Hosier--Max M. (Education Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 37 of 37 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 30th annual recognition breakfast May 7 to honor 23 long term Northern Iowa employees.
Public Relations News Release 1988:397, p.1

The University of Northern Iowa will honor its long-term employees who have retired or resigned within the 1987-88 fiscal year, at 30th annual Recognition Breakfast.

2 Fund established for Max Hosier's retirement
Northern Iowan 84:50, p.4

Planning to celebrate Professor Hosier's work.

3 Regents approve acting dean for UNI college; other business
Public Relations News Release 1985:155, p.1

Stockdale named acting dean of CSBS, replaces Morin; Dennis acting head of Dept of Industrial Tech while Bro serves as Fulbright Scholar; approved phased retirements of Hosier and Zahari; approved projects with the DOT; approved three grants to UNI.

4 Department prepares students to teach
Old Gold 0:0, p.18
The Department of Curriculum and Instruction prepares teachers in many areas; photo.
5 Curriculum and Instruction
Old Gold 0:0, p.21
Curriculum and Instruction focuses on early childhood education, elementary education, middle school/junior high, high school education, and driver's education. It also operates a reading clinic and instructional laboratory for special education; photo.
6 UNI Reading Association
Northern Iowan 72:23, p.9
Professor Hosier will speak.
7 C & I receives grant renewal
Northern Iowan 72:1, p.7
Professor Ratekin will direct continuation of reading program.
8 Wagner publishes
Northern Iowan 71:35, p.9
Professor Wagner publishes eleventh book in game series.
9 "Education doesn't have to be dull"
Northern Iowan 69:18, p.4
Professors Wagner and Hosier publish successful series of workbooks.
10 Wagner writes magazine article
Northern Iowan 69:1, p.9
Guy Wagner and Max Hosier write article on creative activities.
11 Behind the scenes
UNI Quarterly 3:2, p.84
Collection of brief articles about recent events and activities; photo.
12 Third Annual Beginning Reading Conference to be at UNI
Public Relations News Release 1971:544, p.1
350 Iowa teachers of reading and language arts are expected to attend the third annual Beginning Reading Conference April 30 on campus.
13 UNI sends three delegates to White House Conference
Northern Iowan 67:24, p.1
Will attend Conference on Children.
14 UNI to Have Three Delegates at White House Conference
Public Relations News Release 1970:248, p.1
The conference details on "Children in Washington D.C." and wil be attended by two UNI professors and a student.
15 Applicants selected for summer reading institute
Northern Iowan 64:57, p.5
16 Faculty members publish
Alumnus 51:4, p.9
List of recent publications.
17 US Office of Education approves NDEA Institute
College Eye 63:17, p.1
The National Defense Education Act Institute for Advanced Study in Reading will be held at SCI during the 1967 summer session.
18 Game book by instructors to be published
College Eye 60:62, p.3
19 Wagner, professors complete books series
Alumnus 50:2, p.12
Series is for elementary school children; photo.
20 Professors complete series of books to teach children
College Eye 59:26, p.5
Complete series on educational games.
21 SCI staff members publish new books
Alumnus 48:4, p.5
List of authors and their work.
22 Ide, three professors have books published
College Eye 58:6, p.4
Arthur Ide publishes book of poetry; Professors Wagner, Blackman, and Hosier publish book of language games.
23 Hastings, Dreier top officers in local ISEA
College Eye 56:31, p.3
List of campus NEA chapter officers.
24 Price Elementary School to hold math conference
Public Relations News Release 1960:322, p.1
Professor Guy Wagner presides over the Elementary School Mathematics Conference at Price Laboratory School. Faculty speakers include Ross Nielsen, George Immerzeel, Richard Lattin, Owen Nelson, Max Hosier, Mildred Norris, and Ruth Hutcheson.
25 ISTC to offer extension course(s) here
Public Relations News Release 1960:197, p.1
Twenty extension courses are offered during the spring semester for credit toward a bachelor's or master's degree and certificate renewal for teachers. Classes and instructors listed.
26 Elementary leaders to meet at ISTC
Public Relations News Release 1960:164, p.1
Professor Mary Scott is keynote speaker at the annual elementary school leaders conference. Professors R. T. Lattin, Harry Beck, William Dreier, Max Hosier, and F. E. Martindale sit on the conference planning committee.
27 ISTC faculty and area teachers to attend mathematics conference
Public Relations News Release 1960:32, p.1
Professors Augusta Schurrer, Max Hosier, and Glenadine Gibb attend a two-day orientation conference for the School Mathematics Study Group with twenty-three area math educators.
28 Two math profs asked to write for science group
College Eye 51:32, p.2
Professors Hosier and Gibb will work with NSF grant group at Stanford University.
29 Teaching Department has Eight Student Teacher Centers
Northern Iowan 0:0, p.107
The Teaching Department has five training schools that arrange for student teachers to learn on site. A new one added to the list was the Iowa Braille and Sight Saving School in Vinton.
30 37 on faculty promoted; 17 to "full prof"
College Eye 50:34, p.1
Roster of promotions.
31 Teaching Department Conducts Electronics Seminar
Old Gold 0:0, p.113
The Electronics Seminar for physical science, which was an experiment, was conducted; the Iowa Braille and Sight Saving School at Vinton was an added student teaching center; photo.
32 Phi Delta Kappa, Newest Honorary
Old Gold 0:0, p.211
Description of the fraternity that was installed on campus in the Spring of 1957; photo.
33 Teaching Supervises Student Teachers
Old Gold 0:0, p.93
Description of the role that the teaching department takes during the training of new teachers. Also, there are photos of the faculty and locations of the schools where the students are trained; photos.
34 Education president elected
College Eye 43:33, p.1
Irvin Brune elected ISTC ISEA president.
35 Teaching
Old Gold 0:0, p.162
Brief description of the department with photos of the faculty and of students in a classroom; photo.
36 Nine new instructors start new duties today in four departments
College Eye 43:1, p.7
Brief profiles of new faculty.
37 The appointment of nine new faculty members at the college was announced this week
Public Relations News Release 1951:20, p.1
Newcomers in teaching include Don Barnhart, Beverly Jane Butrem, Max Hosier, Betts Ann Roth, and Edith Ennis.