Hintzman--Mahlon Alvin (Class of 1934)

Displaying 1 - 22 of 22 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Mahlon (Curly) Hintzman
Alumnus 27:1, p.18
Foreman of the road construction crew in Fairbanks, Alaska.
2 Mahlon A. Hintzman
Alumnus 20:3, p.30
Married Loine Hall on July 6, 1935.
3 M. A. Hintzman
Alumnus 20:2, p.25
Teaches manual training at the high school in Clear Lake, Iowa.
4 Iowa schools hire all but three of 1934 coaching majors
Alumnus 18:4, p.14
Sixteen of nineteen 1934 graduates are coaching this year; survey of success in locating jobs in this field in recent years.
5 Eight graduates of former years are going to new positions in the fall
Public Relations News Release 1934:577, p.2
Sixteen graduates from the past year also have coaching jobs for the coming school year.
6 Of the nineteen graduates, sixteen already have coaching positions this fall
Public Relations News Release 1934:572, p.1
The remaining three graduates have contracts under consideration.
7 Mahlon Hintzman accepted teaching and coaching position
Public Relations News Release 1934:569, p.1
8 Lytle's team wins initial ball game 7-5; six teams are chosen as baseball intramurals begin
College Eye 26:4, p.4
Baseball captains named for intramural teams.
9 Graduates
Old Gold 0:0, p.76
Graduate photos.
10 Mahlon Hintzman, of Nora Springs
Public Relations News Release 1932:66, p.1
Will play in the Homecoming game.
11 Breaking a deep silence
Public Relations News Release 1932:40, p.1
Coach Baker comments on football team's upcoming game at Coe College.
12 When the Iowa Teachers meet Grinnell
Public Relations News Release 1932:31, p.1
Football team plays Grinnell College.
13 With the opening grid date but five days away
Public Relations News Release 1932:16, p.1
Football team plays Columbia this week.
14 Apparently displeased at the showing
Public Relations News Release 1932:20, p.1
Coach Baker changes his lineup; list given.
15 Manual Arts
Old Gold 0:0, p.111

Class roll; photo.

16 Iowa State Teachers track men will test the strength
Public Relations News Release 1930:395, p.1
Team travels to Dubuque to compete against five other schools, including: Luther, Columbia, Dubuque Uviversity, Upper Iowa, and St. Ambrose.
17 Tutor tracksters finish their first week
Public Relations News Release 1930:275, p.1
Track team prepares for Iowa Indoor Conference Meet at Des Moines.
18 New material must be drafted
Public Relations News Release 1929:565, p.1
Potential runners for ISTC cross country team.
19 Tracksters emerge victorious as season ends
Alumnus 14:3, p.19
Achievements and records of 1930 track team; photo.
20 Tutor Frosh will have their day here Saturday
Public Relations News Release 1929:506, p.1
Freshman squad races here against Grinnell's Freshman team.
21 Iowa State Teachers college Varsity and Frosh track squads
Public Relations News Release 1929:489, p.1
ISTC, Coe and Cornell participate in triangular track meet; two team members won't run because of injuries.
22 Freshman tracksters at Iowa State Teachers college will make their May bow
Public Relations News Release 1929:465, p.1
Freshman track team begins competition against varsity team.