Holmes--George Henry (Public Relations Director)
Displaying 1 - 50 of 510 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Colloquia on teacher education A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.205 |
The college holds colloquia for school superintendents. | |
2 | President Seerley retires; an assessment A Century of Leadership and Service 1:0, p.428 |
President Seerley is honored at his retirement in 1928; Professor Lang offers an assessment of his achievement; photo. |
3 | Former employees die UNI Century 10:3, p.2 |
William V. Anthony and George H. Holmes die. | |
4 | George H. Holmes Alumnus 66:4, p.31 |
Died October 14, 1981. | |
5 | Former director dies Northern Iowan 78:20, p.4 |
George Holmes, former director of university relations, died October 14 at the age of 80; photo. | |
6 | Former UNI P. R. director George Holmes dies Public Relations News Release 1981:98, p.1 |
A memorial service will be held for George Holmes. Holmes was director of University Relations for forty two years prior to his retirement. |
7 | This was 1972-1973--remember; Northern Iowan pictorial panorama Northern Iowan 69:55, p.5 |
Picture essay on the school year. | |
8 | UNI names new vice president and provost Alumnus 56:3, p.36 |
James G. Martin succeeds H. W. Reninger as academic vice president; Dr. Pendergraft and Dr. Anderson will return to the classroom; Don Kelly will head Public Information; photo. | |
9 | George Holmes reminisces Alumnus 56:3, p.7 |
Mr. Holmes recalls the UNI presidents with whom he has worked and the various challenges that UNI has faced; photo. | |
10 | New director takes office Northern Iowan 67:62, p.5 |
Don Kelly succeeds George Holmes; biographical sketch of Mr. Kelly. | |
11 | New Director and Name for University Relations Office at UNI Public Relations News Release 1971:704, p.1 |
University Relations Office becomes the Office of Public Information Services starting July 1, 1971. | |
12 | Recognition dinner held for retiring UNI official Public Relations News Release 1971:644, p.1 |
George H. Holmes was honored at a dinner on May 22 in the Union by 80 former students, former staff members and friends. | |
13 | Recognition Breakfast Planned to Honor Retiring, Resigning UNI Staff Public Relations News Release 1971:593, p.1 |
The 13th annual event will be held May 15th in the Commons. | |
14 | Holmes to retire Alumnus 56:2, p.17 |
George H. Holmes will retire after forty-two years of service. |
15 | Public Information Services under new directorship Northern Iowan 67:45, p.1 |
Don Kelly will replace George Holmes; brief sketch. | |
16 | Regents Appoint New Director of UNI Public Information Services Public Relations News Release 1971:526, p.1 |
Donald A. Kelly has been approved as director of Public Information Services at UNI, effective July 1. | |
17 | UNI Administrator Achieves High Honor Public Relations News Release 1969:8, p.1 |
Holmes has been awarded the status of accreditation by the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA). | |
18 | Publications Board discusses Senate hearings on budget Northern Iowan 64:43, p.8 |
Debates idea of Student Senate having control of budget. | |
19 | Old Gold sales 1100, 2100 copies ordered Northern Iowan 64:35, p.1 |
Board considers sales of yearbook and other matters. | |
20 | No lights--doors bang, administrators use candles Northern Iowan 64:23, p.1 |
Electrical system out for about fifty minutes; problems are minor. | |
21 | Board of Control approves policy statement additions Northern Iowan 64:22, p.5 |
Policies deal with potentially offensive material. | |
22 | UNI--what it means to be a university College Eye 64:2, p.6 |
Administrators offer views. | |
23 | Amended Eye statement receive senate's approval College Eye 63:56, p.6 |
Outline policy of editorial positions.. | |
24 | Board of Control discusses editorial College Eye 63:46, p.1 |
Considers editorial policy that seems to favor letters from students over those from faculty. | |
25 | Board for Student Publications discuss layout of Seven College Eye 63:33, p.1 |
Eye budget increased; consider elimination of advertising in Old Gold; talk about design of Seven. | |
26 | Holmes named to 'Hall of Fame' Alumnus 52:1, p.7 |
George Holmes was honored by the Public Relations Association. Mr. Holmes began work in 1927 and was appointed Director of Publicity Service at Iowa State Teachers College in 1929. He has served in public relations and college relations since that time; photo. | |
