Harris--Edwin Henry (Class of 1955; Art Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 62 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Profile: over 1000 years of service
Campus News Network 2:17, p.3

Comments from those retiring this year; photo.

2 Teachers can find variety of summer professional development workshops at Price Lab School
Public Relations News Release 1990:563, p.1
UNI offers summer workshops for elementary and middle school teachers at Price Lab.
3 Science journal edited at University of Northern Iowa gives Iowa teachers classroom techniques
Public Relations News Release 1990:213, p.1
Iowa Science Teachers Journal aids teachers in classroom preparation.
4 Regents appove promotion of 16, tenure for 10 Northern Iowa faculty members.
Public Relations News Release 1988:354, p.1
Faculty members granted promotions and tenure listed.
5 Professors say work unrewarded
Northern Iowan 78:8, p.1
AFT panelists voice opinions on work environment at UNI.
6 AFT sponsors panel
Northern Iowan 78:7, p.6
Will discuss work environment at UNI.
7 Artists win awards
Northern Iowan 76:48, p.11
Three UNI art faculty members won awards for exhibited works.
8 'Current Clay Works' interpret color, texture
Northern Iowan 76:26, p.6
Review of the art display 'Current Clay Works'; photo.
9 Two UNI art faculty members preview clay works at Gallery
Northern Iowan 76:22, p.11
Ed Harris and Barbara Cassino will have their works spotlighted at the UNI Gallery of Art.
10 Art on exhibit
Northern Iowan 76:13, p.6
Three faculty members are displaying their works of art at different locations across the nation.
11 Union celebrates tenth anniversary
Northern Iowan 75:47, p.9
Extensive list of activities.
12 Up and away
Northern Iowan 73:43, p.3
A visual world class flying kites; photo.
13 Art faculty show
Northern Iowan 73:38, p.4
Cynthia Smith looks at an exhibit by Ed Harris at the art faculty show.
14 Prof published
Northern Iowan 73:24, p.7
Ed Harris' Art-Film class will have an exhibition of their semester's work.
15 Jurors respond to friend
Northern Iowan 72:30, p.2
Art faculty jurors encourage letter writer to approach them.
16 AFT Symposium
Northern Iowan 72:23, p.1
Will discuss tenure and promotion.
17 "Flight as Art"
Northern Iowan 72:21, p.5
Professor Harris will talk about his flying objects.
18 Faculty Senate establishes Office of Grants and Development at meeting
Northern Iowan 72:18, p.4
Professors Harris and Butzier elected to Dome Program Board; Donald O'Dowd on campus for consultation.
19 Ed Harris . . . testing the wind
Northern Iowan 72:13, p.6
Professor Harris tries out his flying creations.
20 "Flight as Art"
Northern Iowan 72:12, p.7
Professor Harris will demonstrate his flying creations; photo.
21 National art administrators: evaluators critical
Northern Iowan 72:9, p.1
Evaluators believe Department of Art needs more equipment and gallery space.
22 "Dark age" in UNI art?
Northern Iowan 72:7, p.2
Bids come in 38% over architects' estimate; UNI officials hurriedly make cuts; resulting building seems to exclude Department of Art.
23 New majors and minor approved
Northern Iowan 72:1, p.8
Major and minor in design and master's degree in teaching English at community colleges are added.
24 The Visual World; Symposium 75
Northern Iowan 71:46, p.6
Students will display work; photo.
25 Art students react
Northern Iowan 71:13, p.7
Dissatisfied art students take down show, paint gallery, and hang new show.
26 Committee promotes film
Northern Iowan 71:1, p.11
Several departments offer film courses; photo.
27 Art Exhibit
Northern Iowan 71:1, p.20
Work by Professor Harris on display.
28 Film courses in wide varieties
Northern Iowan 70:47, p.4
Professor Harris talks about the film courses available next fall.
29 Visual World Symposium to feature wide varieties
Northern Iowan 70:44, p.10
Brief description of program.
30 Objects that fly!
Northern Iowan 70:23, p.7
Professor Harris will teach "Flying Forms"; photo.
31 Public discussion
Northern Iowan 70:8, p.2
Professor Harris invites everyone to discussion of campus art projects.
32 Money and practicality
Northern Iowan 70:6, p.3
Professor Harris advises students to look beyond money and practicality.
33 Faculty art show combines the extraordinary and the inventive
Northern Iowan 69:54, p.7
Brief review of faculty work.
34 Untitled
Northern Iowan 69:45, p.12
Ed Harris, UNI art instructor, proudly displays his remote controlled airplane; photo.
35 Last session of children's workshop held Saturday
Northern Iowan 69:19, p.12
Description of papier-mâché series.
36 Slide talk Thursday
Northern Iowan 69:18, p.8
Professor Harris will talk on form.
37 Faculty art show opens here
Northern Iowan 67:37, p.6

Four faculty display work.

38 Human conditions lack concern for
Northern Iowan 67:9, p.4
Questions whole background of lawns and sidewalks and how they should be used.
39 Untitled
College Eye 59:47, p.1
Students, artists, faculty gather for "pot bash" to make ceramics.
40 SCI art to tour nation
College Eye 59:36, p.4
Bruce Gordon, Richard Snyder, and Ed Harris honored.
41 Art student awarded prize
College Eye 47:26, p.3
Michael Boyd wins Iowa regional prize.
42 Bachelor of Arts
Old Gold 0:0, p.258
Photos of the Class of 1955; photos.
43 Old Gold Staff
Old Gold 0:0, p.123
A list of the Old Gold staff and their duties; photos.
44 Old Gold Dimensions Increase
Old Gold 0:0, p.122
Brief description on how the 1955 Old Gold has changed its format to include more informal photos of the students and activities; photos.
45 Old Gold Sponsors Beauty Dance
Old Gold 0:0, p.60
Description of the Dance that included the anouncement of the Beauty winners and Popularity Contest winners; photos.
46 1955 Old Gold
Old Gold 0:0, p.3
This main title page lists the executive editor and the managing staff for this issue, also featured is a photo of campus; photo.
47 Ed Harris wins ceramic prize
College Eye 46:22, p.8
In Des Moines competition.
48 Six undergraduates receive Fisher Foundation Scholarship
Alumnus 38:3, p.5
List of winners.
49 Stadium hall house council
Old Gold 0:0, p.86
Brief description of the group; photo.
50 Teacher artists will show work
College Eye 45:22, p.8
At Iowa exhibition.