Hovet--Theodore R. (English Faculty)
Displaying 1 - 50 of 58 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | New book celebrates Midwestern woman; text dedicated to UNI professor Public Relations News Release 2006:0, p.1 |
Barbara Lounsberry is being honored for nearly three decades as a professor and scholar at UNI. | |
2 | Looking to future for the NI Northern Iowan 95:27, p.6 |
Columnist looks to the future of the NI and says thanks to many for their influence. | |
3 | John W. Johnson Campus News Network 6:17, p. |
Faculty members wrote various articles. | |
4 | Changes in the administrative structure, staff, and procedures A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.407 |
President Kamerick sets up divisions under vice presidents; Provost Martin engages in debate over tenure and promotion standards; photo. |
5 | University's faculty respond generously to campaign Northern Iowa Today 22:2, p.6 |
Faculty contribute to campaign; contributions of Professors Grace Ann and Ted Hovet and Professor Evelyn Wood noted; photo. | |
6 | Five UNI faculty receive Regents Excellence Awards Campus News Network 4:20, p.1 |
Theodore Hovet, Syed Kirmani, Timothy O'Connor, Joel Wells, and Mahmood Yousefi received Regents Award for Faculty Excellence. | |
7 | English Honor Society initiates new members at University of Northern Iowa Public Relations News Release 0:567, p.1 |
Nineteen new member of Sigma Tau Delta were initiated at UNI. Students listed. | |
8 | Professional leaves announced Campus News Network 4:14, p.1 |
Fall, spring, and academic year leaves are announced for 1994-1995. | |
9 | Award recipients in University of Northern Iowa Critical Essay Competition announced Public Relations News Release 1992:541, p.1 |
Essay contest winners are announced. | |
10 | Assignment UNI Public Relations News Release 1992:472, p.1 |
Activities at UNI are listed, however the listing is not necessarily complete. | |
11 | Spring Hearst Lecture Series focuses on Midwestern life and literature Public Relations News Release 1992:298, p.1 |
UNI scholars to present during spring Hearst lectures. | |
12 | University of Northern Iowa students have works published in "Draftings" Public Relations News Release 1991:627, p.1 |
UNI students can see their works in print. They have been notified that their writings have been published in the University's journal entitled "Draftings". Authors listed. | |
13 | Panel on critical theory and practice Campus News Network 2:7, p.2 |
Informal interest group established. | |
14 | Inductions held for Sigma Tau Delta national honor society Northern Iowan 87:21, p.1 |
Twenty-one students inducted into Sigma Tau Delta English honor society. | |
15 | Pulitzer Prize winner to keynote University of Northern Iowa 'Student as Critic' Conference Friday (April 6) Public Relations News Release 1989:506, p.1 |
William Kennedy speaks at the UNI Auditorium for the eighteenth annual Renninger lecture, sponsored by the Department of English Languge and Literature. | |
16 | University of Northern Iowa's journal of student research and writing, 'draftings,' presents two new volumes. Public Relations News Release 1989:213, p.1 |
"Drafting in Economics: Major Themes," and "Draftings in Interactive Reading," encompassing nine student essays, were published recently at the University of Northern Iowa. The issues are the first and second to be published as the fourth volume. | |
17 | Essays appear in UNI student journal Northern Iowan 86:15, p.6 |
Draftings In offers opportunities for student publication. | |
18 | Writing conference is today Northern Iowan 85:49, p.5 |
Schedule for the Student as Critic Conference. | |
19 | Interrelationship of writing to all academic disciplines, variety of other topics to be featured in Northern Iowa's annual 'Student as Critic.' Public Relations News Release 1988:386, p.1 |
The Conference focuses on critical writing and thinking. Best selling novelist Kurt Vonnegut will be the topic of several programs. List of conference sessions and who presenting. | |
20 | Best selling novelist Kurt Vonnegut to headline 'Student as Critic Conference' at University of Northern Iowa Friday (April 7) Public Relations News Release 1988:382, p.1 |
"How You Can Get a Job Like Mine" will be Vonnegut's topic. His address is also in honor of H.W. Reninger. Vonnegut will participate in an informal discussion with Loree Rackstraw. | |
21 | ACLU is not seeking publicity Northern Iowan 85:35, p.2 |
Objectives of the ACLU. | |
