Harshbarger--Bernice M. [Class of 1927]

Displaying 1 - 23 of 23 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Bernice Harshbarger
Alumnus 14:4, p.31
The daughter of F. F. Harshbarger, of McIntire, Iowa, married Irvin Winer, son of John Winer, of Little Cedar, Iowa. Bernice has been teaching for the past five years. The will reside on a farm near Osage, Iowa.
2 English Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.157
Description of the organization; roster of officers; photo.
3 Play Craft Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.142
Roster of officers and members; photo.
4 Photographs of graduates
Old Gold 0:0, p.46
5 Basketball
Old Gold 0:0, p.220
Illustration; 1925 season history; team roster; photos.
6 Neotrophian Literary Society
Old Gold 0:0, p.277
Officer roster; members; society colors, motto and flower; photos; candids
7 Football
Old Gold 0:0, p.214
Illustration; 1924 season history; team roster; photos.
8 Students present "Mrs. Pat" and "The Law"
College Eye 16:28, p.8
Play production class will perform for Cedar Falls Parlor Reading Circle.
9 Play production classes display one act dramas
College Eye 16:25, p.7
Schedule of plays and roster of those who will take part.
10 Margaret Fullerton wins first place in dramatic contest; Miller wins second--Harshbarger takes third
College Eye 16:25, p.1
Brief summaries of presentations.
11 Annual dramatic contest set for Friday evening; fifty dollars to be given away in prizes
College Eye 16:24, p.1
Schedule of contestants and their topics.
12 Neotrophian formal dinner
College Eye 16:24, p.7
Held at the Russell Lamson Hotel.
13 Bartlett Hal Colonial party
College Eye 16:23, p.5
Program for the evening.
14 Contestants selected for dramatic contest; work has been under supervision of Miss Knapp
College Eye 16:22, p.1
Roster of those who will compete.
15 Bartlett Hall notes
College Eye 16:21, p.5
News about residents.
16 Bartlett Hall colonial party Friday evening
College Eye 16:21, p.5
All Bartlett Hall residents invited as well as all faculty and office staff.
17 Annual oratorical contest next Monday; eight contestants will appear in final meet
College Eye 16:19, p.1
Schedule of contestants and their topics.
18 Contestants now chosen for annual declamatory tilt; contest will be held forepart of next month
College Eye 16:17, p.1
Program of speakers and their topics.
19 Members are now announced for Dramatic Club; nearly two hundred competed for places
College Eye 16:16, p.1

Roster of members; fifty-one selected from over two hundred who competed.

20 Freshman Commission entertained
College Eye 16:13, p.5
Entertained the Sophomore Council.
21 Bartlett Hall Halloween party
College Eye 16:9, p.5
Details about recent party.
22 Neotrophian
Old Gold 0:0, p.302
Names of officers and members.
23 Neotrophian
Old Gold 0:0, p.303
Photos of members.