Howard--Donald F. (Class of 1931; History Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 193 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 UNI to host annual Becker Lecture, Sept. 30
Public Relations News Release 2009:62, p.1
"Soapboxes, Shakespeare, and Socialism: The Emerging Radicalism of A. Philip Randolph" will be the topic delivered by Eric Arnesen, professor of history at The George Washington University.
2 30th Annual Carl L. Becker Memorial Lecture in History to be held Wednesday, Sept. 24
Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.1
Paul Schroeder's topic of lecture will be the role of American diplomacy in world affairs.
3 More developments that transformed University of Northern Iowa during its 125-year history
Northern Iowa Today 85:1, p.10
Faculty and administrators comment on the historical growth of UNI; photo.
4 Graduate work at the Teachers College
A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.185
The College establishes the framework for graduate study; photo.
5 The University of Northern Iowa Foundation launches a capital fund drive
A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.463
Detailed account of raising money for the Dome; controversy about funding the Dome before and instead of the fine arts auditorium; early events in the Dome; photo.
6 Changes in the administrative structure, staff, and procedures
A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.407

President Kamerick sets up divisions under vice presidents; Provost Martin engages in debate over tenure and promotion standards; photo.

7 Capital improvements, 1950-1970
A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.333
A survey of new and renovated classroom, administrative, dormitory, and service buildings; new art on campus; the Lechay painting; the NAR; photo.
8 Minority group relations at SCI/UNI
A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.255

Detailed account of attempts by the UNI administration to recruit and relate to African-American students; photo.

9 The evolution of the institution
A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.212
Establishing the PDL system; defeat of an honor system; the theft and cheating ring; coordination with the other Regents universities; the change from ISTC to SCI and then to UNI; the organization of the colleges; photo.
10 Major curriculum changes
A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.193
President Maucker attempts to include a greater exposure to international views into the curriculum with conferences and expanded foreign language and culture courses; photo.
11 Seerley Hall seminar room dedicated for former dean
Northern Iowa Today 23:1, p.4
Brief biographical sketch of Don Howard; photo.
12 Seerley room dedication
Northern Iowan 91:23, p.1
Photo of former President Maucker (misidentified as Don Whitnah) and President Curris at Don Howard Room dedication ceremony; photo.
13 Seminar room dedication for former UNI Dean
Northern Iowan 91:22, p.2
Ceremony will dedicate room in Seerley Hall in memory of Professor Donald F. Howard.
14 Seminar room dedication for former Dean to be held November 9 at University of Northern Iowa
Public Relations News Release 1994:136, p.1
Donald Howard will be honored by having a seminar room named for him.
15 Seerley seminar room to bear former UNI professor's name
Northern Iowa Today 21:1, p.7
Alleen Howard donates $50,000 as memorial to her late husband Don Howard.
16 Acknowledgments
A Century of Leadership and Service 1:0, p.
Professor Lang credits those who helped him in the research and writing of the centennial history.
17 University loses long-term faculty members: Donald F. Howard
Northern Iowa Today 73:2, p.33
Biographical sketch of Professor Howard, who died July 28, 1990.
18 Whitnah to resign headship
Public Relations News Release 84:58, p.1
Professor Whitnah looks back on his work; photo.
19 Lang to be recipient of honorary degree
Northern Iowan 83:56, p.1
Will be seventh recipient of a UNI honorary degree; colleagues pay tribute to his achievements.
20 Education's higher value
Alumnus 67:4, p.5
Professor Howard looks at myths about higher education.
21 Peace Studies show alternatives
Northern Iowan 78:31, p.4
Professor Roberts is teaching a course in peace studies this semester.
22 Those were the days
Alumnus 66:4, p.10
Memories from the Classes of 1931, 1941, and 1956; photo.
23 Homecoming/Reunion weekend 1981
Alumnus 66:4, p.8
Activity highlights; photo.
24 Excuses, excuses; they can be fun
Northern Iowan 77:56, p.10
Faculty recount excuses that they have heard from students.
25 'War fervor ails U.S.'
Northern Iowan 77:29, p.6
Professor Howard delivers lecture on US involvement in war; believes many could have been avoided.
26 UNI peace studies seminar to move location due to large crowds
Public Relations News Release 1980:342, p.1
The Peace Studies program organized by Rusty Martin will be moved to a larger room due to the success of student attendance.
27 Peace studies to start
Northern Iowan 77:27, p.5
Rusty Martin starts seminar series.
28 UNI student forms 'Peace Studies Seminar'
Public Relations News Release 1980:321, p.1
Student Rusty Martin organized a seminar on the causes and cures of international conflict. The seminar will have guest speakers on a wide variety of topics and students can receive a one hour credit.
29 Parade to begin at 2 p. m.
Northern Iowan 75:14, p.5
William Lang and Don Howard will be parade marshals.
30 Bill Lang changes job titles again
Alumnus 63:1, p.16
Professor Lang will take emeritus status this spring; extensive tribute to his years of service to UNI; photo.
31 Faculty continues debate
Northern Iowan 72:39, p.1
Faculty express confidence in Senate; approve motion to cease committee work until "ground rules for effective participation" can be worked out; confidence vote on Kamerick administration postponed.
32 Pendergraft is--essentially a teacher
Alumnus 60:2, p.17

