Henson--Julie Fox (Music Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 5 of 5 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 UNI Suzuki School of Music, Chamber Orchestra creates festive, cultural, social outing
Northern Iowan 91:15, p.8
Evening program; photo.
2 Montclaire String Quartet will be artists-in-residence through 1992
Northern Iowa Today 74:1, p.29
Sketch of group's achievements; photo.
3 Untitled
Northern Iowan 86:16, p.4
Montclaire String Quartet rehearses; photo.
4 Quartet to debut Monday evening
Northern Iowan 86:16, p.4
Montclaire Quartet will make their official debut; group members talk extensively about their history of playing together; photo.
5 Highly-praised string quartet in residence at University of Northern Iowa; to present debut concert Monday (Oct. 30).
Public Relations News Release 1989:192, p.1
The Quartet made up for four young women, will present its debut concert of the UNI Special Montclaire Quartet Series in the auditorium of Russell Hall.