.
10 Behind the scenes
UNI Quarterly 2:3, p.3
Collection of short articles about recent campus events and activities; photo.
11 Sends student to Washington; talent search
Northern Iowan 67:37, p.1
Donald Johnson will study US government.
12 Cutline
Public Relations News Release 1971:437, p.1
Donald Johnson is pictured discussing plans for his trip to Washingon D.C. He is a senior at Waterloo East High School.
13 UNI Talent Search Program Sends East High Student to D.C.
Public Relations News Release 1971:434, p.1
Donald Johnson from Waterloo East High School left for one week to Washington D.C. through a program sponsored by UNI Educational Opportunity Program (EOP).
14 EMCEC: new understanding
Northern Iowan 67:33, p.2

Extends congratulations and thanks for those who worked to get the EMCEC facility established.

15 EMCEC opening is fantastic
Northern Iowan 67:33, p.1
Programs and aims of new facility; description of opening activities; photo.
16 Student exchange program
Northern Iowan 67:28, p.8
Opportunities for exchange with South Carolina State College.
17 UNI to Begin Student Exchange Program with South Carolina School
Public Relations News Release 1970:324, p.1
UNI and South Carolina State College will be arranging student exchanges.
18 Viewpoint: Minority Center brings "expressions of surprise"
UNI Quarterly 2:2, p.33
A look at the displays and the opening of the EMCEC; photo.
19 UNI 1970 Year-End Story
Public Relations News Release 1970:274, p.1
Summary of 1970: faculty, budget, course and curriculum changes, students and fees, special academic programs, visiting artists and lecturers, general events and projects, minority group education, and building programs.
20 Announce Head of UNI Minority Center
Public Relations News Release 1970:104, p.1
Reginald B. Hayes will assume the position of director for the UNI Ethnic Minority Cultural and Education Center in May.
21 Administrators assume duties; new at UNI
Public Relations News Release 67:1, p.7
Short sketches of new personnel.
22 Culture house caught in the middle
Public Relations News Release 67:1, p.2
Activities cannot begin until a director is appointed.
23 Nine New Administrators Assume Duties at UNI
Public Relations News Release 1970:15, p.1
One dean, six department heads, and two directors recently assumed their duties at UNI; bios
24 UNI broadens scope of minority programs
Alumnus 55:3, p.10
History of UNI efforts in education for minorities; photo.
25 Harris: filling in the gaps
UNI Quarterly 1:4, p.12
Benedict Harris talks about the work of EOP; photo.
26 Directors of media center and educational opportunity chosen
Northern Iowan 66:58, p.7
Professor Hardman will head Media Center; Mr. Harris will head EOP.
27 Regents Name Department Heads, Administrative Officers for UNI
Public Relations News Release 1969:636, p.1
Listing of new heads and their departments; listing of new adminstrative officers; bios