Harrison--Marie (Class of 1924; Critic Teacher)

Displaying 1 - 36 of 36 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Marie F. Harrison
Alumnus 52:1, p.14
Marie F. Harrison (Class of 1924) retired from the staff of East Tennessee State University, July 1, 1966. Since her retirement she taught the International Relations Summer School of Instituto Tecnologico in Monterrey, Mexico. She lives in Johnson City, Tennessee.
2 Marie F. Harrison
Alumnus 52:1, p.14
Marie F. Harrison (Class of 1924) retired from the staff of East Tennessee State University, July 1, 1966. Since her retirement she taught the International Relations Summer School of Instituto Tecnologico in Monterrey, Mexico. She lives in Johnson City, Tennessee.
3 Marie Harrison
Alumnus 33:1, p.16
Assistant professor at the East Tennessee State college.
4 Marie Harrison
Alumnus 29:4, p.19
Is professor in social studies, State College, Johnson City, Tennessee, where she resides.
5 Marie Harrison
Alumnus 25:2, p.14
Has been a member of the education faculty of the State Teachers College at Johnson City, Tennessee, for eleven years. She spent last summer in Cedar Falls.
6 Marie Harrison
Alumnus 20:2, p.21
Employed at the State Teachers College in Johnson City, Tennessee.
7 Marie Harrison
Alumnus 20:1, p.18
Teaches at the State Teachers College in Johnson City, Tennessee.
8 Marie Harrison, Lillian Hottman, Evelyn Findley, Lois Edgar Hansen, Eva Crist, Marjorie Mantor, and Eva Herndon
Alumnus 15:4, p.20
Members of the faculty of the Training School held a dinner in Bartlett Hall. Forty-two members were present including visitors.
9 Marie Harrison
Alumnus 14:1, p.27
Marie Harrison is Critic Supervisor at the State Teachers College in Johnson City, Tennessee.
10 Marie Harrison
College Eye 18:3, p.3
Visited here before traveling in the West.
11 Department of Teaching
Old Gold 0:0, p.42

Roster; photo.

12 Social Science Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.166
Officer roster; members; photo.
13 Eulalian Literary Society
Old Gold 0:0, p.268

Officer roster; members; society colors, motto and flower; photos; candids.

14 Eulalian banquet
College Eye 16:35, p.5
Annual Spring Formal held; program for the evening.
15 Many securing positions through Placement Bureau
College Eye 16:29, p.3
Roster of those who have found jobs.
16 90 granted diplomas at chapel yesterday; March class larger than fall
College Eye 16:25, p.1
Roster of those who received diplomas or certificates.
17 Marie Harrison
College Eye 16:7, p.8
Visited friends in Waverly.
18 Social Science Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.206
Names of officers and students; brief summary of Social Science Club activities; photo.
19 Eulalian Literary Society
Old Gold 0:0, p.287
Photos of members of the Eulalian Literary Society.
20 Eulalian
Old Gold 0:0, p.286
Names of officers and members of the Eulalian Literary Society.
21 Class of 1924
Old Gold 0:0, p.64
Photos and names of graduating class.
22 Critics in Training
Old Gold 0:0, p.57
Photos and names of Critics in Training and Clerical Force.
23 T. C. Society
College Eye 15:19, p.3
News about student organizations.
24 Miss Marie Harrison
College Eye 14:34, p.7
Visited her home in Cedar Falls.
25 The Misses Anne Breidinger, Marie Harrison
College Eye 14:25, p.8
Attended a dinner, along with Vera Wissler and Geraldine Ridgley, at Mabel Monson's home.
26 Miss Marie Harrison
College Eye 14:15, p.8
Teaching in Owasso; visited friends on campus.
27 Miss Marie Harrison
College Eye 14:13, p.8
Plans to teach in Owasa.
28 The Social Science Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.165
Officers, members; photo.
29 Juniors
Old Gold 0:0, p.93
Officers, members; photo.
30 Social Science Club
College Eye 13:21, p.2
Professor Donaldson acts as host; several students give papers.
31 Inquiring Reporter
College Eye 13:12, p.4
Students answer the question, "What do you think would be a good name for the room now called the 'Old Ladies' Gym?'"
32 Piano recital enjoyed
College Eye 12:20, p.1
Roster of performers and their work.
33 Public recital by music students
College Eye 12:11, p.1
Roster of students and their work.
34 Marie Harrison
College Eye 11:12, p.8
Spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. A. C. Van Cleave before leaving for California for the winter.
35 Eulalian
Old Gold 0:0, p.263

Eulalian members; photo.

36 Eulalian
Old Gold 0:0, p.253

Gives the group motto, colors, and roll; photos.