Hazen--Winnifred E. (Class of 1885)

Displaying 1 - 12 of 12 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Ned Jenness
Alumnus 25:3, p.26
Died in Nampa, Idaho, August 1, 1940. His wife, the former Winifred Hazen, is living in Nampa. Ned left Sioux City in 1907, where he was associated with his cousin, W. C. Hills, in the ownership of five Woodbury County weekly newspapers.
2 Art League growing
College Eye 19:19, p.5
Information about Art League opportunities.
3 The name of E. T. Sheppard
Normal Eyte 16:29, p.459
Several Normalites will participate in a professional meeting.
4 Winnifred (Hazen) Sloan
Normal Eyte 13:21, p.333
Principal in Sioux City.
5 Winifred Hazen
Normal Eyte 9:9, p.212
Is now married and teaching in Sioux City.
6 N. W. Iowa educational meeting
Normal Eyte 4:29, p.453
Description of the program at Sioux City; President Seerley gave an address; many former Normalites attended.
7 Miss Winnifred E. Hazen
Normal Eyte 3:2, p.12
Is now Mrs. R. W. Sloan.
8 Miss Winifred E. Hazen
Normal Eyte 2:16, p.130
Resigns from Sioux City to go to Minneapolis.
9 To the alumni
Normal Eyte 1:19, p.152
Annual literary program of alumni scheduled; participants listed.
10 In the previous number
Students' Offering 8:34, p.9
Description of concert and literary society programs.
11 Winnifred Hazen
Students' Offering 7:29, p.6
Teaching in Marshall County.
12 Winnie Hazen
Students' Offering 7:27, p.6
At home this winter.