22 | University of Northern Iowa announces statewide essay competition. Public Relations News Release 1988:265, p.1 |
More than $1000 in cash prizes, scholarships and publication of winning entries will go to the winners of the Iowa Student as Critic Eassy Competition. | |
23 | Essay contest deadline nears Northern Iowan 85:30, p.6 |
Prizes total over $1000 for Student as Critic Conference. | |
24 | First issue of "dead letter' published; English Club withdraws sponsorship Northern Iowan 83:59, p.8 |
Apparent dispute between the English Club and those working on the magazine leads to severing of relations. | |
25 | Iowa Student as Critic Conference Public Relations News Release 1987:308, p.1 |
Over five-hundred students attended thirteen sessions conducted by faculty members were held as part of the Iowa Student as Critic Conference. These sessions covered topics like film, literature, history, and writing. | |
26 | Regents approve improvements Northern Iowan 83:40, p.5 |
Will renovate Redeker plaza; recommends funding for boiler; John Ketter will retire; Rollin Evers will resign; approve appointment of Lowell Norland; approve phased retirement for five faculty; approve PDLs; photo. |
27 | Faculty approves new Gen. Ed. Program Northern Iowan 83:21, p.1 |
After sharp debate, faculty passes new program, 142-113; text of new program. | |
28 | American problems to be discussed Northern Iowan 82:62, p.1 |
Ted Hovet will be part of NEH-funded statewide discussions. | |
29 | Workshops to develop critical thinking, reading, writing skills featured at Iowa student as critic conference at UNI April 11 Public Relations News Release 1986:320, p.1 |
There will be sixteen workshops with a number of different topics offered at the sixth annual conference; all but five of the workshops are taught by UNI professors; evening activities include a reception, a lecture, and an awards ceremony. | |
30 | Teaching couple juggles careers, marriage Northern Iowan 82:9, p.15 |
Profile of Grace Ann and Theodore Hovet. | |
31 | Hovet to speak on feminist theology Northern Iowan 81:41, p.5 |
Preview of Professor Hovet's presentation. | |
32 | Women's history events Northern Iowan 81:38, p.11 |
Glenda Riley talks about upcoming events; photo. | |
33 | History lectures are for everyone Northern Iowan 81:5, p.18 |
A look at this year's lectures. | |
34 | UNI seminar to analyze self-discovery Northern Iowan 80:48, p.8 |
Ted and Grace Ann Hovet will teach seminar on American literature. | |
35 | Liberal arts characterized Northern Iowan 80:18, p.6 |
Ted Hovet talks about employers' needs for liberal arts graduates. | |
36 | Faculty refer petition to committee Northern Iowan 79:40, p.3 |
Ask committee to report on Old Administration Building; establish committee to produce evaluation form for top administrators. | |
37 | Club starts literary magazine Northern Iowan 79:9, p.14 |
English Club hopes to start literary magazine. | |
38 | English serves as background Old Gold 0:0, p.29 |
A good English program prepares students in a variety of careers and provides an excellent background; photo. | |
39 | Assertiveness required in English job hunt Northern Iowan 78:52, p.5 |
Faculty and alumni offer advice. | |
40 | Heller answers Hovet Northern Iowan 78:18, p.2 |
Heller is happy that students do in fact care about what professors think and do. | |
41 | 'UF understands' Northern Iowan 78:17, p.2 |
A representative from United Faculty responds to a previous letter. | |
42 | Questions United Faculty understanding of teaching Northern Iowan 78:16, p.2 |
Professor Hovet is critical of United Faculty. | |
43 | English Club creates contacts Northern Iowan 77:19, p.4 |
Group re-organizes. | |
44 | English Club expands education Northern Iowan 77:7, p.5 |
Professor Lounsberry talks about the purposes of the club. | |
45 | Why we support UNI/AFT Northern Iowan 73:21, p.10 |
Professors offer their opinions. | |
46 | Hardee's can't sleep Northern Iowan 73:12, p.2 |
Believes food service was better at the Union when it was handled by the university. | |
47 | Washington tour fun and educational Northern Iowan 72:46, p.6 |
Photo essay on the Washington trip; students and faculty see the sights and talk with dignitaries; photo. | |
48 | Regents approve leaves; 15 faculty granted Northern Iowan 72:45, p.3 |
List of faculty and their projects. | |
49 | Hovet named Northern Iowan 72:4, p.5 |
Professor Ted Hovet named to editorial board of "American Studies". | |
50 | Hovet on images Northern Iowan 71:35, p.5 |
Professor Ted Hovet publishes an article on Harriet Beecher Stowe. |