Hogan--Michael J. (Class of 1965)

Displaying 1 - 5 of 5 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Alumni Association honors achievements
Northern Iowa Today 20:2, p.4
Biographical sketches of Heritage Honours winners; photo.
2 UNI Alumni Association honors alumni Saturday
Northern Iowan 88:51, p.3
Will hold 36th Heritage Honours banquet; announce Alumni Achievement and Service Awards.
3 Alumni awards for University of Northern Iowa to be presented (Saturday) April 11
Public Relations News Release 1991:528, p.1
36th Heritage Honours Program will be held April 11. Major awards will be presented to alumni and friends of UNI.
4 Win Merchant Scholarships
Alumnus 56:3, p.11
Mary Barnett, Anne Chien, Michael Hogan, and Virginia Miller win Merchant Scholarship.
5 Four UNI Grads Awarded Merchant Scholarships
Public Relations News Release 1971:508, p.1
The scholarships total $5,520.