Held--Lois (Class of 1957)

Displaying 1 - 4 of 4 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 College Chorus
Old Gold 0:0, p.133
Handel's "Messiah," and Bach's "Christmas Oratorio," were the major performances sung by the College Chorus; they also sung "Psalm of Praise" by Mable Daniels and "104 Psalm" by Von Williams at the Spring Choral Concert; photo.
2 Bachelor of Arts
Old Gold 0:0, p.269
Graduates; photo.
3 Kappa Phi
Old Gold 0:0, p.245
Brief description of the group; photo.
4 Bartlett, Home of Frosh Women
Old Gold 0:0, p.100
Bartlett housed 700 freshman women and had 55 upperclass women serve as corridor chairmen and senior couselors the fall quarter. Photos of the House Council and other activities are on this page and the next; photos.