Hoing--Willard L. (Classes of 1950 and 1956)

Displaying 1 - 3 of 3 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 VISTA workers to recruit here
Northern Iowan 65:15, p.8
VISTA recruiting team is on campus this week, led by alumnus Dr. Willard Hoing; description of VISTA activities.
2 The retiring president of the College, Malcolm Price, conferred 182 B. A. degrees and awarded 94 diplomas at the summer commencement, August 10
Public Relations News Release 1950:7, p.

Malcolm Price awarded the honors and prizes and Martin J. Nelson, dean of faculty, presented the candidates for degrees and diplomas. The summer graduation list follows.

3 Bachelor of arts
Old Gold 0:0, p.223
List of graduates; photo.