Herrold--Clifford H. (Art Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 73 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 UNI profs win
Northern Iowan 73:16, p.1
Dr. Clifford Herrold and Dr. Harry Guillaume win awards in the Iowa Crafts Shows.
2 Jewelry termed priceless
Northern Iowan 72:33, p.4
Professor Herrold's jewelry was worth over $10,000; no leads on thieves.
3 Jewelry theft is "terrible"; reward forming
Northern Iowan 72:27, p.2
Kenneth Lash states his disgust in the theft of Professor Clifford Herrold's work from a jewelry exhibition.
4 Jewelry stolen
Northern Iowan 72:26, p.5
Professor Herrold's jewelry stolen from display; valued at over $8000.
5 Herrold, Carter feature art; jewelry, sculpture, painting
Northern Iowan 72:22, p.6
Profiles of Professors Herrold and Carter; photo.
6 Regents approve leaves for 12 faculty members
Northern Iowan 68:47, p.7
List of faculty and their topics of research.
7 Faculty art show opens here
Northern Iowan 67:37, p.6

Four faculty display work.

8 UNI President's Wife Received Gift of Friendship from Japanese University
Public Relations News Release 1969:231, p.1
A large "synthetic sapphire" crystal, now set in a ring, was given to Mrs. Macuker by the president of Yamanashi University in Japan.
9 Cutline
Public Relations News Release 1969:230, p.1
Picture of Mrs. J. W. Maucker's gold sapphire ring, designed by Clifford Herrold.
10 Herrold displays jewelry
College Eye 63:44, p.7
11 Faculty publish, win national offices
Alumnus 50:3, p.18
List of recent faculty achievements and announcements of recent resignations.
12 Clifford Herrold to be honored at Central State
College Eye 59:43, p.7
Profile of Professor Herrold.
13 Develop "artist-teacher" concept
Alumnus 50:2, p.4
Curriculum, methods, personnel, and opportunities in Department of Art; photo.
14 Jewelry show now on display in library
College Eye 59:22, p.3
Work by Professor Herrold's class on display.
15 Art show by Brechwald opens Sunday
College Eye 59:12, p.3
Dennis Brechwald will show work; faculty will also have show.
16 SCI faculty to participate in 110th ISEA Convention
College Eye 59:5, p.3
Roster of fourteen faculty who will be participating.
17 135 art works in 'Jewelry, 1964'
College Eye 58:16, p.3
Work by designers on display; photo.
18 Art faculty display in A&I Gallery
College Eye 58:11, p.8
Work by nine faculty on display.
19 Three professors have art works on display nationally
College Eye 57:11, p.8
Work by Dave Delafield, Cliff Herrold, and Ralph Haskell on display.
20 Board of Regents approves 13 staff promotions
College Eye 56:28, p.3
Roster of promotions.
21 Joseph Isheikawa to speak at annual art fair tomorrow
College Eye 56:26, p.3
Will show work by SCI and high school students.
22 150 students expected here for art fair
College Eye 56:25, p.5
Will show work and compete for scholarships.
23 Annual art fair scheduled for weekend of April 6-7
College Eye 56:19, p.4
Will bring high school students and their teachers to campus.
24 Kappa Pi, SCI art organization sponsoring sale
College Eye 56:12, p.8
Works by students and faculty will be on sale.
25 Herrold named 'Artist of Month' by Omaha museum
College Eye 56:10, p.3
Brief profile of Professor Herrold.
26 Faculty art show to open Sunday at ISTC
Public Relations News Release 1960:254, p.1
A faculty art exhibition is held in the Arts and Industries building. The show will contain the works of nine department of art faculty members.
27 Statewide art fair to be held at ISTC
Public Relations News Release 1960:167, p.1
The department of art hosts the Sixth Annual Art Fair. Chairmen on the Art Fair Committee are Paul Smith, Marjorie Campbell, Clifford Herrold, and Professor Ralph Haskell.
28 Art Department Expands Collection
Old Gold 0:0, p.94
The Art Department's private collection grew as many pieces were donated to them. To showcase this, students and other communities members had the opportunity to view the traveling art exhibits. Under the sponsorship of the Art Department, Kappa Pi was apart of many of the department events.
29 Exhibits Highlight Art Year
Old Gold 0:0, p.100
Two student shows, nine specially scheduled exhibits, a special invitational sculpture show, and the International Graphic Arts Experimental Exhibits highlighted the year's activities. The Art Club and Kappa Pi were sponsored by the Art Department; photo.
30 Student League Board Provides Effective Campus Government
Old Gold 0:0, p.118
The Student League Board consists of: the Organizations Committee, the Social Programs Council, and the Student-Faculty Relations Committee; they're the highest student governing body on campus; photo.
31 Art staff has Colorado show
College Eye 50:15, p.1
Art faculty work will be on display at Colorado A & M for six weeks.
32 Art Department Adds to Collection
Old Gold 0:0, p.100
Description of the department and news of 700 3-D slides and other additions; photos.
33 Student-Faculty Relations Committee
Old Gold 0:0, p.117
Photo of the Committee; photo.
34 Department of Art
Old Gold 0:0, p.42
The Department of Art had new additions made to the permanent art collection through purchases and donors; the Second Annual Art Fair was held in April; various art exhibits were sponsored throughout the year; photo.
35 SLB
Old Gold 0:0, p.106

Presidents of the Men's Union, Associated Women Students, housing units, and the chairman of the standing committees are included in Student League Board; they are: Marilyn Loman, Victor Dierksen, Marilyn Turnquist, Arden Sollien, and Carol Gaunt; photo.

36 Kappa Pi Promotes Art Interest
Old Gold 0:0, p.210
Kappa Pi, a national art fraternity, are known for promoting the work of other students through the exhibits and the national publication SKETCH BOOK, and to stimulate higher scholarship and to recognize potential and professional ability; photo.
37 Herrold's jewelry in two exhibits
College Eye 48:26, p.5
In shows in Chicago and Kansas.
38 Art faculty's varied works on exhibit
College Eye 48:19, p.1
In Waterloo.
39 Art Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.213

Brief description of the group; photo.

40 Kappa Pi
Old Gold 0:0, p.201
Brief description of the group; photo.
41 Departments
Old Gold 0:0, p.92
Brief description of the art department; photo.
42 Stimulation by art faculty creates vista of experience
College Eye 47:23, p.7
A look at the faculty in the Department of Art.
43 Mexican art featured at first art meeting
College Eye 47:3, p.3
Professor Herrold will speak.
44 Artists Plan Annual Show
Old Gold 0:0, p.201
Description of the Art Club and their activities; photos.
45 Art Presents Various Exhibits
Old Gold 0:0, p.80
Description of the Art Department and photos of the faculty; photos.
46 New Honorary for Artists
Old Gold 0:0, p.188
Description of Kappa Pi; photos.
47 Dr. Guillaume serves as panel chairman
College Eye 46:26, p.5
For national art association.
48 Dr. Herrold summarizes art education article
College Eye 46:23, p.6
49 Artists meet Tuesday
College Eye 46:19, p.7
50 Five faculty members travel to Jefferson
College Eye 46:11, p.8
For career day activities.