Hart--Elizabeth A. (Student--1935)

Displaying 1 - 15 of 15 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Rectangle presents poems of students
College Eye 28:7, p.4
Work by five students featured in publication.
2 "Eye" reporter writes of Fords, high-chairs for city newspaper; Beth Hart has articles published in Mason City Gazette
College Eye 27:52, p.1
Quick survey of some of the topics covered.
3 Parlor Reading Circle begins its sixtieth year this fall; R. O. Skar is only faculty member belonging to society
College Eye 26:43, p.1
Brief history of the group.
4 Theodore Adams and Raymond Kettler were chosen editors of two student publications
Public Relations News Release 1934:1049, p.1
Business managers and minor staff officers for the newspaper and yearbook were also selected.
5 Honors are being achieved by twenty-one students from Cerro Gordo county
Public Relations News Release 1934:910, p.2
Cerro Gordo county is also represented by three Teachers College faculty members.
6 There are parrots which talk and there are parrots which swear
Public Relations News Release 1934:846, p.2
Story of a parrot written by Elizabeth Hart.
7 Former student fete local group at tea
College Eye 24:1, p.3
Hart family gets together.
8 The winter number of the Purple Pen
Public Relations News Release 1930:210, p.1
Purple Pen goes on sale February 16; survey of contents.
9 First Year Elementary Education
Old Gold 0:0, p.102
Class roll.
10 Professor Hart back from Sandy Lake
College Eye 19:44, p.1
Enjoyed being away for two weeks.
11 Untitled
College Eye 14:13, p.5
Promotes Alpha Literary Society through poem.
12 Alpha Society
Old Gold 0:0, p.176

Members, officers, motto, colors, flower.

13 First year Primary
Old Gold 0:0, p.99
Roster of officers and class roll; formal and informal photos.
14 Bartlett Hall
College Eye 12:13, p.7
News of residents.
15 Juniors and seniors have reception
College Eye 10:26, p.1
Seniors pass on the torch.