Hays--William E. [Class of 1912; Music Faculty]

Displaying 1 - 50 of 565 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Death takes four faculty with long service records
Alumnus 39:3, p.12
H. Earl Rath, Jessie L. Ferguson, William E. Hays, and Emma Opfer die.
2 Former music teacher William E. Hays dies
College Eye 46:33, p.1
Died June 14, 1955.
3 Dr. Edward Kurtz was honored Tuesday night, April 17, at a dinner party given by fellow musicians and music faculty
Public Relations News Release 1950:320, p.1

The 69-year-old violinist, composer and conductor will retire at the end of the summer quarter. He has been head of the music department since 1934, and a member of that department since 1924.

4 Faculty
Old Gold 0:0, p.210

List of faculty, emeritus staff, and faculty on leave; photo.

5 Organizations vie for sing trophy
College Eye 41:30, p.1
Judges for the second annual All-Campus Sing include Ruth Behrens, Hazel Strayer, and William E. Hayes.
6 406 attend 66th annual reunion
Alumnus 33:3, p.2
Highlights of reunion include honors to Professor Hays; photo.
7 'Minnesingers' will return for reunion
College Eye 40:30, p.1
Brief history of the group.
8 All campus sing tonight; band to open program; nine groups to enter
College Eye 40:29, p.1
Performance program.
9 Minnesingers to be honored at reunion
Alumnus 33:2, p.1
Will honor singers from 1921-1941 who trained under Professor Hays.
10 Long-term faculty members retire
Alumnus 32:4, p.5

Professors Hays and Buxbaum retire; photo.

11 Music fraternity to honor Hays
College Eye 39:40, p.3

Professor Hays will retire at end of quarter.

12 College Choir
Old Gold 0:0, p.162
Description and list of members; photo.
13 Instructional Staff
Old Gold 0:0, p.52
This page lists and features the photos of the Instructional Staff; photo.
14 Mr. Hays is the man to see bum notes to bum light switches
College Eye 38:39, p.2
Profile of professor William E. Hays.
15 The College Choir
Old Gold 0:0, p.256

Brief description of the group; photo.

16 Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia
Old Gold 0:0, p.171

Brief description of the group; photo.

17 Faculty
Old Gold 0:0, p.106
List of faculty; photo.
18 Musical Notes
College Eye 38:33, p.2
Discusses music students, faculty members, and upcoming musical events.
19 Musical Notes
College Eye 38:20, p.2
Announces recent and upcoming music related events on campus.
20 Musical Notes
College Eye 38:12, p.2
Announces upcoming music related events on campus.
21 Faculty
Old Gold 0:0, p.57
Photos of the faculty.
22 The Choir
Old Gold 0:0, p.215
The College Choir provides music for Sunday morning chapel; photo.
23 President honors members of choir
College Eye 37:29, p.1
By Women's Circle of CHIC.
24 Senior recital announced
Public Relations News Release 1946:116, p.1
Letha Holthaus and Mae Jeanne Hollis will perform voice and piano selections.
25 Four music students to hold recital
Public Relations News Release 1946:32, p.1
Violin, voice, cello, and piano skills will be performed during a music recital in the Gilchrist chapel.
26 Present symphony concert Sunday
College Eye 37:19, p.3
27 Gilchrist chapel to host recitals
Public Relations News Release 1946:25, p.1
Music students of Russell Baum, Carl Wirth, Emil Bock, William Hays, and harald Holst will perform.
28 Music recitals to be held at Iowa State Teachers College
Public Relations News Release 1946:17, p.1
Voice and piano students fo Olive Barker, Jane Birkhead, Russell Baum, and William Hays will perform during recitals in Gilchrist Hall.
29 Students to perform during recitals
Public Relations News Release 1945:266, p.1
Voice, piano, violin, and trumpet students will showcase their skills in Gilchrist chapel.
30 Music students present recital
Public Relations News Release 1945:265, p.1
Piano, voice, violin, and trumpet selections presented in Gilchrist chapel.
31 Choir
Old Gold 0:0, p.175
Brief description of group; photo.
32 Faculty
Old Gold 0:0, p.49
Faculty; photo.
33 Commencement and Baccalaureate exercises announced
Public Relations News Release 1945:132, p.1
President and Mrs. Malcolm Price will receive the graduates and faculty in their home. A commencement dinner is scheduled. Degrees and diplomas will be conferred.
34 Weekly student music recital will include piano, trumpet, and vocal selections
Public Relations News Release 1945:122, p.1
Audrey Sanders, Margit Lillehei, Hugh Eicke, Earl Dunn, Donna Hansen, Floyd Hershberger, Barbara Ritz, Lois Apel, and Jeanette Lind will perform.
35 Third senior recital presented by members of the Department of Music
Public Relations News Release 1945:90, p.1
Schedule announced for recital.
36 Weekly music recital features two local students
Public Relations News Release 1945:49, p.1
Program for the weekly recital announced.
37 Schedule for the weekly music recital announced
Public Relations News Release 1945:39, p.1
Piano, oboe, cello, and voice to be featured during the recital.
38 Weekly music recital will opened by Jon Wirth
Public Relations News Release 1945:32, p.1
Participants in the weekly music recital announced.
39 Weekly recital will feature four students
Public Relations News Release 1945:15, p.1
Dorothy Phillips, Elsise Colson, Jennifer Wellborn, and Ruth Larson to perform in Gilchrist Chapel.
40 Faculty
Old Gold 0:0, p.52
Faculty; photo.
41 Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia
Old Gold 0:0, p.95
Brief description of the group; photo.
42 All-Iowa contests in school music equal pre-'41 days
College Eye 35:27, p.4
Faculty act as judges in contests.
43 To hold chapel service on Wednesdays at 7:30 in auditorium
College Eye 35:4, p.4
Gerald Knoff will lead services.
44 KXEL Acquires a Reed Organ
Public Relations News Release 1943:99, p.2
The radio station, KXEL, has acquired a reed organ. Though it is old-fashioned, a series of monthly programs that are built around the organ will be added to the broadcasts.
45 Summer Symphony Orchestra Concert
Public Relations News Release 1943:97, p.3
The Iowa State Teachers college symphony orchestra will present its summer concert.
46 Musican Presents Concert
Public Relations News Release 1943:98, p.3

The Metropolitan opera bass-baritone, John Gurney, will present a concert.

47 Symphony concert will be presented Tuesday evening
College Eye 34:32, p.1
Schedule of other performances.
48 Musicians active
College Eye 34:31, p.4
Students invited to join summer groups.
49 Faculty
Old Gold 0:0, p.40
Roster of faculty; photo.
50 Cross Section of Campus Religion
Old Gold 0:0, p.88
Various meetings, diinners, services and choirs take place on campus through religious activities; photo.