Hemsworth--Roy C. (Student--1901)

Displaying 1 - 5 of 5 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Roy Hemsworth
Normal Eyte 15:23, p.363
Is practicing dentistry in Marathon.
2 Some of the young men who came home to vote
Normal Eyte 13:10, p.155
A number of men came back home to vote in the elections.
3 Several boys
Normal Eyte 13:4, p.59
Several former Normalites are now studying at the University of Iowa.
4 Wesley Wiler, Earl Thompson, and Roy Hemsworth
Normal Eyte 12:14, p.219
Studying dentistry at University of Iowa.
5 The honorary N
Normal Eyte 10:20, p.492
Will award sweaters and letters to successful athletes.