Hopkins--Harold (Class of 1929)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 64 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 The Panthers--1927 version
Alumnus 31:4, p.4
1927 football team; photo.
2 Harold Hopkins
Alumnus 29:4, p.21
Resides at Anaheim, California. He is head of the Physical Education Department and coaches football in the public schools there.
3 Mable Taylor, Harold Hopkins
Alumnus 29:2, p.23
Is teaching typing and shorthand in the Santa Ana Senior High School, Santa Ana, California. She was employed in the Placement Bureau at The College and then taught in Ottumwa. Harold Hopkins is coaching at Anaheim, about seven miles from Santa Ana.
4 Alumni win in tourney . . . .
Alumnus 23:2, p.15
Teachers college alumni are coaches on winning high school basketball teams.
5 Serves first year with prep team
College Eye 30:25, p.4
Three out of four teams that reached the semi-final round of the state high school basketball tournament in Des Moines were coached by former TC students.
6 Harold Hopkins
Alumnus 21:4, p.26
Director of physical education and coach at the high school in Creston, Iowa.
7 Tutors down Alumni nine
College Eye 28:35, p.6
The Tutor baseball team defeated the Alumni All-Stars, 4-0.
8 Coach Whitford picks and all-star baseball team
Public Relations News Release 1932:268, p.1
The 1933 baseball team will be composed of men he has coached for at least two years and beginning as far back as 1926.
9 Alumni visitors
College Eye 21:18, p.4
Roster of recent visitors.
10 Baseball and track letters awarded
College Eye 20:37, p.6
Roster of letter winners.
11 Graduates
Old Gold 0:0, p.49
Graduate photos.
12 Student Council
Old Gold 0:0, p.40
Officers and sponsors of the Student Council; photo.
13 Football
Old Gold 0:0, p.146
Schedule and player profiles; photos.
14 Basketball
Old Gold 0:0, p.153
Summary for the season and player profiles; photos.
15 T. C. Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.166
Officers and members; photo.
16 Inter-Fraternity Council
Old Gold 0:0, p.276
Sponsors, officers, and representatives; photo.
17 Lambda Gamma Nu
Old Gold 0:0, p.281
Honorary members, associate members, chapter roll, and pledges; photo.
18 Four tutors play their last game
College Eye 20:35, p.3
Seniors play their last baseball game.
19 Many graduates receive positions
College Eye 20:35, p.1
Roster of where recent graduates obtained positions.
20 Lambda Gamma Nu
College Eye 20:34, p.6
Pledges on probation, visitors, spring dance, teaching contracts signed.
21 Lambda Gamma Nu
College Eye 20:30, p.6
Visits home, visitors, and correspondence from alumni.
22 Lambda Gamma Nu
College Eye 20:29, p.6
Members visit Iowa City and Chicago, intersorority dance, intramural track meet, visitors, and pledge announced.
23 Nine cagers win basketball awards
College Eye 20:26, p.6
Letter winners.
24 Lambda Gamma Nu
College Eye 20:26, p.5
Visit family, visitors expected, two members on Minnesinger trip.
25 Untitled
College Eye 20:25, p.4
Members of the basketball team; photo.
26 Lambda Gamma Nu
College Eye 20:25, p.3
Roster of officers.
27 Lambda Gamma Nu
College Eye 20:23, p.8
House party, dances, basketball tournament, and visitors.
28 Two Tutor cagers sing swan song
College Eye 20:21, p.6
Howard "Tuffey" Flowers and Harold "Stix" Hopkins will play their final games for T. C.
29 Haberichter still holds conference scoring lead
College Eye 20:20, p.4
Top fifteen point getters in the Iowa Conference. Team member statistics.
30 Grid men receive football awards
College Eye 20:18, p.4
Roster of men receiving awards.
31 Lambda Gamma Nu
College Eye 20:15, p.6
Officers elected; visitors; members visit home towns.
32 The Pedagogues triumphant
College Eye 20:14, p.6
Teachers College football team; photo.
33 McCuskey to captain 1929 grid squad; twenty gridders awarded letters
College Eye 20:13, p.6
Roster of men awarded letters.
34 Nine gridders in farewell game
College Eye 20:12, p.4
Brief profiles of the players.
35 Lets honor these men Saturday---they play their last home game for the purple and gold
College Eye 20:9, p.6
36 Cagers hold initial court drill tonight
College Eye 20:8, p.6
Roster of students trying out for the team.
37 Lambda Gamma Nu
College Eye 20:7, p.5
Activities of the members.
38 Student Council elected and making plans
College Eye 20:5, p.1
Vote tallies; roster of officers.
39 Student council to be chosen by popular vote
College Eye 20:4, p.1
Roster of candidates.
40 Student representatives
Old Gold 0:0, p.129
Senior students selected as most representative of certain qualities such as beauty and scholarship.
41 The Copperhead
Old Gold 0:0, p.172
"The Copperhead" was performed in June 1927 for Commencement. Cast; photos.
42 T. C. Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.157
Honorary members; members; purpose; photo.
43 Harold Hopkins
Old Gold 0:0, p.137
44 Lambda Gamma Nu
Old Gold 0:0, p.275
Honorary members; members; pledges; photo.
45 Lambda Gamma Nu
College Eye 19:23, p.8
Fraternity happenings.
46 Something to think about
College Eye 19:23, p.5
Students' reactions to question: Do you think that the graduating classes from year to year should have one standard ring, and do you think they should be bought during the Junior year?
47 Personnel of the basketball team
College Eye 19:23, p.6
Team roster.
48 Lambda Gamma Nu
College Eye 19:14, p.8
Officers announced; member activities.
49 Lambda Gamma Nu
College Eye 19:3, p.8
Fraternity's change of address and recent happenings.
50 Sophomore B. A.
Old Gold 0:0, p.100
Class photo; roster of officers and class roll.