Hollingsworth--Annalee Mayre [Student--2013]

Displaying 1 - 7 of 7 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 UNI's "mini comic con" coming in April
Northern Iowan 112:45, p.4

The third-annual RodCon will take place in Rod Library on April 2; photos.

2 Rod Library receives award for mini-ComicCon
Public Relations News Release 2014:214, p.1
The RodCon committee at UNI has been awarded the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) College Libraries Section (CSL) Innovation in College Librarianship Award for their work on the RodCon 2014 program.
3 Rod bands together for Banned Books Week
Northern Iowan 111:8, p.4

The Rod Library celebrated Banned Books Week by holding book readings and other events on campus; photo.

4 Heroes convene at Rod
Northern Iowan 110:46, p.1
Rod Library hosted a Mini Comic Con event with about 1,200 people in attendance. The event featured several different discussions as well as artwork and a costume contest. Comic shops The Core and Limited Edition sponsored the costume contest; photo.
5 UNI panel to explore portrayal of women in comics
Public Relations News Release 2013:198, p.1

UNI will host the panel discussion "Representations of Women in Comics: How Women are Drawn, Dressed, Desired and Discarded". The event will lead up to the Rod Library's Mini Comic-Con event. The event is free and open to the public.

6 Mini comic con to soar into Rod Library
Northern Iowan 110:36, p.1
The Rod Library is hosting a mini comic con on March 29. There will be several speakers and events leading up to it. This event is meant to show the public that the Rod Library and their services are available to everyone in the community.
7 Rod Library hosts games to battle hunger
Northern Iowan 110:8, p.1
Rod Library hosted its Third Annual Cedar Valley Hunger Games. Non-perishable food and toiletry items were donated to the Iowa Food Bank. The Games were modeled after the book and film series "The Hunger Games". Teams 15 and 16 tied for first; photo.