Hermansen--Noreen M. [Alumni Services Staff]

Displaying 1 - 50 of 89 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Untitled
Northern Iowa Today 90:1, p.30
Nancy and Kathy Redfern greet Noreen Hermansen at reception; photo.
2 From the Association chair
Northern Iowa Today 89:2, p.23
Term of Beth Jorgensen Harris will end in October; to be succeeded by Barbara Harper Norman; tribute to work of Noreen Hermansen; photo.
3 Hermansen named UNI Foundation vice president
Northern Iowa Today 89:2, p.21
Noreen Hermansen will concentrate on raising money for athletics; photo.
4 From the Association president
Northern Iowa Today 89:2, p.22
Alumni Relations and Alumni Association will move into new quarters by September; Alumni Association attempting to raise money for hospitality suite in McLeod Center; photo.
5 Hermansen named UNI Foundation vice president
Public Relations News Release 2004:0, p.1
Noreen Hermansen will take new position after being Director of Alumni Relations for over fifteen years.
6 From the Association president
Northern Iowa Today 88:2, p.22
Noreen Hermansen talks about the highlights of 2003-2004; invites alumni back for Homecoming; photo.
7 UNI love inspired 462 employees
Northern Iowan 100:45, p.1
UNI alumni on staff highlighted; photo.
8 UNI's international programs cope with world events
Northern Iowa Today 87:2, p.2
Students and staff talk about they ways in which they have dealt with volatile international situations.
9 Board of Regents meeting at the University of Iowa Jan. 15-16
Public Relations News Release 2002:271, p.1
Docket issues for the Board of Regents meeting are listed.
10 UNI alumni to be part of Des Moines Arts Festival
Northern Iowa Today 30:2, p.6
Alumni from the Des Moines area will help man three ice cream trucks located throughout the festival; a portion of the profits will be donated to the Alumni Association Endowed Scholarship.
11 Gen. Schwarzkopf stormin' UNI April 6
Northern Iowan 98:44, p.1
Students are dismayed by the cost of the tickets.
12 Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf to speak at UNI
Public Relations News Release 2001:277, p.1
Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf will talk about "Leadership in Difficult Times" on April 6.
13 From the Executive Director
Northern Iowa Today 86:1, p.19
Noreen Hermansen talks about recent events and the difficult budget situation.
14 Twin Cities Alumni Club
Northern Iowa Today 85:1, p.25

Ron Wiest, alumni, and 150 Panther fans attend St. Paul Saints baseball game in the Twin Cities followed by a picnic.

15 Alumni clubs keep former UNI students connected
Northern Iowan 96:42, p.3
Description of clubs in cities around US.
16 Students First tops the half million dollar mark on campus
Campus News Network 9:9, p.1
Almost $600,000 has been raised to fund scholarships in Students First campaign.
17 Bring home piece of Dome
Northern Iowan 95:26, p.12
Replicas of UNI-Dome created by Eric Stoneman feature small piece of original UNI-Dome roof; photo.
18 Students First Campus Kickoff
Campus News Network 9:5, p.1
"Students First" Scholarship Campaign was launched Sept. 10 to increase scholarship endowments by at least $10 million by the year 2000; photo.
19 Glenn Boysen will serve as grand marshal of the 1997 University of Northern Iowa Homecoming parade Oct. 18
Public Relations News Release 1997:77, p.1
Glenn Boysen, 1933 alumnus of Iowa State Teachers College, will act as grand marshal of 1997 Homecoming parade.
20 University of Northern Iowa to have booth at state fair for first time in three decades
Public Relations News Release 1996:480, p.1
A booth will be held at the Iowa State Fair after requests from over two hundred alumnus. The booth will showcase the UNI website, and have staff from admissions and career services.
21 Opening reception slated to kick-off NCAA wrestling tournament
Public Relations News Release 1996:305, p.1
University of Northern Iowa brings UNI's wrestling legends to help with NCAA Tournament Opening Reception.
22 Assistant director of Alumni Relations at Universiy of Northern Iowa working on memberships
Public Relations News Release 1995:378, p.1
Brad Halverson, assistant director of Alumni Relations is working on association memberships.
23 Northern Lights--observing a dozen decades of great teaching
Campus News Network 6:14, p.1
UNI will celebrate its 120th anniversary with many activities in the fourth week of April.
24 UNI: giving in a United Way
Campus News Network 6:11, p.1
410 pledges were received in United Way Campaign for total of $34,400.
25 We're having a party and you're invited to participate!
Campus News Network 6:9, p.2
UNI will celebrate its 120th anniversary April 20-26.
26 University of Northern Iowa Alumni Association elects officers
Public Relations News Release 1995:107, p.1
UNI Alumni Association announces newly elected officers.
27 Ed and Cathy Gallagher will serve as grand marshals of the 1995 University of Northern Iowa Homecoming Parade October 7
Public Relations News Release 1995:73, p.1
Grand Marshall for the UNI Homecoming Parade are announced.
28 "Golden Class" celebrates with special reunion events on campus
Public Relations News Release 0:627, p.1
Class of 1944 reunion schedule is announced. Class members attending listed.
29 Still no name for ROTH complex
Northern Iowan 90:31, p.9
Naming Committee weighing choices.
30 Northern Iowa Alumni Association elects new officers, board members
Public Relations News Release 1993:253, p.1

UNI Alumni Association announce election results.

