Hayes--Reginald B. (Director Minority Center)
Displaying 1 - 16 of 16 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Final one-acts Northern Iowan 70:27, p.5 |
Will present "The Lover,The Flattering Word", and "Happy Ending"; photo. | |
2 | "Healing Germ"; Minorities Cultural & Educational Center Northern Iowan 69:26, p.3 |
Reginald Hayes outlines purposes of EMCEC. | |
3 | Black talent on stage tonight Northern Iowan 68:31, p.1 |
Will present intercollegiate variety show. | |
4 | Black choir to perform at Wesley Sunday service Northern Iowan 68:19, p.8 |
Choir and dance group have formed at EMCEC. | |
5 | EMCEC to Show Film at UNI Public Relations News Release 1971:550, p.1 |
"Eldridge Cleaver Speaks" will be presented in the EMCEC on April 20th and 21st. | |
6 | UNI's EMCEC to Show Film Public Relations News Release 1971:501, p.1 |
"The Forgotten Minority" will be shown Apr. 6-7 in the Ethnic Minority Cultural and Education Center (EMCEC). | |
7 | UNI'S EMCEC To Have Film Public Relations News Release 1971:473, p.1 |
"Salt of the Earth" is being shown March 23-24 in University Hall in the UNI Union. | |
8 | EMCEC to Sponsor Film Public Relations News Release 1971:433, p.1 |
"Battle of Algiers" will be shown at 4 and 7 p.m. March 9 and 10 in the Union. | |
9 | EMCEC: new understanding Northern Iowan 67:33, p.2 |
Extends congratulations and thanks for those who worked to get the EMCEC facility established. |
10 | Preparing to open Northern Iowan 67:32, p.4 |
Students, faculty, and staff prepare for the opening of the Ethnic Minority Cultural and Educational Center; photo. |
11 | UNI's Cultural Center Schedules Opening Week Activities Public Relations News Release 1971:395, p.1 |
Exhibits, activities and more are planned for the opening week of the Ethnic Minority Cultural and Education Center (EMCEC) Feb. 21-26 at 2401 College Street; summary of activites |
12 | Viewpoint: Minority Center brings "expressions of surprise" UNI Quarterly 2:2, p.33 |
A look at the displays and the opening of the EMCEC; photo. | |
13 | EMCEC: and yet a part of many; one contributing to the whole, essential to its completeness UNI Quarterly 2:2, p.30 |
Brief history of the Center; early activities; plans for the future; photo. | |
14 | Hayes is selected as EMCEC director Northern Iowan 67:10, p.1 |
Profile of Reginald Hayes; photo. | |
15 | Announce Head of UNI Minority Center Public Relations News Release 1970:104, p.1 |
Reginald B. Hayes will assume the position of director for the UNI Ethnic Minority Cultural and Education Center in May. | |
16 | Behind the scenes UNI Quarterly 2:1, p.4 |
Collection of short articles on campus activities; photo. |