Hoats--John Roy [Class of 1903 and 1906]

Displaying 1 - 50 of 60 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Jack Llewelln Hoats
Alumni News Letter 5:1, p.8
Son born to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hoats.
2 J. Roy Hoats
Alumni News Letter 4:2, p.3
J. Roy Hoats is general science teacher in Tacoma, Washington. Florence Hoats also teaching in Tacoma.
3 Letters
College Eye 2:2, p.1
J. R. Hoats writes about his orchard in Washington; Bertha Patt writes about her trip to Europe.
4 Roy Hoats
Normal Eyte 20:35, p.587
Has gone to Montana to join the Geological Survey Party.
5 Roy Hoats
Normal Eyte 20:24, p.406
Is a special agent in charge of using census information and making improvements in this part of the state.
6 Miss Lillian Johnson
Normal Eyte 20:16, p.273
Has been visiting the Hoats residence.
7 Scientists meet; Roy Hoats talks to Science Club on geological work in the West
Normal Eyte 20:10, p.170
Talks about surveying and mapping in Montana.
8 Roy Hoats
Normal Eyte 20:10, p.177
Has left for a visit to Iowa City.
9 J. R. Hoats
Normal Eyte 20:8, p.142
Has been working in the Dakotas and Montana, but has returned for a visit.
10 J. R. Hoats
Normal Eyte 19:24, p.381
Left for surveying work in the Dakotas.
11 J. R. Hoats
Normal Eyte 19:23, p.368
Will work with surveying party in North Dakota.
12 Roy Hoats
Normal Eyte 19:8, p.121
Still working for geological survey in Montana.
13 During the past week
Normal Eyte 19:3, p.46
Many are heading to other colleges to study.
14 Mr. Roy Hoats
Normal Eyte 18:9, p.141
Has returned from work with the United States Geological Survey; describes his work in detail.
15 Roy Hoats
Normal Eyte 17:34, p.543
Home from Iowa City.
16 Roy Hoats
Normal Eyte 17:22, p.349
Visited home.
17 Many former students availed themselves of the opportunity to visit Normal
Normal Eyte 17:15, p.235

Large number of Normalites visited during Christmas vacation.

18 Roy Hoats
Normal Eyte 17:10, p.153
Studying geology at University of Iowa.
19 Roy Hoats, Emil Tostlebe, Nathan Gist and Clarence Parker
Normal Eyte 17:9, p.141
Came home from University of Iowa in order to vote locally.
20 Roy Hoats
Normal Eyte 17:5, p.77
Visited home.
21 Roy Hoats
Normal Eyte 17:5, p.74
Studying at University of Iowa.
22 Student portraits
Pedagog 0:0, p.20
Student portraits; photo.
23 The Orio Society
Pedagog 0:0, p.92

Brief history of the organization; photo.

24 Ames-Normal debates
Normal Eyte 16:11, p.161
Reprint of the scores of the last ten debates between Normal and Ames. Score is overwhelmingly In Normal's favor; photo.
25 J. R. Hoats and Mr. Ferris
Normal Eyte 16:8, p.124
Went to Iowa City.
26 Roy Hoats
Normal Eyte 16:3, p.38
Resigns position at East Waterloo to resume studies at Normal School.
27 At the annual election
Normal Eyte 15:30, p.471
Several alumni are elected to positions at Iowa schools.
28 Ames-Normal debates
Normal Eyte 15:29, p.450
Topic, debaters, and results of the last nine debates held between Ames and I. S. N. S.
29 Vacation has given Roy Hoats
Normal Eyte 15:26, p.404
Roy Hoats has visited classes at the Normal.
30 Roy Hoats
Normal Eyte 15:19, p.295
Is teaching in the science department of the East Waterloo schools.
31 Roy Hoats
Normal Eyte 15:19, p.302
Is living at home and teaching in Waterloo.
32 Roy Hoats
Normal Eyte 15:18, p.285
Visited Normal on Friday.
33 That the true Normal spirit is
Normal Eyte 15:14, p.211
Roy Hoats is teaching in a Waterloo high school.
34 Roy Hoats
Normal Eyte 15:2, p.30
Will teach in Waterloo.
35 Roy Hoats
Normal Eyte 14:34, p.543
Has done well at West Waterloo.
36 Roy Hoats
Normal Eyte 14:23, p.358
Teaching in East Waterloo.
37 Roy Hoats
Normal Eyte 14:23, p.366
Substitute teaching in East Waterloo.
38 Roy Hoats
Normal Eyte 14:13, p.207
Roy Hoats is visiting his grandparents.
39 Roy Hoats
Normal Eyte 14:12, p.182
Roy Hoats has returned to Cedar Falls.
40 Pigskins christened; our long-haired warriors win
Normal Eyte 14:5, p.76
Normalites defeat Eldora and Waterloo.
41 Roy Hoats
Normal Eyte 14:4, p.55
Roy Hoats is teaching in the Boys' Industrial School.
42 June graduates
Normal Eyte 13:35, p.557
Roster of those who will receive degrees or certificates.
43 The tennis tournament
Normal Eyte 13:34, p.537
Several Normalites participated in the tournament at Iowa City.
44 Notes on the trip
Normal Eyte 13:33, p.519
Observations on the athletics activities in Illinois.
45 Normal Eyte election; important event occurs in near future- candidates at work--a large attendance will insure good officers
Normal Eyte 13:21, p.321
Brief profiles of candidates; urges students to take an interest.
46 Tennis
Normal Eyte 13:17, p.263
Outlook for upcoming tennis squad looking good.
47 Athletic benefit edition; next week is a Special Edition- special articles by Director Affleck, Captains and Managers
Normal Eyte 13:16, p.242
Special sports edition to be written next week in order to help the Athletic Association pay its debts.
48 Society
Normal Eyte 13:12, p.183
Chrestos presented literary program; Zetas enjoy music; Alphas hear papers; Shakes present advertising program; Aristos hear papers.
49 There is a time for everything, and just now seems to be the time for candidates for positions on the Normal Eyte staff
Normal Eyte 13:11, p.161
Candidates beginning to appear for Normal Eyte staff.
50 Ames-Normal debate; seventh annual debate between Normal and State college fiercely contested
Normal Eyte 13:10, p.148
Ames defeated ISNS; series now stands at 4-3.