Humanist Club
Displaying 1 - 50 of 75 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Humanist Club to hold meeting Sunday at 8 College Eye 41:27, p.4 |
The topic for discussion will be "Is Literature Obsolete?" | |
2 | Socratic method used in Humanist discussion College Eye 41:26, p.2 |
The topic for the discussion will be "What Does Humanism mean to Me?" | |
3 | Humanist Club to hear Kolstoe on Sunday College Eye 41:23, p.7 |
The title of his presentation will be "You and Your Dreams." | |
4 | Humanist Club meets Sunday at Commons College Eye 41:22, p.7 |
A panel discussion on "What is the greatest problem facing the world today?" will be held at the meeting. | |
5 | Humanist Club urged to hear Martin Grant College Eye 41:21, p.2 |
No regular meeting will be held so students may attend the talk by Martin Grant on "Science and Religion." | |
6 | Bernhard will discuss philosophy of Aquinas College Eye 41:19, p.7 |
Final meeting of the winter quarter will be held. | |
7 | Winier set to speak for Humanist Sunday College Eye 41:18, p.7 |
His subject will be "Science and the Supernatural." | |
8 | Bigelow was guest speaker for Humanists College Eye 41:16, p.6 |
Leslie Bigelow discussed the book "Of Human Destiny." | |
9 | Braddock to discuss atheism with humanists College Eye 41:14, p.3 |
The topic of his talk will be "The Need for a Philosophy of Life." | |
10 | Humanist Club meets College Eye 41:11, p.4 |
First meeting of the winter quarter will be held; Professor Guest will speak. | |
11 | Humanists hear Harris College Eye 41:9, p.1 |
His topic for the evening's presentation will be "Marxism and Communism." | |
12 | Humanists meet Sunday College Eye 41:8, p.1 |
13 | Humanists will meet College Eye 41:7, p.8 |
Speaker for the evening will be Dr. Robert Strain. | |
14 | Humanists meet Sunday College Eye 41:6, p.7 |
The Rev. George Steele will speak on "Four Men Look at One Faith." | |
15 | Humanists elect officers for fall College Eye 41:4, p.4 |
Chris Vogel will be the speaker at the next meeting. | |
16 | Humanists will elect officers at 1st meeting College Eye 41:3, p.4 |
Will also make plans for upcoming year. | |
17 | Humanists plan picnic for Sunday evening College Eye 40:29, p.6 |
18 | Humanists won't meet College Eye 40:28, p.6 |
19 | Dr. Gerard to discuss 'socialized medicine' College Eye 40:27, p.4 |
At Humanists Club meeting. | |
20 | Humanists will discuss 'Socialized Medicine' College Eye 40:26, p.1 |
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Strayer will lead discussion. | |
21 | Humanist Club will hear Larkin Sunday College Eye 40:25, p.3 |
Will speak on modern art. | |
22 | Larkin to talk on art to Humanist's club College Eye 40:24, p.8 |
23 | Rabbi Meyer to speak to Humanist's Club College Eye 40:21, p.6 |
24 | Dr. Ahlquist will speak to Humanists College Eye 40:20, p.6 |
Will discuss humanism. | |
25 | Mrs. Grant to speak to humanists Sunday College Eye 40:19, p.7 |
Will speak on ethics in the home. | |
26 | Humanists to discuss 'The Last Judgment' College Eye 40:18, p.3 |
Joe Albrecht will lead discussion. | |
27 | Bultena will speak to Humanists Sunday College Eye 40:17, p.8 |
Will speak on ethics. | |
28 | Boren will discuss "Morals for Today" College Eye 40:16, p.3 |
At Humanist Club meeting. | |
29 | Humanists' Club will discuss sex and ethics College Eye 40:14, p.4 |
30 | Dr. Reninger to speak to Humanists on ethics College Eye 40:12, p.3 |
31 | Harvard follows example; starts Humanists' Club College Eye 40:12, p.7 |
32 | Humanist's Club plans discussion of ethics College Eye 40:11, p.8 |
Professor Reninger will speak. | |
33 | Triplett is elected Humanists Club prexy College Eye 40:10, p.6 |
34 | Fox to tell what's wrong with democracy College Eye 40:8, p.8 |
Will speak to Humanist Club. | |
35 | Van Engen to speak at Humanists Club College Eye 40:7, p.6 |
36 | Karl Kough to speak to Humanists Club College Eye 40:6, p.8 |
Will speak on Bahai. | |
37 | Bahai church leaders to speak on religion Public Relations News Release 40:4, p.6 |
At Humanist Club meeting. | |
38 | Dr. Grant will speak to Humanists Club College Eye 40:3, p.4 |
Will speak on morality. | |
39 | Bigelow to address humanist's meeting College Eye 40:2, p.4 |
Leslie Bigelow will discuss the dilemma of modern man. | |
40 | Humanists Club will elect fall officers College Eye 40:1, p.7 |
41 | Humanists' Club to have final meeting College Eye 39:41, p.1 |
Will discuss personal philosophies. | |
42 | Scott to criticize religious liberalism College Eye 39:40, p.4 |
43 | Civey to address Humanists this Sunday College Eye 39:39, p.3 |
The Reverend Civey will speak on liberal religion. | |
44 | Hunter to address Humanists on Sunday College Eye 39:38, p.1 |
Will speak on religion. | |
45 | Joan Smith, Bodein speak to Humanists College Eye 39:34, p.1 |
46 | Dr. D. Howard to speak to Humanists College Eye 39:33, p.8 |
Will speak on "The Indefiniteness of History". | |
47 | Humanist Club Old Gold 0:0, p.240 |
Brief description of the group; photo. | |
48 | Last three students in Who's Who Old Gold 0:0, p.136 |
Three students everyone should know. Brief biographies; photo. |
49 | Campus Personalities Old Gold 0:0, p.130 |
Three active students on campus that people should know; photo. | |
50 | Humanists Club elects Albrecht chairman College Eye 39:32, p.3 |