Hulin--Willys O. (Student--1933)

Displaying 1 - 42 of 42 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Marian Jepsen will wed Willys Hulin here Saturday
College Eye 27:53, p.3
2 Coach Dickinson awaits warm weather before starting the outdoor drills for his track squad
Public Relations News Release 1934:981, p.2
Season outlook and schedule.
3 Wonder who will be the most valuable Tutor athlete in 1947?; bronze plaques tell sports history since 1929
College Eye 26:22, p.4
Plaques installed in Men's Gymnasium list most valuable athletes.
4 Trackmen pile up high scores
Alumnus 18:3, p.21
Win seventh consecutive conference championship; season wrap-up.
5 Athletic trophies presented at special assembly
Alumnus 18:3, p.24
Letters, MVP awards, and other honors announced for 1933-1934 season; photo.
6 Varsity track squad
Old Gold 0:0, p.250
1934 schedule, season highlights, outstanding athletes, and squad members; photos.
7 Approximately 288 students will be candidates for graduation from the Iowa State Teachers College
Public Relations News Release 1934:515, p.5
Program for the fifty-eighth annual spring commencement.
8 The Iowa State Teachers College wins the Iowa loop track championship seven times in a row
Public Relations News Release 1934:516, p.1
Picture of the track team.
9 Twenty-three trackmen and fourteen baseball players win monogram sweaters
Public Relations News Release 1934:522, p.1
L. L. Mendenhall announced the winners.
10 The Iowa State Teachers College will compete in Decorah
Public Relations News Release 1934:488, p.1
Program for the track meet.
11 81 men will compete for the Iowa loop track title
Public Relations News Release 1934:496, p.2
Program for the event.
12 Coach A. D. Dickinson will take twelve men to the State Collegiate track meet
Public Relations News Release 1934:471, p.1
The meet will be on Saturday at Grinnell. Names of men and the events they in which they will be competing.
13 Two relay teams entered in the Drake relays
Public Relations News Release 1932:444, p.1
The annual Drake relays is to be held this Friday and Saturday at Des Moines and two relay teams from the college have been entered.
14 Trackmen place in three events at Hastings tilt
College Eye 25:39, p.4
Tutors place in pole vault, 880 yard relay, and the hundred yard dash.
15 Coach Dickinson nominates twenty-five to enter relays
Public Relations News Release 1932:431, p.1
For the new collegiate section of the annual invitational relays to be held this Saturday, Dickinson has chosen twenty-five men to compete against the other collegiate teams.
16 Six men to represent college at relays
Public Relations News Release 1932:407, p.1
The fourteenth annual Hastings college relays to be held on Saturday, April 14, at Hastings, Nebraska. Coach Dickinson is to enter six men to represent the college, a relay team and three for special events.
17 1934 track team prepares for season
Public Relations News Release 1932:397, p.1
Coach Dickinson's track team has been drilling outdoors for the last two weeks to prepare to compete for their seventh consecutive track championship.
18 Athletes awarded honors at special program
Alumnus 17:3, p.19
Honored at all-student assembly; Roger Willert wins Berg Trophy; winners of other MVP awards noted; roster of letter winners; photo.
19 Track squad wins conference
Alumnus 17:3, p.21
Won conference title for sixth consecutive year; 1933 season wrap-up.
20 Trophy winners are announced; Gooden, Willert, Hulin and Johnson receive awards
College Eye 25:1, p.1
Berg Trophy winners announced.
21 "I" Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.189
Officers, history, purpose, and members; organized in 1927 when athletic letter changes from TC to I; photos.
22 Teachers varsity track 1932
Old Gold 0:0, p.141
Season highlights and meet results; photos.
23 Letter and award presentation
Public Relations News Release 1932:316, p.1
The varsity and freshman basketball and wrestling teams, last falls freshman football team, freshman baseball, and numeral winners from track and tennis were honored in a special all-student assembly.
24 Nine men to compete in South Dakota
Public Relations News Release 1932:298, p.1
The eleventh annual South Dakota relays are on May 5 and 6. Coach Bender's track team will compete in eight different events.
25 Varsity and freshman track
Public Relations News Release 1932:306, p.1
Saturday May 13, varsity and freshman track teams will compete with Coe and Cornell colleges in their annual triangular meet.
26 Twelve men nominated for the Drake relays
Public Relations News Release 1932:287, p.1
Bender announce the nominations of twelve track men to participate in the Drake relays in Des Moines on April 28 and 29.
27 Track team plans to go to Drake Relays
Public Relations News Release 1932:279, p.1
Coach Bender announced Wednesday the plans to take ten to twelve men to the 1933 running of the Drake Relays.
28 Trackmen win fifth conference victory
Alumnus 16:3, p.20
1932 season wrap-up; Paul Grier is Berg Trophy winner; roster of letter winners; team photo.
29 Sophomore B. A. and B. S.
Old Gold 0:0, p.88
Photos and names of the Class of 1934.
30 Coach A. D. Dickinson
Public Relations News Release 1931:394, p.1
Triangular track meet with Coe and Cornell is hosted by Mount Vernon.
31 Coach A. D. Dickinson
Public Relations News Release 1931:364, p.1
Plans to take nine tracksters this weekend to Sioux Falls for the Dakota Relays.
32 Track squad is entered in Kansas Relays; Dickinson enters men in two special events and one relay
College Eye 23:39, p.4
Six men will travel to Lawrence, Kansas, to represent ISTC in the Kansas Relays; photo.
33 Coach Art Dickinson, two individual performers, and a half-mile relay team
Public Relations News Release 1931:326, p.1
Leave for Kansas Relays.
34 Prospects for a powerful Iowa State Teachers College track team
Public Relations News Release 1931:287, p.1
Rainy weather forces track team indoors; other problems for the team include tracksters who graduated last year.
35 Sixty trackmen drilling for Kansas Relays
Alumnus 16:2, p.19
1932 season preview.
36 By way of diversion
Public Relations News Release 1931:74, p.1
During halftime of the football game against Luther, a miniature track meet will be held.
37 Freshmen excel in track and baseball
Alumnus 15:3, p.22
1931 freshman season wrap-ups; photo.
38 Freshman Class
Old Gold 0:0, p.100
Class roll; photos.
39 Xanho
Old Gold 0:0, p.272
Officers, members, and pledges; photo.
40 Iowa State Teachers College freshman ball players
Public Relations News Release 1930:398, p.1
Team plays at Mason City Junior College.
41 Iowa State Teachers College freshman tracksters
Public Relations News Release 1930:394, p.1
Team prepares for meet against Grinnell.
42 Both varsity and freshmen nines
Public Relations News Release 1930:364, p.1

Baseball team plays St. Olaf and Carleton.