Homer's Brigade (Column)

Displaying 1 - 5 of 5 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Fatty junk foods exploit meaning of holiday season
Northern Iowan 91:25, p.7
Searches for Christmas spirit.
2 Time for change, choices, the two buck conversion
Northern Iowan 91:23, p.7
Random thoughts.
3 Significant other no substitute for a warm blanket
Northern Iowan 91:21, p.7
Pleasures of an electric blanket.
4 'Life . . . a veritable pot-pie universe'
Northern Iowan 91:17, p.11
Pot-pie analogies to life.
5 Going, going, get lost, loser
Northern Iowan 91:14, p.9
On losing things.