Hibbs--Orrin E. (Class of 1895)

Displaying 1 - 25 of 25 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Orrin E. Hibbs
Alumnus 26:3, p.29
Died on July 2, 1941, in Long Beach, California, after teaching and serving as superintendent for a number of years.
2 Orrin E. Hibbs
Alumnus 22:2, p.21
Spending the winter and spring months in Long Beach, California, with his wife.
3 Alumni Office visitors
Alumnus 21:4, p.11
Bureau of Alumni Affairs continues to develop and organize its alumni files.
4 Orrin E. Hibbs
Alumni News Letter 5:3, p.6
Orrin E. Hibbs loses his variety store located in Lake City, Iowa to a fire. The entirety of his stock was either destroyed or ruined in the incident.
5 Official
Normal Eyte 20:10, p.168

Preparations for the College Hospital; Carrie Parker resigns; former Professor Loughridge doing well at Des Moines College; many alumni and faculty active in ISTA.

6 Seventeen former Normal students
Normal Eyte 19:18, p.282
Are now county superintendents in Iowa.
7 Official
Normal Eyte 18:13, p.193
Changes in faculty and scheduling for the winter term; Professor Cory joins the faculty; Marion McFarland Walker is back on the faculty; education news from around the state; photo.
8 O. E. Hibbs
Normal Eyte 17:21, p.331
Superintendent in Calhoun County.
9 O. E. Hibbs
Normal Eyte 17:5, p.72
Nominated for superintendent of Calhoun County.
10 Among the names appearing on the program
Normal Eyte 15:28, p.437
Several I. S. N. S. alumni spoke at the Calhoun County Teachers Association meeting.
11 O. E. Hibbs
Normal Eyte 15:22, p.343
Is principal at Farnhamville.
12 Orrin E. Hibbs
Normal Eyte 13:29, p.459
Principal in Jolly.
13 W. R. Sandy
Normal Eyte 12:20, p.313
Reports on Calhoun County teachers association meeting; other Normalites participated.
14 O. E. Hibbs
Normal Eyte 9:29, p.686
Principal of Anthon schools.
15 O. E. Hibbs
Normal Eyte 9:26, p.618
Principal at Authon.
16 O. E. Hibbs
Normal Eyte 8:30, p.415
Candidate for superintendent in Calhoun County.
17 O. E. Hibbs
Normal Eyte 7:34, p.11
Re-elected principal at Altoona.
18 O. E. Hibbs
Normal Eyte 7:8, p.88
Principal at Altoona.
19 Prin. O. E. Hibbs
Normal Eyte 6:32, p.377
Will be principal at Altoona.
20 O. E. Hibbs
Normal Eyte 6:10, p.113
Principal at Jolley.
21 Mr. O. E. Hibbs
Normal Eyte 5:7, p.51
Will be principal in Jolley.
22 The orations of the past week
Normal Eyte 4:30, p.475
Speakers and topics.
23 The orators of the past few days
Normal Eyte 4:2, p.27
Toster of chapel speakers.
24 The Aristo officers
Normal Eyte 3:28, p.223
Elect officers.
25 During vacation
Normal Eyte 3:16, p.125
O. E. Hibbs marries.