Hill--Charles E. (Class of 1935)

Displaying 1 - 38 of 38 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Charles Hill
Alumnus 32:2, p.17
Dean of the Creston Junior College in Creston, Iowa.
2 Charles E. Hill
Alumnus 31:3, p.12
Dean of the Creston, Iowa, Junior College, was named Creston's outstanding young man of 1946.
3 Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Hill, (Amy Ruth Austin)
Alumnus 25:3, p.25
The former Amy Ruth Austin and her husband, of Oskaloosa, Iowa, announce the birth of a son, Charles Austin. Charles E. teaches history and government at William Penn College, in Oskaloosa, Iowa.
4 Amy Austin and Charles E. Hill
Alumnus 24:1, p.30
Married September 2. Charles is teaching in Penn College, Oskaloosa, where they reside.
5 Phi Tau Theta
Old Gold 0:0, p.202
Founded in 1929 for Methodist men; purpose, officers, and members; photo.
6 Minnesingers
Old Gold 0:0, p.189

Organized in 1889; brief description, officers and members; photo.

7 Class of 1935
Old Gold 0:0, p.58
Graduate photos.
8 Approximately 250 candidates for graduation will hear the baccalaureate address
Public Relations News Release 1934:1087, p.1
Program for the event.
9 President John Scholte Nollen will address the graduating class
Public Relations News Release 1934:1082, p.1
Schedule of commencement events.
10 Phi Mu Alpha
College Eye 26:43, p.3
Charles Hill and William Kain pledged.
11 Senior officers will lead prom; queen will be crowned after grand march at ten
College Eye 26:41, p.1
Preview of the dance.
12 Chairmen of committees working on the college prom settled details at their final meeting
Public Relations News Release 1934:1040, p.1
Schedule for the dance and committee members.
13 Four towns will be visited by the Teachers College Minnesingers Glee Club
Public Relations News Release 1934:1035, p.2
Schedule and program for the event.
14 Bosley will discuss test of leadership
College Eye 26:38, p.1
15 Winters signed for a sartorial "sport dance"; all-college informal dance is announced for next Friday
College Eye 26:37, p.1
Sponsored by Student Council.
16 Committees planning senior prom May 3
College Eye 26:36, p.1
Roster of committee officers.
17 Dorothy Oelrich has been selected as a member of the cast for the opera "The Bohemian Girl"
Public Relations News Release 1934:908, p.1
Norma Atwood will play the other female lead.
18 Conducting rehearsals for the Christmas oratorio proved almost too much for Edward Kurtz
Public Relations News Release 1934:747, p.1
Handel's Messiah has been presented for twenty-eight years, but now Mr. Kurtz plans on varying the Yuletide programs from year to year.
19 For the first time the Yuletide musical will be changed to Bach's Christmas music
Public Relations News Release 1934:727, p.1
Five Faculty members will join the glee clubs to make up the chorus, other music faculty will play in the orchestra.
20 Juniors and Seniors elect class officers
Public Relations News Release 1934:679, p.1
The Freshman class representative was also chosen.
21 Charles Hill to be soloist at services
College Eye 26:17, p.1
22 Juniors and seniors nominate class officers
Public Relations News Release 1934:644, p.1
Three students were chosen for each office.
23 Phi Tau Theta
Old Gold 0:0, p.210
Founded November 16, 1929; officers, purpose, aims, and members; photo.
24 Y. M. C. A.
Old Gold 0:0, p.205

Purpose, aims, activities, officers, and members; photo.

25 The Junior Class
Old Gold 0:0, p.97
Description of a typical Junior student; officers; photos.
26 New officers chosen
Public Relations News Release 1934:452, p.1
Four college organizations chose individuals for positions in office.
27 Students to vote Monday for new council members
College Eye 25:35, p.1
Roster of candidates for Student Council positions.
28 Christmas is theme of all college dance
College Eye 25:24, p.1
Will include dance and quartette.
29 Active voting marks election of class heads; Burch, Lytle tie in race for senior presidency; Vinall heads juniors
College Eye 25:14, p.1
Roster of class officers.
30 Dean Reed leaves for Geneva, Chicago
College Eye 25:2, p.1
Several students accompany him to the YMCA conference and the World's Fair.
31 Phi Tau Theta
Old Gold 0:0, p.208
Officers, history, and aims; Methodist men's group installed on campus November 16, 1929; photo.
32 The Quartet
Old Gold 0:0, p.169
History of the Minnesingers Quartet; photo.
33 Charles Hill elected Y. M. C. A. president
College Eye 24:26, p.1
34 48 winter term graduates expected
Public Relations News Release 1932:258, p.1

Commencement exercises for winter term graduates to be held Thursday, March 2, in the college auditorium at 7:30 p.m.

35 Robert Burch, Pollock, South Dakota, and Carlton Lytle
Public Relations News Release 1932:22, p.1
Vote for senior class president is a tie; run off election October 2; officers for other classes elected.
36 Minnesingers
Old Gold 0:0, p.192
Names of officers and members; photos.
37 Phi Tau Theta
Old Gold 0:0, p.224
Names of officers and members; photo.
38 Charles Hill is elected head of Phi Tau Theta
College Eye 23:42, p.3
List of officers.