Homan--Thomas Benjamin (Class of 1914; Education Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 43 of 43 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Thomas B. Homan
Alumnus 37:3, p.27
Died on May 6, 1953.
2 Thomas B. Homan
Alumnus 22:1, p.22
Private consulting psychologist in Kansas City, Missouri.
3 Department of Education
Old Gold 0:0, p.22
Roster; photo.
4 Homan may save woman from gallows
College Eye 16:19, p.8
In a local court case, Professor Homan gives the opinion that a woman who allegedly murdered her stepson is insane.
5 Homan's charts used in mowing down vile weed
College Eye 16:19, p.3
Professor Homan demonstrates effects of smoking.
6 Prof. Homan will place Lady Nicotine under fire tomorrow; has made survey of sixty-four cigarette smokers on campus
College Eye 16:18, p.1
Will talk about effects of smoking on physical and mental condition.
7 Many faculty members attend state convention; alumni dinner a real success, many professors on educational program
College Eye 16:11, p.1
Many faculty take part in program.
8 Following are the study centers held
College Eye 16:3, p.8
Locations of study centers and faculty members who taught at each one.
9 Square and Compass Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.209
Names of officers and members; group organized in 1921; photo.
10 Faculty
Old Gold 0:0, p.28
Photos and names of faculty members.
11 Results of psychology experiments made known; three classes given test; by student conductors
College Eye 15:32, p.1
Conduct reading tests in psychology classes.
12 Prof. Short and Prof. Homan
College Eye 15:26, p.8
Judged a debate in Independence.
13 Mrs. T. B. Homan
College Eye 15:15, p.8
Is in the hospital after accidentally falling out of a car.
14 Mrs. T. B. Homan
College Eye 15:11, p.8
Returned from spending time with her family.
15 Mr. T. B. Homan
College Eye 15:9, p.8
Will be speaking in Council Bluffs.
16 Prof. Homan
College Eye 15:9, p.8
Spoke at a mixer in Waterloo.
17 Mr. T. B. Homan
College Eye 15:8, p.8
Spoke at the opening of the Viola Consolidated Schools.
18 Class officers
College Eye 15:7, p.1

Roster of officers.

19 Prof. T. B. Homan
College Eye 15:6, p.8
Spoke to the Business Men's Club.
20 There were nine study centers
College Eye 15:5, p.8
Instructors and the locations of the centers.
21 Mr. T. B. Homan
College Eye 15:5, p.8
Attended the funeral of his father-in-law.
22 Mrs. T. B. Homan
College Eye 15:4, p.8
Returned home due to father's illness.
23 Education
Old Gold 0:0, p.22
Photos of the current faculty members; photo.
24 First Year Junior College
Old Gold 0:0, p.142
Officers and roll for the first year Junior College program; photo.
25 Faculty favorites
Old Gold 0:0, p.192
Popular faculty members; photo.
26 First year Junior College
College Eye 14:36, p.5
Party held in the Gymnasium.
27 Prof. and Mrs. Homan
College Eye 14:25, p.8
Visited Waterloo.
28 Who is the most popular faculty member?
College Eye 14:23, p.1
Professors Homan and Campbell honored in Old Gold balloting.
29 Favorites
College Eye 14:23, p.3
Students cast large number of votes for favorite faculty; Professors Homan and Campbell win.
30 The battle of the windmills
College Eye 14:18, p.1
Sarcastic review of debate between Smith Brookhart and Clyde Herring.
31 Prof. Homan's chapel talk
College Eye 14:15, p.4
Praises presentation given by Professor Homan during chapel services.
32 Department of education
Old Gold 0:0, p.21
Description of department, members; photo.
33 The Chicago N. E. A.
Alumni News Letter 6:2, p.7
The National Education Association meeting is held in Chicago, Illinois. Professors in attendance include F. E. Fuller, E. J. Cable, E. L. Ritter, C. C. Swain, J. B. Paul, R. R. Hollingsworth, T. B. Homan, H. S. Buffum, A. C. Fuller, and C. H. Meyerholz.
34 Faculty dine with city business men
College Eye 13:26, p.1
Brief account of the meeting and dinner.
35 The following
College Eye 13:24, p.8
Many ISTC faculty attended the National Educational Association meeting in Chicago.
36 Good time for Clough boarders
College Eye 13:6, p.3
Group attended Cattle Congress.
37 Appointments
Alumni News Letter 5:4, p.2
Individuals listed by department.
38 New teachers
College Eye 13:2, p.8
Brief information on several of the new faculty.
39 Changes in faculty
College Eye 13:2, p.7
Roster of resignations and additions.
40 T. B. Homan
Alumni News Letter 3:4, p.6
Homan is teacher at State Normal School at Duluth, Minnesota.
41 Alumni granted degrees
Alumni News Letter 2:3, p.4
Alumni were granted degrees at State University of Iowa during the year.
42 Thomas B. Homan
College Eye 4:12, p.6
Is superintendent at Griswold.
43 T. B. Homan
College Eye 2:22, p.6
T. B. Homan, Griswold, visited campus.