31 Homecoming "It's Showtime!"
Old Gold 0:0, p.12

Homecoming activities take place across campus; photo. Terry Allen speaks at pep rally; photo. Traditions continue, campaniling; photo. Parade; photos. Football victory at Illinois State; photo. Homecoming Talent Show; photo. Class Reunions; photo.

32 "Golden Class" celebrates with special reunion events on campus
Public Relations News Release 1992:655, p.1
Class of 1943 holds reunion. Class members listed.
33 Memorial service to honor the late Stan Sheriff
Public Relations News Release 1992:501, p.1
A memorial for Stan Sheriff will be held in the UNI-Dome.
34 Campus campaign pledges reach $700,000
Northern Iowa Today 76:1, p.
Campus phase ends as national phase begins; photo.
35 "Golden Class" celebrates with special reunion events on campus
Public Relations News Release 1991:650, p.1
60 class members from the Class of 1942 celebrated during commencement weekend. Attendees listed.
36 Tying the bow on campus campaign
Campus News Network 2:8, p.1
Capital campaign will end on campus in December.
37 Meet Myra Boots
Campus News Network 2:3, p.1
Professors Boots and Schwarzenbach co-chair on-campus capital campaign; photo.
38 Alumni luncheon during University of Northern Iowa's Homecoming October 4 to honor Dr. William C. Lang.
Public Relations News Release 1991:80, p.1
William C. Lang will be honored at a luncheon during Homecoming weekend.
39 Leaders chosen to launch University campaign
Northern Iowa Today 19:2, p.6
Fruehling will lead national campaign; campus campaign leaders selected; photo.
40 University of Northern Iowa alumni to be honored April 20
Public Relations News Release 1990:482, p.1
Five alumni and friends of UNI will be honored at the Heritage Honours Program.
41 Office of Public Relations
Campus News Network 1:11, p.4
Receives several awards.
42 Northern Iowa eminent alumnae lecture series February 15 to feature Lt. Governor Joy Corning
Public Relations News Release 1990:341, p.1
Joy Corning to speak at UNI.
43 University of Northern Iowa parents' association to install new officers and board members Saturday (November 3)
Public Relations News Release 1990:156, p.1
Officers of UNI Parents Association to be installed during Parents Weekend.
44 Class of 1930 to attend reunion at University of Northern Iowa July 2.
Public Relations News Release 1990:720, p.1
Schedule of events given. The returning alumni include two married couples in which both spouses graduated in 1930, according to Noreen Hermansen, director of alumni relations.
45 'Golden Class' celebrates with special reunion events on campus.
Public Relations News Release 1989:663, p.1
The class of 1940 celebrated its "Golden Reunion," with 81 class members and a number of their spouses returning from all parts of the country. Highlights of the weekend cited.
46 New history book on University of Northern Iowa to be released Saturday (April 21).
Public Relations News Release 1989:568, p.1
William C. Lang author of "A Century of Leadership and Service," presents the history of the University in a manner that is descriptive as well as chronological in nature. Volume I covers the years 1876 to 1928.
47 Top awards in district communications recognition program again go to University of Northern Iowa's Office of Public Relations
Public Relations News Release 1989:361, p.1
The Council for Advancement and Support of Education awards the Office of Public Relations with the Exceptional Achievement Award, as well as two awards of merit. Awards were received for exceptional electronic media.
48 New officers and board members for UNIPA installed during parents' weekend.
Public Relations News Release 1989:122, p.1
Cynthia and Robert Tillman were installed presidents. Treasurers are Ronda and Eldon Bird. New board members Colene and Kenneth Armbrecht, Barb and Galen Behrends, Lelia and Thomas Scott, and Virginia and Roger Swenson.
49 Two student groups merge
Northern Iowan 86:1, p.5
Student Alumni Council and Student Ambassadors will merge.
50 University of Northern Iowa to host back to school tea for retired teachers Aug. 29.
Public Relations News Release 1989:2, p.1
Thomas Switzer will welcome guests. They will then hear a history of the UNI Marshall Center School. A tour of the schoolhouse will follow for interested guests.