27 | Writing for newspapers is offered College Eye 60:45, p.5 |
Will assist in writing SCI news releases. | |
28 | Maucker attended AICP meeting in Marshalltown College Eye 60:4, p.4 |
Dean Lang also led some discussions. | |
29 | Normal's 'Normal Eyte' born in 1892; today SCI's EYE goes semi-weekly College Eye 59:19, p.1 |
Brief history of the student newspaper; George Holmes talks about its past and speculates on its future; photo. | |
30 | College sponsors 2-day public relations workshop College Eye 58:31, p.4 |
150 expected to attend. | |
31 | Teacher must lead pupil to truth, joy of discovery College Eye 57:38, p.2 |
There is more to teaching than just giving information. | |
32 | Public relations workshop to consider school bonds College Eye 57:35, p.1 |
Highlights of upcoming workshop. | |
33 | Harlan and Bina recipients of Big Oil Can Awards College Eye 57:28, p.6 |
List of award winners at Gridiron Dinner; photo. | |
34 | SLB members assist in fight for increased aid to state colleges College Eye 57:14, p.3 |
Students present their views to their Congressmen. | |
35 | Do you know a Miss Kimmins? College Eye 56:40, p.2 |
Expresses thanks to a former teacher. | |
36 | Public Relations to interpret curriculum changes College Eye 56:36, p.1 |
Math, science, and communications experts will meet with workshop participants. | |
37 | Phillips, Burritt are awarded journalism's 'Big Oil Cans' College Eye 53:29, p.3 |
List of small oil can winners also announced; photo. |
38 | Staff assists student paper thru summer College Eye 52:41, p.1 |
Thanks to those who assisted. | |
39 | Public relations workshop speaker announced Public Relations News Release 1960:423, p.1 |
Professor Philip Pitruzzello of the University of Chicago is named speaker for the twelfth annual School Public Relations Workshop. G. H. Holmes is responsible for workshop enrollment. | |
40 | CR office establishes ISTC fame College Eye 52:30, p.4 |
A look at the work of the College Relations Office; photo. | |
41 | Name change only one of many historic events noted in Alumnus Alumnus 46:2, p.2 |
Short history of alumni newsletters and magazines on campus; photo. | |
42 | ISTC to host summer workshop on schools of the future Public Relations News Release 1960:286, p.1 |
The School Public Relations Workshop is sponsored by the Iowa State Education Association. School board members, PTA representatives and common citizens are invited to the workshop, will cover teaching technologies of the future. | |
43 | Annual School Public Relations Workshop held at ISTC Public Relations News Release 1960:271, p.1 |
Registration begins for the Twelfth Annual School Public Relations Workshop, where speakers will share visions of the future of education. Topics include the use of teaching technology, classroom layouts, and school scheduling. | |
44 | ACCIA committee chairmen announced by Dr. Poage College Eye 52:21, p.1 |
List of committee members. | |
45 | ACCIA committee chairmen chosen at ISTC Public Relations News Release 1960:244, p.1 |
Student chairmen are selected for the All College Conference on International Affairs. The conference committee consists of Professor George Poage, Ann Williams, Ann King, Jim Daman, Banlue Tinpangka, Edward Throne, and Paul Bender. | |
46 | 14 ISTC staff members to participate in ISEA competition Public Relations News Release 1960:84, p.1 |
Fourteen faculty members are to speak at the Iowa State Education Association convention in Des Moines. Members of the departments of education, psychology, industrial arts, mathematics, and language are to attend. | |
47 | 14 ISTC staff members to participate in ISEA competition Public Relations News Release 1960:83, p.1 |
Fourteen faculty members are to speak at the Iowa State Education Association convention in Des Moines. Members of the departments of education, psychology, industrial arts, mathematics, and language are to attend. | |
48 | Gifted difficult for teacher College Eye 51:36, p.1 |
Excerpts from remarks of Philip Jackson at PR workshop; photo. | |
49 | 'Creativity' PR workshop theme College Eye 51:35, p.1 |
Program for the workshop. | |
50 | Boards Govern Communications Old Gold 0:0, p.158 |
The Board of Control of Student Publications is the governing department of all student publications. The board selects the executive staffs of the Old Gold and College Eye and see that they function properly. KYTC is governed by the Board of Control of Student Broadcasting. They select the staff and determine policies the station will fallow. |