Harsch--Emily (Class of 2014; LGBT* Student Services Coordinator)

Displaying 1 - 6 of 6 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Rainbow Reception welcomes students
Northern Iowan 116:1, p.3
On August 28, the UNI Gender and Sexuality Services (GSS) held the Rainbow Reception at the Gallagher-Bluedorn Performing Arts Center (GBPAC). The Rainbow Reception was a way to welcome LGBTQ+ community members and allies to UNI and to help learn more about the community. There were informational booths as well as speakers, which included the announcement of the Thomas M. Davis Endowed Scholarship for transgender UNI students; photo.
2 Check DIS out: CME has new name
Northern Iowan 115:3, p.4
The Center for Multicultural Education (CME) is now the Office of Diversity, Inclusion, and Social Justice (DIS) and houses Multicultural Education Services, Gender and Sexuality Services, and Military and Veteran Student Services; photo.
3 Collaboration revamps CME BBQ
Northern Iowan 115:2, p.5
The Office of Diversity, Inclusion and Social Justice put on the Welcome Back BBQ. The office worked with UNI Dining and Catering to expand the BBQ options available to the students so the options were ethnically and culturally diverse; photos.
4 Welcoming a new Military Service coordinatior
Northern Iowan 114:32, p.2
Military and Veteran Student Services welcomed Chiquita Loveless as their new Coordinator. Writer Kelsey Chidley explains the extent of what the coordinator does and other groups she works with that help veterans; photo.
5 Changes coming soon to campus living
Northern Iowan 114:25, p.1
The Department of Residence (DOR) is making changes in the residence halls across campus. Second year students will now be allowed to live in Panther Village. Students can also opt-into all-gendered housing, allowing students to live with anyone regardless of gender; photo.
6 An open letter to street harassers
Northern Iowan 111:3, p.3
Student Emily Harsch expresses her opinion on street harassment on campus; photo.