Higby--Patricia (CEEE Staff)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 68 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 UNI's Center for Energy and Environmental Education hosts open house to display new solar array
Public Relations News Release 2014:207, p.1
The open house will be on March 29, at 8106 Jennings Dr. The open house will include tours of the solar array and how to install your own solar system.
2 UNI's Center for Energy and Environmental Education hosts open house to display new solar array
Public Relations News Release 2014:158, p.1
The open house is on February 1st, at 8106 Jennings Drive. The open house will include tours of the solar array, details about federal and state incentives and information for installing your own solar system.
3 UNI students build home for families
Northern Iowan 110:10, p.1
Habitat for Humanity wants to get more people involved in their organization. People do not need to have previous construction experience to help.
4 UNI loans Mobile Power Tower to Iowa schools
Public Relations News Release 2011:254, p.1
UNI's Mobile Power Tower will be borrowed by the Cedar Falls High School to show students the advantages of renewable energy.
5 Alliant Energy awards UNI grant to increase K through 12 energy education.
Public Relations News Release 2010:298, p.1
An Alliant Energy Bright Ideas grant will allow the University of Northern Iowa to continue its energy education outreach in Iowa K through 12 schools.
6 FREE Program to aid teachers
Northern Iowan 107:15, p.1
CEEE has developed a program entitled Fabulous Resources for Energy Education. This group allows K-12 and student groups to borrow resources to teach about alternative energy resources.
7 UNI enhances energy education outreach through material loan programs and professional development
Public Relations News Release 2010:77, p.1
Many Iowa schools do not have budgets for energy related materials such as photovoltaic cells, hydrogen fuel cells, or Kill-a-Watt meters. The CEEE is working in collaboration with the OEI to provide these and other programs to Iowa's educators.
8 UNI hosts 'Power of the Purse IV: Choices' on Sept. 28; Registration deadline is Sept. 21
Public Relations News Release 2010:44, p.1
Joyce Morrow, director of student financial aid, will present the keynote address, "What Happened to the Public in Public University?" during the luncheon program. The seminar will open with welcome remarks from Pat Allen.
9 Eight UNI students put worms to work
Public Relations News Release 2009:434, p.1
UNI's Recycling & Reuse Technology Transfer Center (RRTTC) provided each student with a vermicompost kit, which included a 10-gallon bin drilled with holes and filled with "brown waste" and 10 dozen worms, called Red Wigglers.
10 UNI CEEE announces Iowa Energy Poster Contest winners
Public Relations News Release 2008:437, p.1
Students all over Iowa in grades one through six created vibrant posters that demonstrated their knowledge of renewable energy or energy conservation and efficiency. Poster contest winners will be awarded a $100 savings bond, and plaque. Students listed.
11 Iowa Energy Poll report: Money motivates Iowans to conserve energy; Iowa Energy Poll, 2008, results give benchmarks for energy-related knowledge,
Public Relations News Release 2008:360, p.1
The results from the Poll identified factors that influence Iowans in energy-related matters. Iowans may weigh many factors when making energy-related decisions, but money is behind many of them, including vehicle purchses, buying appliances, and more.
12 UNI Lifelong University announces spring 2009 courses
Public Relations News Release 2008:309, p.1
Five non-credit courses will be offered this spring: "Three Cups of Tea;" "Preserving Family Treasures;" "Energy Matters! Making the World a Better Place for Our Grandchildren;" "Religious Literacy;" and "Container Gardening."
13 UNI's Higby appointed to Consumer Advisory Panel
Public Relations News Release 2008:302, p.1
Patricia Higby, education and outreach coordinator for the Center for Energy & Environmental Education, was recently appointed to the Iowa Consumer Advisory Panel.
14 University of Northern Iowa to host Iowa Electrathon event
Public Relations News Release 2008:41, p.1
The Center for Energy and Environmental Education will host the Alliant Energy Iowa Electrathon Championship Series. The Electrathon is a program designed for high-school and college students to use a problem-solving approach to design.
15 UNI hosts Electrical and Information Engineering Technology senior design seminar
Public Relations News Release 2007:733, p.1
Eight seniors majoring in electrical and information engineering technology (EIET), from the Department of Industrial Technology, hosted a design seminar earlier this spring.
16 UNI sends five to the 15th annual Solar Splash electric boat competition, June 18-22
Public Relations News Release 2007:732, p.1
Solar Splash, hosted by the University of Arkansas, is the World Championship of Intercollegiate Solar Boating.
17 UNI hosts renewable energy workshop for farmers, June 27
Public Relations News Release 2007:729, p.1
The Center for Energy and Environmental Education is hosting a workshop for farmers. Participants will learn about owning a wind turbine, improving on-farm energy efficiency and selling carbon credits.
18 UNI CEEE announces Iowa Energy Poster Contest winners
Public Relations News Release 2007:584, p.1
Fifteen posters were chosen for the 2008 Iowa Energy Poster Contest; list of winners.
19 UNI staff member to help screen Iowa Power Fund proposals
Public Relations News Release 2007:451, p.1
Patricia Higby was appointed to the Iowa Power Fund board of directors and the Due Diligence committee to help screen fund proposals.
20 Governor appoints UNI educator to state board
Public Relations News Release 2007:196, p.1
Patricia Higby has been appointed to the Iowa Power Fund board of directors.
