Holmblade--Amy Jean (Home Economics Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 15 of 15 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Milwaukee Handicraft project will be exhibited here soon
College Eye 37:40, p.1
May be of interest to design and home economics classes.
2 Home economics trends will be studied in workshop
College Eye 37:35, p.1
Description of the workshop.
3 Dean Nelson announces workshops
Public Relations News Release 1946:177, p.1
Workshops for teaching home economics and physical education for women will be held this summer.
4 Faculty
Old Gold 0:0, p.57
Photos of the faculty.
5 Holmblade visits Ames
College Eye 37:32, p.1
For committee work.
6 Management home is open to public Sunday
College Eye 37:31, p.3
7 Holmblade attends Des Moines conference
College Eye 37:27, p.2
8 Stokerizing is home management feat
College Eye 37:25, p.3
Women talk about getting life under way in the new Home Management House at 2203 Campus Street.
9 Faculty attend home economics special meetings
College Eye 37:24, p.1
Attend association committee meetings.
10 Home Ec girls to face home problems
College Eye 37:19, p.1
Six women and an instructor will live in a house at 2203 Campus Street.
11 Fifteen new members added to college staff
Alumnus 29:4, p.9
Short biographical sketches of new staff members.
12 Women's League to honor new faculty women and wives in the Georgian Lounge
Public Relations News Release 1945:229, p.1
Honorees named for the reception. Committee for the Women's League announced.
13 New faculty members added at Iowa State Teachers College
Public Relations News Release 1945:228, p.1

The education and experience of the twenty two new faculty members shared.

14 New instructors to fill positions this fall quarter
College Eye 37:1, p.6
Brief profile of new faculty.
15 Many new faculty members will begin work next fall
College Eye 36:43, p.1
Brief profiles of new faculty.