Professor Pendergraft will retire at end of 1975 summer session; review of his career at UNI; photo.

33 Claims Hansmeier was treated unfairly
Northern Iowan 71:36, p.2
Professor Howard believes that Vice President Hansmeier was not give a chance to present his side of the issue.
34 Eight on staff named outstanding
UNI Century 2:3, p.2
List of professors named "Outstanding Educators of America for 1974".
35 Eight UNI educators are honored
Northern Iowan 70:52, p.14
Roster of those honored as "outstanding educators of America".
36 Committee member raps CSC criticisms
Northern Iowan 70:49, p.3
Counters Professor Howard's criticism of Chaney appearance.
37 Three grads added to honor list
Alumnus 58:3, p.3
Sketches of Alumni Achievement Award winners; photo.
38 UNI to hold workshop
Northern Iowan 69:40, p.7
Tenth annual AEOP conference to be keynoted by Professor Howard.
39 More thoughts in search of a connection
Northern Iowan 69:10, p.3
Professor Wiesenfeld still does not believe that the universities have been told to make cuts.
40 Faces old and new fill posts at UNI
Alumnus 57:3, p.10
Short sketches of those appointed to administrative positions; photo.
41 Regents appoint department heads, dean
Northern Iowan 68:55, p.6
Robert Morin will be dean of CBBS; Jerry Smith will head music; James Schnur will head curriculum and instruction; profiles.
42 Wiesenfeld's diagnosis of Howard's ideas
Northern Iowan 68:37, p.4
Professor Wiesenfeld attempts to refute Professor Howard's contentions relating to faculty unions.
43 A reply to Howard
Northern Iowan 68:33, p.3
AFT finds Professor Howard's positions inconsistent.
44 Record Number of Candidates Scheduled to Receive Degrees at UNI Summer Commencement
Public Relations News Release 1971:730, p.1
550 students will be on hand for summer commencement.
45 Record Number of Candidates Scheduled to Receive Degrees at UNI Summer Commencement
Public Relations News Release 1971:732, p.1
550 students will be on hand for summer commencement.
46 Dean Howard on appropriations cut
Northern Iowan 67:58, p.1
Dean Howard issues statement of effects of cut; photo.
47 "Preview UNI" Acquaints New Students, Parents with Life at UNI
Public Relations News Release 1971:699, p.1

Around 1600 student and 950 of their parents are scheduled to visit the campus during the summer for "Preview UNI". The program conisists of 9 two-day programs, beginning June 24 and lasting until July 30.

48 Commencement Exercises to be Held Friday at UNI
Public Relations News Release 1971:655, p.1
Separate commencement ceremonies will be conducted by each of UNI's four undergraduate colleges. Around 1100 students will be candidates for degrees.
49 UNI Historical Association
Northern Iowan 67:39, p.5
Professor Howard will speak.
50 UNI has 493 Degree Candidates at Summer Commencement
Public Relations News Release 1969:723, p.1
Summer commcement figures; Purple and Old Gold awardees; list of candidates for degrees, their degrees, and their majors, listed by states and hometowns.