21 UNI to host final Iowa Electrathon events of the season
Public Relations News Release 2007:138, p.1
The Center for Energy and Environmental Education will be hosting the last events of the Alliant Energy Iowa Electrathon Championship Series September 29.
22 UNI offers variety of fun activities at Iowa State Fair
Public Relations News Release 2007:90, p.1
There will be a University of Northern Iowa booth at the State Fair August 9-19.
23 UNI CEEE announces Iowa Energy Poster Contest winners
Public Relations News Release 2006:0, p.1
Iowa students in grades one through six created posters demonstrating their knowledge of energy conservation and efficiency.
24 UNI, homes and businesses display energy cost-cutting methods on "Solar Tour"
Public Relations News Release 2006:0, p.1
The "Cedar Valley Solar Tour" will feature seven local businesses and homes, including Center for Energy and Environmental Education.
25 Area junior high students invest in the future with solar power and rising gas prices
Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1
The Junior Solar Sprint showcased solar energy cars.
26 UNI CEEE to host 'The Great Warming' May 4
Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1
Film aims to raise awareness about global warming and how reverse the damage.
27 Tuesday, April 25
Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1
CEEE Sustainability Series will host a panel on future energy uses in Iowa.
28 Earth Day and 'Sole Power' celebration to take place at UNI
Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1
UNI will host the fourth annual Earth Day and "Sole Power" celebration on the UNI campus.
29 Tuesday, April 11
Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.2
Guided tour of the Iowa Braille and Sight Saving School will take place; Lecture will discuss Shakespeare; Debate on coal power plants will occur; UNI Society of Professional Journalists will host David Handschuh, photographer for the New York Daily News.
30 UNI's Debate team to discuss building of coal power plants
Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1
Sustainability Series will host the UNI Debate Team's discussion on whether or not we should continue to build coal power plants.
31 Thursday, April 6
Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.2
International Variety Show and Food Festival will be held; lecture on "Finding the Community's Voice" will be given; Speaker will talk of Rwandan Genocide; TEAC - H will be presented by the CEEE.
32 Tuesday, March 28
Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1
Writing seminar will take place; Gay marriage will be explored by debate; Panel discussion on democracy will be held; Shakespeare roundtable discussion will take place; Bio-diesel workshop will be held; Women's Film Series will continue.
33 UNI's CEEE to host presentation on Iowa's energy resources
Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1
Keith Kutz will give a presentation on Iowa's energy resources as part of the Sustainability Series.
34 Tuesday, March 21
Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1
Community discussion on "Who Speaks for the Poor" will take place; project on "Orientation and Mobility" dealing with the blind will take place; Sustainability Series will deal with wind generators.
35 UNI's CEEE to host series on energy and sustainability
Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1
CEEE presentation on local to global issues of energy will take place with speaker Bill Fink.
36 UNI's CEEE to host series on energy and sustainability
Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1
CEEE will host Sustainability Series, discussing energy issues. Alan Teel will speak on electricity generation and production with the use of bio-fuels.
37 Iowa gubernatorial candidates to discuss energy policy at UNI
Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1
Seven governor candidates will participate in an Energy Forum.
38 Home weatherization education scheduled for local Habitat for Humanity
Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1
CEEE gives tips on how to be more energy efficient this winter.
39 UNI Center for Energy & Environmental Education to host children's poster contest
Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1
CEEE is taking entries for its annual Iowa Energy Poster Contest.
40 Need to be 'energy independent' never greater
Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1
CEEE solar tour to kick off National Energy Awareness Month.
41 CEEE to give Solar Tour at UNI
Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1
Solar Tour will take place on Oct. 1 and will showcase new energy saving systems that convert sunlight to electricity.
42 Iowa Electrathon 'charges' to finish at the UNI campus
Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1
CEEE and Cedar Falls Utilities present the Alliant Energy Iowa Electrathon for high school and college students who build one-person electric cars.
43 Sunshine powers portion of UNI's CEEE; photovoltaic display design allows for future expansion
Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1
Photovoltaic panels provide emmision-free energy to CEEE and expansion may be possible in the future.
44 Gov. conference at CEEE
Northern Iowan 101:58, p.3
Governor's Conference on Environmental Education makes stop at UNI.
45 Iowa Electrathon kicks off at Iowa's International Raceway
Public Relations News Release 2004:0, p.1
CEEE co-sponsors Electrathon race.
46 UNI CEEE to present 'History of Wind Energy'
Public Relations News Release 2004:0, p.1
Slideshow will retrace the ancient origins of wind energy and the impact it has on modern times.
47 UNI CEEE to host 'Green Living,' a presentation on Vinton resident's biomass powered home
Public Relations News Release 2004:0, p.1
Program promoting an environmentally safe lifestyle will take place on March 21.
48 UNI Center for Energy & Environmental Education to introduce Value Added program
Public Relations News Release 2004:0, p.1
New program stresses the importance of recycling.
49 UNI's CEEE's 'Winds of Change' offers a gust of fresh air
Public Relations News Release 2004:0, p.1
The importance of renewable energy will be discussed.
50 CEEE sponsoring outreach program
Public Relations News Release 2004:0, p.1
The CEEE will offer programs on protecting the environment to school and youth groups.